Driving to their meeting place, Amber’s mind again goes back a dozen years to when she was fresh out of high school. She reflects on her question at the coffee shop about what went wrong. Tom is a couple years older than she is and was a year ahead of her in high school. He is tall, handsome, and has a great tan from working outdoors most of the time. By the time she graduated from high school, Tom already had a job with a construction company. He had not bothered to go to college. They were married when she was nineteen; he was twenty-one. Maybe they were too young.
Amber started at the local college shortly after high school. She did not have any goals for herself nor any idea what she should even major in. Her college time was unproductive and ended halfway through her sophomore year. She quit college and went to work, not long after she married Tom. There was never enough money causing conflicts between them.
Tom had been a high school jock and was happy to keep right on being a jock. Working construction, laying concrete, or building fences, was Ok with him, even though there was no real chance of advancement. He liked working and drinking beer with his buddies. Only in the last couple of years had Amber figured out that not only was he laying concrete, but he was also laying whatever female was handy at the time. She figures she tried to save the marriage longer than she should have. He was fine ignoring her, while chasing other girls in his endless desire for new pussy.
Amber confided in her Grandma Ester about her troubles with Tom. She is extremely close to her Grandma Ester. Grandma had babysat Amber, off and on, the first thirteen years of her life. They played together while Amber was growing up and still enjoy each other’s company frequently. At the age of seventy-six, Grandma Ester is still on the spicy side. When Amber told her about her problems with Tom, Grandma Ester said, “Are you crazy? Dump the bastard. There are plenty of other men out there. You are special Amber; you will have no problem finding a better guy.”
Amber separated from Tom after ten years of marriage. They divorced two years after their separation. Fortunately, they had no children, which was part of their problems. Amber had always wanted children; Tom was never ready. Her biological clock was ticking; she felt she was running out of time. Her prospects have not improved much. In the couple years since her separation, she has not had a serious relationship. She had some dates and had some fun but nothing like a meaningful relationship.
At the time of her divorce, Amber was a little overweight and out of shape. She was so disillusioned she considered becoming a Lesbian. She had seen adult videos of girl on girl sex, and she had some curiosity about it. Even though, she could not imagine doing it with another female herself.
Amber pulls into the parking place where she is meeting with Kelly. Amber thanks her lucky stars for having met her. Kelly is more than a working partner; she is her best friend. Amber can talk to her about anything. Kelly has heard all the horror stories about Tom. She has also been a solid friend to keep Amber on track to get her life in order.
After her separation from Tom, Kelly invited Amber to move in with her. Amber and Tom lost the small home they were buying in the real estate meltdown. Kelly’s house has plenty of room, and she can certainly use the rent money she charges Amber. The house has three bedrooms and two baths. Each girl has their own TV and computer in their bedroom. They try to give each other space. They occasionally have a meal together, but mostly, they are on their own. The house has a big backyard, which is completely private. The deck is a perfect place to lie out in the sun. One of them has occasionally been naked on a chaise lounge, but they have never done it at the same time.
There have been a few other instances where one or the other is only partially clothed. Amber enjoys seeing Kelly almost nude…it is all very harmless. Amber has convinced herself, her feelings about Kelly are normal because they are so close to one another. Nothing has happened between them. Still, Kelly’s smooth skin and nice figure linger in Amber’s mind.
At the new home for sale, Amber and Kelly review their new real estate listing. They make a list of property highlights and small improvements needed to make it more marketable. They are experts at getting properties in top condition, and they work well together.
Looking at the property, Kelly suggests, “When we sell this place, maybe we can use part of our commission to take a trip.”
“A trip, where?”
“I was thinking of a week at an all-inclusive resort in the Caribbean. One of those resorts where you hang out on the beach all day, drinking tropical drinks. Then all night finding hot guys.” She has a mischievous smile.
“How do you know about such a place?”
“There was an ad in a magazine, and then I went online and found out more. Let’s chat about it at home; I’ll show you the website.”
Amber knows she is not kidding, and it certainly sounds like a pleasant week. They have not had a vacation in over a year. They agree to plan a Caribbean vacation later in the evening at home. When they finish what they needed to do at their new listing, Amber heads back to the office. Kelly leaves to drive to her nail appointment…a frequent and favorite ending of the day.