"Two weeks and 3 days."
Hah! That arrogant beast, he got the nerve to do those sweet things then suddenly he was out of sight!
Well I'm not looking for him or what, like duh?
"oh crap!"
I was shocked when someone tapped me on the shoulder
"The fudge Isabel! “
sHe just laughed and leaned over the bench. We are on the school grounds for the annual moon light festival, here it is held annually, and its weird I didn't know there was such a celebration that existed.
"Isn't that nice?" I turned to look at the hanging lanterns.
Well its a big yes, the whole area is decorated with different types of lanterns as well as the moon. There are booths selling moon relics and lanterns for the floating lanterns. There are many food booths selling moon cakes and sweet goodies in celebration of the moonlight festival
This night has the brightest full moon of the year. according to the people every time this night the dimension between heaven and earth opens, and the surroundings of the town shine, according to the myth the Guardian of the night comes out to witness the festivities that take place when he comes out again. It happens once a which I find cool. The university grounds are wide so it fits all the people of the town who are currently here
"It past 6 pm, Soon the lanterns will be lit let's go buy our own cass!"
Sabel pulled me to the nearby store, almost no way through the overcrowding, crowded and noisy.
"Hey! Cassie!"
I looked at the origin of its voice Maica
One of my classmates, we are pretty close to each other
"You came!"
"Visit our section booth! It's annoying, you didn't agree with the plan, you won't visit yet!"
Ours is a photo booth, there are moon backgrounds there and the costume displays are weird and scary creatures of the night, apart from being expensive the reason why I don't want it to be offensive for the moon festival, looks like a horror booth tch,
"Would it be okay to go sabel?"
My cousin smiled at me widely and I know there's something in it.
"Go ahead!" sHe brought her face close to my ear and whispered
"I'll visit the mooncake booth, the cook is so hot"
I look around the booth. Geez, she is right
"Let's go !!!"
"Geez, booth is popular in all fairness"
Maica pointed to those in the booth today taking pictures of Nathanyel, our class photographer.
We looked at the couple who was wearing a white lady costume and the man was wearing a fang, they look cute.
"Cas! You better be here!"
Nathanyel approached me,
"take my place here please, I'll just answer mom's call, they might complain .." heremoved the DSLR camera from his neck
"But, I'm not good ..."
He gavethe camera at me
"Just focus and click the red button, give me 5 mins."
And that he walk away. Geez!
"Miss? We've been waiting here "
I approached the booth and started manipulating the camera,
I pointed the lenses at the group ofwomen who was wearing a scary mask
good thing I know how to use it somehow, my brother gave me his camera before he entered Service
"Okay, pose in 3..2..1"
"How many shots do you avail?" I don't know what I'm doing.
"Just 3 shots miss .."
"Girls! Let's do look up and wacky pose!"
And they really did.
After them, I looked at where nathanyel went and it was behind the Cookie booth and still answering his call
"Okay next!"
I was stunned by the two people who entered
the Woman adjusted the man's costume, a wolf hat, while the Woman was wearing a cape like Dracula.
Vander .. Laura ...
My heart skip a beat. And when it beats again it seems like it is racing, 2 weeks I did not seehim
just now again and ...
Why am I this effected?
Fuck ..
"You look gorgeous still" Laura laughed
"You don't look bad yourself lau, it suit you really." Vander said, and he seems ... Happy,
he got the smile and light mood ..
Not the same Van who used to have a tough and serious look.
Did something happen during those two weeks involving him and laura?
Shit, why am I feeling this, like ... Needles pricking my chest?
I was distracted by the two who seemed to have forgotten those around them. Their eyes went on me. Laura's smile suddenly disappeared, so did Vander who lost any emotion.
"Oh! Cassandra! Yes, we're ready" laura said then wrapped her hand around Vander's arm.
My hand shook slightly but I forced myself to be steady because the shot might be blurry.
"In 3..2..1"
I looked at the shot, laura smiling widely, while van looking discomfort all of the sudden, no expression still. But .. Damn they look good together.
"Okay one more."
I adjusted the focus and then pressed the zoom in button to get more of their faces,
"Okay. Pose. In 3..2 .."
I was no longer able to speak when laurakiss on Vander's cheek,
her lips lingered there as if she wants it to be captured properly by the camera. It was also obvious from Vander's look that he was surprised but I saw his arm wrapped around Laura's waist.
Shit ..
"Cas. I'm sorry I took so long..wait hey Are you crying?"
I quickly handed the camera to Nathanyel and walked away, ,
why ... Why am I wet? I looked at the sky, it is not raining. But the rain continues to fall ...
No .. They are tears ..
Fuck what's happening to me?
Am I affected with what I saw?
I was not even able to click the capture button due to the shock and the strange feeling that live inside my system because of what laura did earlier,
Am .. I really affected?
Why am I feeling hurt all of a sudden?
Damn Cassandra, you're in big trouble.
"You okay?" I just smiled at Isabel when she asked me.
"Compatriots ..." The man started talking on stage for tonight's celebration.
I adjusted the lantern I was holding,
"You've been quiet before, I can sense it. You're not okay Cas,"
"I am Isabel, I'm just tired, my classmates are dumb because they made me a photographer at the booth earlier"
I laughed at that but I guess, Sabel didn't believe my lie.
"Okay you said so" she just shrugged her shoulders
"I am glad to see the happy smiles painted on your faces. And I and my family and clan are more than happy to see the growing number of our family here in mistletoe."
I sighed as he looked at me, I heard he was called Alastor. The man is probably the same age as daddy.
