I quickly recovered from the shock though when the new wolf began heading in my direction, baring it’s teeth in what looked like anger. I couldn’t remember what I could have done to upset him but I waited with bated breath as he approached me with bared teeth, I didn’t have the strength to try to run anymore, especially knowing that I wasn’t going to get very far and there was obviously nowhere for me to hide.
The wolf stopped in front of me and it dawned on me how tiny I was compared to it, but it didn’t lunge and attack like I expected, instead he begins transforming and in a couple of seconds a very naked Simon was standing in front of me.
A rush of emotions ran through me at the sight of him. Relief, because I didn’t think I would have been able to deal with it, if it had been another predator, heat, to my face and to somewhere between my legs. I couldn’t be exactly blamed for that one. When I said, Simon had changed, I meant it. His body could be described as perfection, it would have been easy to believe the Goddess sculpted it herself and the fact that he was naked made me falter and finally anger, what was he doing here in the first place? The fact that he just saved me from my possible death didn’t exactly erase all that had happened last night from my mind.
“What do you think you’re doing here?” He said, and although his voice was calm, it wasn’t hard to miss the coolness his tone had. It made a shiver run up my spine.
“I didn’t know I had to take permission from the Alpha to go on a morning run.” I responded, unable to hide the bitterness in my words.
Simon let’s out a sigh, rubbing his forehead like talking to me was a chore, an action that made me even more angry.
“Jessy, you’re not supposed to be so far into the woods. The sign at the edge of the road says so. Do you have any idea what would have happened if someone had not seen you wander this path? Do you want to think of what would have happened if I had gotten here a second late?”
My mind whirled with the information. I couldn’t remember seeing a sign on my way here but that was probably because I was barely paying any attention, but I refused to let him talk to me like this, not when he didn’t even know me.
“Why do you care? It’s not like I’m such an important part of your pack or your life or something. Yo-“
Are you kidding me? Yes, you are a part of my pack now and I am responsible for you. If I didn’t accept you into this pack, you would have been back to wherever you came from yesterday! You don’t get to talk to me like this is some minor issue. You could have died Jess!” Simon nearly screamed in my face, his voice breaking towards the end.
It felt like I had been doused in cold water at his words, no matter how stubborn I wanted to be, I knew that I couldn’t ignore the fact that he had just saved me, but the way he had called my name, I didn’t want to accept it. He didn’t get to call me like that if he was hell bent on acting like a dick.
“I would have been fine, Arthur.” The game left a bitter taste in my mouth and I turned around, throwing one last look at the wolf on the floor that flies were starting to gather before attempting to walk away.
Strong, rough hands reached out to stop me.
“Wait here for me. It’s like a maze. You’ll never find your way out.” He said, walking off without another word to me.
A part of me wanted to defy him, walk off without him and wait for the consequences, but I could remember how I ran in circles initially and it forced me to sit beneath the tree once more, burying my face in my knees and wrapping my arms around myself. The conversation with Simon had not lasted up to ten minutes, but it felt like more. It felt exhausting and I couldn’t even explain why.
Leaves crunching made me raise my head and it was to find Simon fully clothed. I was curious about how he had gotten the clothes but just like the rest of the things I was curious about, I didn’t ask. He offered a hand to help me stand but I completely ignored it, pulling myself to my feet.
He began walking and I followed behind him. The only sounds that could be heard was the crunching of leaves under our feet and the birds singing around us. There was an unspoken tension between us that I had never felt from him before. Being in Simon’s presence always made me feel at ease, silence between us was usually very comfortable, but rare.
We always had something to talk about, something to laugh about. Admittedly, I did most of the talking but he usually went along with it, adding the necessary sounds that assured me that he was listening to what I had to say and laughing when necessary. It was never awkward but now it felt different.
Everything felt different. It felt like I was walking with a stranger. I didn’t know what to say to him and at the same time, I had plenty to say to him, none of which was very nice. It pissed me to no end the conflicting emotions and thoughts that ran through me.
Soon the trees became lesser and lesser and it didn’t take very long for us to come out of the clearing. It was hard to believe that I had run through the woods, seeing how long it took us to find our way out of it.
“Arthur!” A man called and Simon steered us in his direction.
“I saw your car. I’ve been trying to reach you, I didn’t know if you needed help or something. Why did you start the patrol without any help? You know how dangerous these woods get. I wa-” The man said once again, but stopped as I stepped out from behind Simon’s back and his eyes strayed towards me.
“I got a report that someone was sighted coming into the woods and I had to rush over. Stephen, met Jessy. She’s the newest member of the pack and Lila’s friend. Jessy, this is Stephen. My Beta.”
