June couldn’t believe how sexy this guy was and how well he danced. It’s actually scarce to find a guy in a club who can actually dance. Plus, the dashing grin makes his company pretty easy.
When he first got onto the dance floor, she imagined he would just be like every other guy she’d ever danced with—all shoulders and no hips. But when he began moving, she was shocked.
He’s in front of her now, moving back and forth, eyes gliding over her body. She was a pretty good dancer who was aware of her body, so the music seemed to move through her like a spell. She’d even been told she could be hypnotic, but no one had lived up to her abilities.
The music is pulsing through the club, lights flashing on and off like lightning. He’s grinding up behind her, moving his hips back and forth with her, giving her some hot and heavy feelings.
His hands are on her shoulders as they sway to the music, slowly moving down her body. They reach her shoulders, then clutch her hands over her waist. He rubbed both sets of their hands over her thighs, and she could feel the heat rising ever higher.
His hot breath on her ear tickles.
“You’re an excellent dancer.”
June smiled, then whispered back.
“You’re not so bad yourself.”
They returned to swaying, and she thought his hands would cup her ass when he spun her around, surprising her, then pulled her in closer. Once again, their pelvises aligned, and she could feel herself getting wet.
Their foreheads were touching, and she couldn’t help but smile. The music is thumping, the words are sexy, and he starts smiling too. She hoped he could feel the heat from her middle meeting his body.
One hand embraces hers while the other goes to her hip. He starts stepping backward, then forward, forward, then backward. She matched him easily, and it started to feel like they were the only ones on the dance floor.
His breath is warm on her face, lips seeming to get closer and closer to her. She liked the chase, so she moved her mouth away from his. He moves his closer and keeps smiling.
June imagined what it would feel like to have their tongues intertwine while the music blasted—
Suddenly, the song is over. They’re still embracing when a different song comes on, but she can feel herself sweating and running out of breath. He notices, then pulls backward.
“Do you want to rehydrate?”
She nodded, laughing. “I think that’s a good idea.”
He took her by the hand, and they moved through the crowd to the bar. They stop, and he raises two fingers at the bartender.
“Two whiskey and cokes?”
He glances at her, and she nods.
June felt slightly taken with this guy, though she was unsure of his intentions. She felt like she would go with it and see what happens.
They get their drinks and find a table near the dance floor. The music is pounding, and they must yell to hear each other. But at least they get to lean in close to one another.
“I’m so glad I ran into you tonight,” he yelled into her ear.
June smiled, taking a sip of her drink before speaking.
“I am too. I wasn’t expecting to find someone so interesting here.”
He takes the glass of whiskey in his hands and slams it back. Sighing, he wipes his mouth. He looks like he has something important to say, looking at her through the flashing lights without saying a word.
June shrugged. “What?”
He pauses, grins, then leans close to her, slowly speaking. “I was thinking about what it would be like to feel your body on mine without all these people around.”
She felt a shiver run up her spine, but something else she usually didn’t recognize was within it. It’s a feeling of annoyance that he would just expect sex from her. It isn’t that she doesn’t want to. She had great times with one-night stands. But tonight?
June realized that he was waiting for her to respond. His eyes shine, and that grin is still painted on his face. She leaned away from him, spinning the straw in her drink.
She thought about saying yes. A good night of sex might take her mind off Claire’s news and make her feel like a useless piece of shit. But there’s something about tonight that’s putting her off.
It’s her turn to shoot her drink down and make a run for it. She does so, then leans in to respond.
“I don’t think that will work for me tonight.”
He frowned, looking clearly disappointed. Reaching out for her hand, he started caressing it. He’s attractive and tempting. But she felt like she has made up her mind.
After a second, he leaned forward to whisper in her ear again. “I think you’d enjoy it more than you think.”
June pulled away before he got the chance to say anything else. She pushed her drink away and mouthed an apology to him. Before seeing his reaction, she grabbed her purse and turned away.
It’s challenging to get through the crowd while the music is pumped, and a sickly feeling crawls through her stomach.