"Don't stare back Cas .."
With what Isabel said I averted my eyes.
"So .. I am very happy to finally open the most awaited event of our festival .. Lantern Floating."
he motioned his hands up .. And clap twice. in a flash all the lights that startled the people were gone, only happy whispers could be heard. Only the light from our lanterns serves as light and its beautiful.
'' Ready your lanterns ,. In 3..2..1! "
"Make a wish Cas .." I heard Isabel whisper. I saw the lanterns float in air and hear sweet and soft whispers everywhere. They are whishes. I have not released my lantern yet so I make a wish.
"True self. I want to find mine."
And I release it, watched it as it fly up. And became a star of the night. Beautiful .. Despite the noise around, the dog howled, it’s from the forest. Isabel chuckle beside me.
"Maybe the legend is true. Maybe it's the guardian of the night" she grinned
"Whatever." I grin back.
. I heard a rustle in the thick vegetation on the side of the booth selling lanterns. I looked at it carefully, from the dark part of the plant suddenly something shone ...
Those are eyes! Staring at me.The plant moved again and the eyes disappeared. I turned to Isabel who was currently talking to an old Woman, Something strong is pulling me to get inside the forest.
Follow whatever that thing that watching me. So I did I quickly entered the forest, I quietly plunged from the garden and reached the foot of the forest, its too bright, not dark because it peeked at the very big full moon and it was in the fullest and brightest state.
I heard it. There was a crackle that seemed to be running, I shouldn't be here. It might be a boar or any wild animal that could kill me in instance but ...
Something is pulling me .. A strong connection, or emotions.
I ran, looking to my left side where only trees were visible,
I can hear it running with me.
No running away I should say.
But I keep it phase. I follow his pace,
I'm .. Incredibly fast runner, thanks to my trainings way back in highschool. Then it stopped so I stopped.
There it is. In the dark, the eyes ... I can't see what it is but I can see it ... Yellow green eyes. Also one of the reasons I am here now because I thought it could be Vander. Shit. Gradually it came out of the darkness.
A huge wolf !!! Growling. Staring straight in my eyes ... I turned around. There's only silence.
"Don't come near me .." I stepped away. It also steps closer ..
Fuck. I'm so dead. Brown furs, big but skinny body, its a she not a he. Its not Vander! But its a werewolf I knew because I've researched thoroughly the moment I learned about their existence.
"Don't hurt me please ..." I looked her in the eye. There's the moon that reflects on me. And I am reflected in her eyes.
To my surprise it suddenly bent down, and stepped away. I show a shadow moves behind me.
I don’t want to look back on it because I felt it.
I felt my heart beating painfully. I know who it is. It growls silently and slowly.
But I kept eyeing the one in front of me. It was in the werewolf eyes in front of me that it seemed she wants me like to turn around but I don't want to!
Then from behind it slowly walk in front of me. A huge bluish white, almost gray colored wolf ... He stared at me so I stared back. I just knew it is him.
I saw in his eyes the shock, and came even closer.
Seeing him pained me more. This is his real form. And I am not afraid. I am disgusted with my reactions.
He has this relationship with laura and it pained me even more. I feel the literal tightness in my chest
I saw through my peripheral view there's something watching us. I looked at the end of the forest near the ravine, there were more than ten wolves ..
And I am starting to feel fear which I shouldn't.
I can handle one. But a pack I just don't think so.
According to what I read, when a werewolf does not like something it never hesitates to destroy it, even an alpha or their leader go against them. They can cut ties in an instant.
"Please don't hurt me ... I'm sorry if .. I disturbed something..please allow me to get out of here unharmed"
I looked him in the eye.
He looked at the brown wolf whom I followed awhile back. And it nods.
I took the opportunity to walk away. I felt the brown wolf follow behind me, I guess Van ask her to accompany me.
"I don't know what's with you .."
Shocked I turned to the one who talk. Instead of seeing a werewolf, I saw a ... Girl?
"Salva. Cousin of Vander. I'm sixteen don't even think I'm small or a child I could kill you in one bite"
I grin.
I see Vander in him.
She's just naked and she's walking so proud.
I took off my cardigan and handed it to her. There seemed to be shock in her eyes before sheaccepted.
"Everyone's right. You're .. Peculiar woman."
I smiled at her and continue walking
"Its Cassandra. I'm older than you"
"Yeah right"
"Who did you heard i am strange"
I smile at the thought of it. Everybody who knows me told me that.
I'm different from Charlie.
I am different from my cousins
I am different from other people.
Strange manners, speech, beliefs and all. I used to be called different.
I used to be treated differently. Wellbeing a bastard is really weird.
"Everyone knows. Brother Vanny thought so. And his mind's very loud on us, His pack. We hear each other's minds. It's a werewolf thing."
I stared at her for a moment, I wanted to ask but it was better to keep quiet.
I was just surprised Salva laughed.
"Confirmed. Seriously? You weren't even scared to see me. You weren't even surprised to see our alpha and the pack, and you weren't even shaken by what I said, what's wrong with you Cassandra?"
There was sarcasm when she calledmy name
"No. Not everyday you get to encounter unboring creatures aside from humans so ..why waste the chance out of fear right?"
I looked at her and saw her smiling.
Then. Suddenly her laughter's echoing the forest.
" Vander if you can hear me now which is yes. I like this girl ... I like youCassandra."
At least She sound genuine with that now.
"Thank you"
and went off the forest I did.
I rubbed my chest.
It's still painful ..
What are you doing to me Vander?