Stephen stretched out his hand and I took it in a handshake, blushing when he gave me a wink. He was handsome in a boyish way and had a certain charm about him. I couldn’t help but smile at his friendly gesture.
“Are you okay? It can be really dangerous out here. You should be really glad Arthur got to you when he did.” He said seriously and I nodded in agreement, offering him a small smile.
“I’m really grateful. I just needed to clear my head, I must have missed the sign while running. I’ll just make my way back home now.” I said, gently pulling out my hands that had remained in Stephen’s even after the shake.
He gave me a small smile which I quickly returned and I heard Simon clear his throat beside me. When I looked towards him, I almost flinched in shock. His eyes were dark and the frown that sat on his face made his features appear really scary. If glares could kill, I didn’t think I would be alive or Stephen from the way he was looking at his Beta.
“I’ll drop you off at home. Come on, let’s go.” He said and I quickly shook my head. I didn’t think I could endure anymore of the silence, awkward filled moments with him.
“I’ll jog back. It’s fine. Thanks once again.” I responded, already turning to be on my way.
“Let me drop you off Jessy. I’m not sure whatever gave you the strength to run this far earlier but you might find it more difficult to do again because you’re completely off pack grounds. I have a bike, she’s pretty fast and I could drop you off quickly, plus I can guarantee you’ll enjoy the ride.” Stephen said cheekily, pointing towards his black motorcycle parked in front of us.
“I don’t think that will be necessary. I’ll-“ Simon had began saying but I already knew what he was going to say and I wanted no part of it.
“Yes please. Thank you Stephen.” I said.
Simon shot me a glare which I quickly returned and without waiting for him to say another word, I made my way towards Stephan’s bike. I watched as the two men, whispered amongst themselves, even when I couldn’t really hear whatever they were saying, I could tell how heated it was.
Stephen walked towards me once it was done and I watched as Simon entered into his car and drove off with a last look thrown my way.
“I’ve never seen a person as grumpy as he is.” Stephen said lightly and I let out a chuckle, accepting the helmet that he offered.
Grumpy was never a word that would have been used to define Simon. He was like Kyla when we were younger. Always positive, never a single negative energy to be found around him. He was the enthusiastic one between us.
“Ever been on a bike?” Stephen asked as he helped me fix the helmet when he noticed me struggling, I offered him a smile at the gesture, slowly shaking my head.
“Well, it can be fun. There’s not a lot of rules for you. Just hold on to me and make sure you move with the bends.” He said, climbing into his back and urging me to do the same.
I stood for a couple of seconds, staring at the death trap in front of me. I know I had been in a hurry to accept his offer but that was without the rationale part of my brain working.
“Come on. It won’t bite. I’ll be careful, I promise.” He said and I swallowed the lump forming in my throat, before moving to settle behind him, wrapping my arms around his middle and holding on for dear life.
The first minute of the ride had my heart in my stomach, but afterwards it got better. It was almost as if I were lightweight. I could feel the wind in my hair and it was one of the best thing I ever experienced. True to his words, Stephen did go as carefully as possible but the farther we went, the kids a part of me wanted to urge him to go faster.
I couldn’t remember the last time, I had felt this free, I couldn’t remember the last time I had genuinely laughed the way I did when Stephen took the bends, I couldn’t remember the last time I did something that I truly enjoyed or the last time I had enjoyed breathing in the scent of someone. No that was a lie, I remembered that last bit. It was five years ago.
It was too good, but like all good things, it came to an end. Even quicker than I had hoped.
“Here we are.” Stephen said and I pulled myself from him. The sight of Lila’s house made me feel relief in a way.
I got out of the bike, swaying a bit, grateful when Stephen reached out a hand to try to stable me.
“Are you okay?” He asked, in his gentle voice and I smiled.
“Yes, of course. That was amazing. Thank you for giving me a ride.”
He nodded in response and then it went quiet between us. I sighed softly and made to move into the house when Stephen called my name once more.
“Oh sorry.” I Saïd embarrassed, taking off the helmet and handing it over to him before giving him a small wave and making my way again.
“Will you be busy later in the evening?” He called once more and I paused, turning around to face him again.
“No, why?”
“I was wondering if I could show you around? You know, just…” He trailed off, avoiding eye contact while using his free hand to rub his neck, something Kyla always did when he was nervous.
“Of course. I’ll love that. Thank you.”
The smile that painted the Beta’s lips at my words made me feel warm inside. He gave a small salute that made me laugh and then he was off. I moved into the house with a lighter skip in my steps than I had when I had come out in the morning.
It felt good to have something to look forward to.