Some of her think he’ll follow her through the people, as he seems like the playboy type. But she doesn’t have the patience for that tonight.
She was thinking about Claire and how everyone else, but her managed to get their lives together. She felt tears roll down her cheeks as she escaped into the outside world.
Before Derek could say anything else, the girl turned and bolted out the door.
‘What the fuck?’
He could feel his dick getting hard near her, and now she was left noticeably upset.
He saw her head moving through the crowd and considered getting up and following her.
Would that be too desperate? Would that actually work?
Some women enjoy that, but Gayle seems different.
“Fuck,” he whispered to herself.
He was hoping that a night with this sexy creature would take his mind off business matters, but all she managed to do was grab his attention and run.
He took out his phone and realized he didn’t even have her number.
“Damn it!”
She was so sexy and incredibly attractive. He felt entranced with her, like she was suddenly snapped out of it.
“Fuck it!”
The music suddenly feels too loud for him.
Derek looked around, noticing that there were many more attractive women. He could definitely get any one of them to come home with him. But there was something about Gayle. Those fucking dance moves, for one—good gracious!
He quickly got a shot of Jack Daniels, shot it down, and then went out the door. On his way, he passed his executives and gave them a nod. They’re probably a few drinks in and are at the beginning of a great night.
He heard one of them yell after him.
“You done for the night, Derek?”
Derek nodded again.
“Come on, we just started.”
He shook his head, using a cutting motion over his neck. They laugh, shrug, then return to their drinks and conversation.
He would love to get to know her, but how can he do that without leading her on? He doesn’t have time to get to know someone and be in a relationship. Is there a way he could find her and have some good sex?
He managed to hail a cab home and sit in the dark, ruminating.
Alpha Paul really got to him. That man really doesn’t know how to run a business. Negotiations are a part of the process, and it seems like he’s more interested in dick-swinging.
Derek was completely willing to open his mind, even slightly for him. But the resentment was palpable.
Paul seems to think he’s the big shit on campus because of his own business. There are probably a few things that the asshole is trying to prove as well.
Derek knew there were many people on the board who didn’t think he deserved this position. They think it was his father who put in all the hard work, while he simply took the job for the sake of the money. But it actually means something to him, and he worked his fucking ass off.
No point in being pissed, though.
Derek sighed, looking out the window as the city passed by in the night. He felt so much pressure, and it would be something special to spend the night with Gayle to release that pressure.
Sex, in general, is what I need. But talking to Gayle made him wonder about something more.
It doesn’t take long for him to get back to his house. He tipped the driver and made her way inside.
He used his fingerprint to get inside, still wondering about what could have been. Inside is a sleek and modern decorum that he loves, but he suddenly feels like it’s lacking warmth.
He felt slightly drunk, and he was considering taking a shower. He goes for it despite how late it is.
The hot water feels amazing on his body, bringing him out of his drunken stupor. He closed his eyes and could see Gayle dancing in front of him, chatting and smiling. She seems like a very interesting woman. He started asking himself a few questions.
‘Did I come on too strong?’
Derek loves to dance, and dancing in a seductive way is something most women are into. She was also a great dancer, which made our meeting feel kismet. But maybe he made an assumption because she was so sexy.
He moaned in the shower, starting to move his hands over his body, eventually getting to his now flaccid dick. It had started to rise during the dance and even during their talk in the club. Her mouth was so close to his, and it sent shivers throughout her entire body.
He played with himself for a couple of minutes, but he was too tired to actually get anything done. Instead, he climbed out of the shower, dry off, and put on a fresh pair of boxers.
Once in bed, he sighed loudly. He really hoped he could somehow find Gayle while focusing on keeping the board happy at the same time.
Suddenly he heard his phone vibrate on his bedside table. He shoots up, lunging for it in hopes that Gayle magically finds him.
But it isn’t her. It’s someone from work texting him last-minute information on the meeting in the club, probably some notes he doesn’t need to worry about until morning.
He sighed aloud again. This really isn’t his fucking night, is it?
It takes some time for him to drift off to sleep.