Jessy’s POV:
“Hi uncle Smith!” I called out when I found the man sat on the table already piling his plate high with food.
“There’s my favorite niece.” He called, standing up from the table to pull me into a hug.
“I’m the only niece you have Uncle Smith.” I reminded him, accepting the hug that he offered and he let out a loud laughter.
“That’s why you’re my favorite I’ve missed you so much, do you know how difficult it’s been this last week with no one to gossip with? Hi Lila, it’s good to see you again.” Uncle Smith said and I giggled, taking my seat at the table.
It was amazing the kind of energy the man possessed sometimes, he could hold a conversation with everyone at the table and be able to keep up with every single one. How he did it? I could never know, but I loved having him around, he was a burst of fresh air always and I genuinely enjoyed his company.
“How did the rest of your day go baby girl?” My father asked and I nodded my head making sure to swallow before I responded.
“Good, good. I enjoyed it. I assumed you guys played individual games when I left so who won?” I asked and Kevin looked like he was about to go into a detailed excited explanation when mother interrupted him.
“No, no, not at my table. I don’t know who advised you lot that talking while eating was healthy but not at my table okay? Finish up your food first and you all can discuss till midnight for all I care.” She said bringing the table to silence.
The only sound that could be heard was the clanking of cutlery against plate. The rest of the dinner went by in silence and once it was over Lila helped to clear out as much as possible before thanking my parents and excusing herself to leave.
“Don’t forget to talk to them. I’m rooting for you and let me know how it goes.” Lila said as I saw her to the gates, we shared a hug and I waited as she went through before making my way back into the house.
My mother was still sat at the dining table, scrolling through her phone, another habit of hers after dinner. I knew that it meant my father and uncle would be in the home office discussing and I weighed my choices. I knew that my mom was more likely to listen to me and try to understand things from my perspective than my father.
I could already imagine how tonight could go wrong with him refusing to even listen to the rest of whatever I had to say from the moment I mentioned wanting to leave the pack, but I knew that I had to try.
“Hey mom.” I called and she raised her eyes to mine, a warm smile painting her lips as she caught sight of me.
“Hi honey. Is there a problem? What’s that frown for?” My mother called, standing up to pull me into a hug.
I had never gotten any hugs better than my mothers, her scent, the warmth of her arms, the soothing way in which she slowly rubbed my back. I already felt better about the entire situation with that single hug.
“I wanted to talk to you and dad. It’s really important.” I said once I pulled away from the hug.
“Oh come on baby. He’s having a meeting with your uncle but I think it can wait, nothing important, who has a meeting at past eight pm anyway?” She said and I chuckled along with her.
We made our way up the stairs and once we were at office, my mom pulled open the door without knocking as usual and we both stepped into the space. I watched as my father raised his head from the paper that had been in front of him with a frown on his face but as his eyes fell on my mother they completely softened and his lips turned up into a smile.
It was amazing to watch the two, even after all these years they still had admiration and love clear for all to see in their eyes. My father still looked at my mother like she was the most beautiful person in the world and my mother still looked at him like he was her hero. I envied them sometimes, I wished for what they had. I wished a man would look at me the way my father looked at my mother.
“Is there a problem love? We were just rounding up.” He said.
“Yes, I can see that, with this pile of paper work in front of you.” My mother responded with a light laugh and I rolled my eyes when my father invited her to take a seat on his leg.
They had no respect for other people around them sometimes.
“I’ll just come back tomorrow and we can finish up.” Uncle smith said and I quickly shook my head.
“No uncle, you can stay too. It concerns all of us.” I said knowing that I would also need him while trying to convince my father who would definitely say no to this.
Once I settled in the only other chair available, I cleared my throat, avoiding all sorts of eye contact with the people that were now focused on me.
“So umm lately, I’ve been feeling really unhappy.” I began
“What’s making you unhappy babe? Is anyone giving you troubles again? Do you need help with anything? Are yo-“
“Let her finish honey.” My mom lightly scolded my father and I sent her a grateful smile, wiping my sweaty hands against my pants.
“It’s just that I still hear the whispers whenever I’m on the street, I’m still pointed at and sneered and there are snickers everywhere I go. I don’t think I can handle it anymore. I’m not happy here, I feel like I’m not living my life as I should and it’s very frustrating for me. I appreciate all that you do for me as my parents, keeping me protected, safe, trying to make me happy, but it’s not working anymore for me, none of that is enough anymore and as the days go by, it just gets worse and worse.” I explained, my voice breaking up when tears began falling from my eyes.
“Oh baby, I’m so sorry about that. I’m sure there’s something that could be done.” My mother said carefully, walking towards me and wrapping me in another hug.
“I need to leave.” I said once I settled again.
“What?” I heard from the other three people in the room.
“I need to go away from here for a while. Find a new purpose for me somewhere else, try to find myself in the world again. I appreciate all that you do for me but I think it’s time for to try and find my feet somewhere else, by myself.”
