Soon after her separation, at Kelly’s urging, Amber began a self-help program. She started working out and watching what she ate. She signed up for classes at the community college, mostly to have a purpose and give her something to do in the evenings. Kelly encouraged her to work out, eat healthy, and date.
Amber wants to get in shape; Kelly is right there to help, and exercises with Amber often. When they started, Kelly suggested they both weigh-in and take measurements of themselves to track their progress. Kelly has them both put on a swimsuit for their measurement session. Amber’s swimsuit is a two-piece bikini but not one of the skimpy types. Kelly’s swimsuit, on the other hand, is tiny. The bottom is a thong with her ass cheeks visible.
They measure each other, taking careful notes on a pad. Kelly measures Amber first, beginning at the top with her breasts. She runs the soft cloth measuring tape right over the center of her titties. It pushes against her nipples. Amber feels Kelly lightly brush against her breast, as she adjusts the tape. Kelly notes the measurement and moves to Amber’s waist, and then her hips. Amber feels Kelly’s fingers brush against her ass lightly, as Kelly makes sure the measuring tape is at the correct location. Amber is a bit flushed. It is not really anything sexual, but she has never felt the soft touch of a woman on her body before. She is looking forward to measuring Kelly.
Kelly hands her the tape. Amber runs it around Kelly’s large titties. Kelly’s swimsuit is barely wider than the tape measure. Amber makes sure it is in the right place and makes sure her fingers brush against Kelly’s titties. She does not spend too much time measuring Kelly’s waist and heads right to her ass. Here she lets her open hand smooth the tape over Kelly’s firm, bare butt cheeks. When Amber is behind Kelly, she cannot help but notice a small tattoo of a rose on her ass. “Wow, cool tattoo, but it’s in a place only your lover or your gynecologist can see.”
“It’s just a hint of naughtiness. You should think about a little tattoo back there too.”
“Did it hurt?”
“Yes a little, but I enjoyed sticking my ass in the face of the tattoo guy.”
“Let me think about it.” She likes the idea of it being back there but is a bit of a sissy when it comes to pain.
They both enjoy the measuring session and agree to measure often. Amber is thinking, it couldn’t be too often for me. There was not much touching between them, but it was exciting.
Next, it is time to weigh. Kelly says, “It is important to weigh often to keep track of your progress and keep you motivated.” Kelly has already weighed earlier, but volunteers to help Amber with her initial weigh in. “Amber, you need to slip your swimsuit off to weight. You want it to be accurate. You should weigh at the same time of the day, usually in the morning.”
“Naked?” Amber says with a little gasp.
“Absolutely, you want an accurate measurement,” Kelly says with a straight face, while chuckling to herself inside.
Amber is a little self-conscious, as she removes her top, exposing her titties. Amber can see Kelly looking right at them. The bottom of her swimsuit is next. There is no stopping now. She is flushed a little again, as she steps out of the bottom. Stepping on the scale, Amber thinks it is bad enough to be a couple pounds overweight, but having to weigh in front of Kelly is depressing. This is going to be super motivation to get in shape. Kelly is noting the weight, but also taking in Amber’s nakedness. Kelly wishes they were both naked. Amber feels very unclothed and puts her swimsuit back on quickly.
“Amber, we are going to have to do something about that bush.”
“Yeah, all that hair on your pussy; it’s much nicer and smoother when you shave it bare.”
“You shave your pussy?” Amber is surprised…this is all new to her.
“Of course! When you’re in the shower shaving your legs, just keep the razor going and include your pussy. You’ll love the smoothness, and guys will love being able to see your pussy better.”
Kelly then suggests they go to the tattoo shop after work tomorrow. “Not to get one yet, but to meet the guy and look at the designs.”
Amber is nervous but curious about it. She knows she needs some changes in her life, but she is not sure having a guy stick colored needles in her ass is the right kind of change.
After work the next day, as they agreed, the girls head to the tattoo shop where Kelly got her butt artwork done. The tattoo artist is covered in tattoo. Kelly says, “The tattoo guy sees titties, pussy, and ass all the time. Getting a tattoo on your butt is not going to bother this guy.”
There are hundreds of pictures of artwork that can be done as a tattoo. They look through a book with flowers. Amber is not ready to do it, but the little yellow rose does appeal to her. It is cute and conservative. The tattoo artist suggests it be put on her butt cheek; it will only be seen if she is wearing a thong or less.
Kelly tries to convince Amber to go for it, but Amber is not ready and wants to wait.
“Not a problem Amber, there is a bar a couple doors down, let’s go have a drink and talk more about it. Remember getting a tattoo is completely up to you.”
At the bar, Kelly orders margaritas and a shot of tequila for each of them. They sip their margaritas but shoot the tequila in one swallow.
“Amber, I know you want that little yellow rose on your ass. All you need is a little liquid courage to help you.”
“Liquid courage? You mean tequila courage. How many shots do you think it will take?”
“At least one more, but to be on the safe side lets order a double.” Kelly has the bartender bring them each a double shot. Kelly is already figuring they are going to need a ride home from the tattoo guy, because they are going to be toasted.
After they finish the margarita and all the tequila, Amber announces, “I’m ready to pull my panties down, aim my pussy and ass at that guy, and get my little yellow rose.” The girls stumble their way back to the tattoo shop. He takes them into the private room. Amber pulls her panties down, raises her skirt, and leans over the support. Her ass is aimed right at the guy. Kelly is thinking, Amber is going to be pissed at me tomorrow. Amber is thinking, I’m glad Kelly got me to do this. The tattoo artist is working and looking right at the crack of Amber’s ass. He can see her pussy a little. He is thinking, god I love my job.
The next time Amber is in the shower shaving her legs, she takes Kelly’s advice and shaves her pussy bare. It was much more difficult than she thought. Trying to get around all the folds without cutting herself was not easy. She did get it done and is amazed at how bare she feels and how soft and smooth she is. Once out of the shower she gets a small hand mirror to check it out. Amber has seen girls in porn videos with shaved pussies. She had no idea regular girls do it too. She loves the feel of it and catches herself touching it whenever she is naked.
Later that day, she goes to the supermarket, wearing jeans and no panties. Pushing the grocery cart, her jeans rubbing her pussy is feeling great. In fact, it is getting her wet and aroused. She found if she wiggles just right, one of the seams of her jeans rubs her clit even better. She walks the aisles and wiggles back and forth to keep the stimulation going. A stock clerk sees her roaming around, comes up to her, and asks her if she needs help finding something. He volunteers to help her.
The only thing he could have done for her right then is to take her behind the big display of T P and fuck her. She thanks him and continues a couple more laps, getting her pussy off somewhere between the turnips and the rutabagas. From that day on, all the male clerks smile at her whenever she comes into the store.