"Currently, our brand's exclusivity only caters to those who seek us out. Either by word of mouth or internet searching."
June took a sip of her wine and let it settle on her tongue as she enjoyed the notes.
"Having a public store will allow more visibility, even among clients that don't seek out the best of the best or have never heard of us."
"Let's face it. Malls cater to many facets of society, from the wealthiest to the not-so-wealthy."
He finished his steak and moved his plate to the side.
The waiter comes by to clear the dinner plates.
"Would you like a dessert menu?"
Paul looked at her and lifted a hand and his eyebrows. She laughed before responding.
"No, but thank you. I have to maintain this girly figure somehow."
"Then how about another glass of wine?" he inquired.
"Wine has fewer calories, so yes," she replied, polishing off the last sip in her glass.
She handed it to the waiter, and he left.
Paul settled his chin on his hands and gave her a flirtatious look.
He’s so handsome.
"Well, now. I would like to know more about the CEO that runs this jewelry business. Tell me something about yourself."
He sat back in his chair as the waiter set their glasses down. He took a sip of his and raised it to her.
"Go on."
June returned the toast and took a swill. She could sense he wanted more than her company's business.
"While I might be the heir to my family's fortune, I didn't start there. I went to the academy but worked as a janitress during my first year."
His eyes explored her mouth as she spoke.
"I have held virtually every position in my company."
She perceived his face as being a bit slack jaw, showing surprise.
"I didn't take you as such. That's really surprising to hear from a CEO."
She chuckled.
"Not many CEOs would do such a thing. However, I wanted to be able to lend more credibility to the position and more value to my company."
Taking another sip of his wine, he placed his glass on the table and leaned in, staring at her. He really is quite a specimen. Extremely handsome and such a gentleman.
"I will tell you something about myself. I started with a small strip mall and worked my way up there. Maybe not the same as you, but I am self-made." His voice had a hint of arrogance in it, and he sat up straighter.
June does like a man that has worked hard. It means he scratched and bartered to get where he is. She bet he is a fucking beast in the sack. She had no interest last night, remembering Claire’s big news break across Instagram.
Tonight, on the other hand…
He has every right to be arrogant regarding his company. She bet they could have so much fun together.
She glanced at him, giving him a bit of a seductive smile, and then looked away.
The return smile and his gaze made her ooze wetness. She wondered if this Alpha would like to fuck her?
She knew she would like to get after him, but it was just a bit too early right now. She just met him, for crying out loud.
"It takes a real alpha to do that. Believe me; I watched my father build Sapphire on his back."
"All I know is that I’ve worked hard, and I usually get what I want," he said.
June watched as he finished the remaining gulp of his wine and set his glass down.
“Check, please,” he snapped to the waiter. "May I?"
"Well, I can get my own," she responded hastily.
"Of course, you can. But I insist."
He accepted the check from the waiter and returned it with his card, flashing her that debonair smile.
‘Damn. Hunky, handsome!’
"I'd be lying if I didn't say that I would enjoy your company—in both regards," he grinned at his double entendre.
"This has been fun. And thank you for the meal; it wasn't necessary," she playfully encountered.
"May I see you again?" He stood and offered his hand, helping her up from her seat. "We could further discuss the possibilities of a partnership. This one and otherwise."
He kissed her hand before releasing it.
The sound of his voice is so seductive and mesmerizing to June. She felt a tingle rise through her arm, and her heart jumped when his lips touched her hand for the first time this evening. She noticed a glint of desire in his eyes, betraying his intentions.
While her heart was racing in her chest, she smiled playfully before speaking.
"Of course, contact my secretary." She shot him one last bit over her shoulder as she walked away. "Partnerships are fun, but they don't come free."
“Hello, Mr. Ramsey. Ms. Foster is finishing up her meeting right now. It may be a few minutes. Please, have a seat.”
The receptionist at Sapphire’s HQ is as clean-cut as the very diamonds they sell, and Derek wouldn’t expect any less. He sat in the squeaky-clean waiting area, and his nerves were jumping around for some reason.
He knew the new CEO of Sapphire Jewelry was a woman, but there wasn’t much on the internet about her. At least, that’s what his assistants say. No pictures, hardly any articles, no social media profiles. Nothing. She’s mysterious, and it’s always interesting to come across a CEO who doesn’t care about fame.
Still, he knew he needed this win for the sake of HA Group and the sake of his own security. If her company wanted to open a branch in their new mall, it would definitely benefit both of them.
He hasn’t felt this over my head since he was a teen, sitting anxiously in a doctor’s office waiting room. He watched all the squeaky-clean name brands walk by on the polished floor—so many people with schedules packed with everything and nothing all at once.
“Mr. Ramsey?”
The receptionist walked over to him.
“Ms. Foster is ready for you now.”
She leads him toward a large conference room door; the handle is practically the size of the woman’s torso. She gently grabbed it and slid it open before ushering him in and leaving Ms. Foster and him in peace.
The woman’s back is turned; she’s facing a table toward a window covered with papers and an assortment of important documents.
“Ms. Foster, Hello. I’m—”
She spins around.
‘What? No!’
Gayle? The temptress from the club? Is she the CEO of Sapphire? How could he have overlooked something like this? How? No. He needed to get it together quickly and be professional if he would get anything done for his company.
“Derek,” he coughed out.
“Derek Ramsey.”
She walked toward him. Those hips and gorgeous legs aren’t something he could forget easily. Her smile is professional, but he can see a hint of surprise in them.
“June Foster. I know very well who you are, Mr. Ramsey.”
Derek doesn’t know what to say, but his confusion gets the best of him.
“I thought you said your name was Gayle.”
“It is, but only outside the office.”
She sat on a chair with a polished nameplate in front of it, her name is written in gold, and underneath it, Chief Executive Officer is written in a strong but delicate font.
“Let’s get to why you’re visiting me this morning. Please, have a seat.”