“No, never. I understand how you feel, but we’re going to work together to help you feel better. Everything can be fixed and I’ll make sure that it’s fixed. You’re not leaving this pack.” My father said, just as I had expected but a surge of anger went through my frame at his words.
“One of the major reasons I’m leaving is because of you. I appreciate all that you do to protect myself and my brothers but it can be too much sometimes. I want to be free, I want to be known as Jessy and not the Alpha King’s daughter. The majority of the people in this pack and beyond don’t even know my name! I’m twenty one dad, I’m old enough to have a life of my own, outside of this family, I’m old enough to make my own decisions and this is what I want.” I said and the entire office remained silent.
It went on for so long that I was worried nobody was going to say anything and my heart skipped in my chest.
“You’re not leaving this pack Jessy and that’s final. Whatever it is, we’ll figure it out and find a way to settle it. Until then, you’re staying right here. Goodnight.” He said finally, gently pulling my mom with him out of the office.
I immediately broke down into tears and my uncle moved to pull me into his arms.
“I know how you feel. I’ll talk to him, I promise. First thing in the morning and I’ll talk to him. Go to bed, okay?” He whispered and I nodded my head, dragging myself out of the office with tears still streaming down my face.
I opened my room door to find Kyla on my bed, the moment he caught sight of my face, i saw the pity look that he threw my way, a sign that he had at some point been eavesdropping on my conversation with our parents, I ignored him, pulled out a pair of pajamas from the drawer and moved to the bathroom to take a bath. Crying some more under the spray of the shower. Once I was done, I dressed up in my pajamas and exited the bathroom, pulling out one of my suitcases and placing it on the bed.
“Are you really going to leave Jay?” He asked in his small voice and I nodded my head.
“I have to, I can’t continue here.” I said, at this point I had given up on trying to get my tears to stop running down my eyes.
“I understand. Daddy will not be happy though and if you leave he’ll try without his permission he’ll find you and bring you back.”
“I know.” Came my response, while I pulled out my clothes from my closet. I brought out a couple other boxes and placed them on my bed before settling on top of it to begin sorting through them.
“I’m going to miss you.” Kyla said, while helping me fold my clothes carefully and placing them beside me so I could put them into the box.
“I’ll miss you too but I’ll probably be back here in three days.” I said lightly and Kyla chuckled.
We spent the next couple of minutes working in silence but I was grateful for the company and support, until the peaceful atmosphere was broken by a knock on the door.
“Come in.” I said skeptical and when the door pushed open to reveal my father, I sighed silently.
“I said you couldn’t go Jess.” My father said softly as he entered into the room and his eyes fell on the boxes in front of me. He pushed shut the door behind him leaning against the wall with his arms folded.
“Yeah I heard you.” I responded, still putting things into the bag.
“Kyla can you give us a moment honey.” My dad called and my brother nodded, moving to place a kiss on my head before exiting the room.
My dad walked over to settle beside me but I avoided looking in his direction, instead focusing on the mess in front of me.
“Your mom is not going to let me sleep in the room unless I come to talk to you.” He said and my lips twitched with a smile but I said nothing.
“Where are you going to go honey?” He asked again after I remained quiet.
“I can’t tell you.”
“You’re not helping honey. I’m trying to compromise here, you know I’m not just going to let you go and not at least know that I’ll be able to reach you to help you should incase anything happen to you.” He said softly and I paused to look at him.
“That’s the thing dad, I don’t want you running to my rescue for once in my life. I already told you why I need to leave and I know how protective you are of us and I love you for it but I really think it’s time for me to fly alone. I’ll probably not like it and be back here in a week, but if I do and it turns out to be something that works for me and makes me happy then isn’t that great too? I’ll eventually let you know where I am and if I absolutely need your help I’ll call you or mom or even uncle Smith, hell, even calling the twins would probably solve it but for now I just think I need to do this alone.” I concluded.
My dad was quiet for a long time, just staring at me with different emotions flashing within his eyes, eventually he nodded his head, sighing heavily before gently pulling me into his arms for a long hug.
“I still have certain conditions though, but we’ll talk about them in the morning, finish this up quickly and go to bed early so you’re not grumpy by morning. Goodnight baby, I love you.”
“I love you dad.” I said, with a happy smile on my face as my father left my room.
I was so happy that my dad had agreed and it felt like nothing in this world could take away that happiness, well until I pulled closer a smaller box and opened it to reveal a set of pictures.
Pictures that I had hidden away for a really long time because of all the hurt that it brought me, I frowned as I pulled out the first picture, running my fingers along the other person that had their arms wrapped around my shoulder with the biggest smile I ever saw plastered on their face.
The smile took me back to the night the picture had been taken and I couldn’t help the sadness that overwhelmed my frame at the memory.