I get some overdue sleep then I take a nice long shower thinking about what Angelica said earlier “you aren’t acting like you hate him…” I mean of course I hate him. I can’t like him, can I? no that would be very messed up and papi would disown me. angelica is just overreacting. I assure myself.
Once I am dressed in decent clothes, I go down to check on Leonardo then I see Angelica and Fabio kissing in the kitchen. I cough loudly so they’ll notice my presence then Angelica jumps off Fabio, cheeks flushed and head down. She’s cute when she’s embarrassed.
“Excuse me” Fabio says quickly leaving the kitchen to avoid my teasing.
“Well, this is a development” I move towards angelica and hit her shoulder lightly. She can’t stop blushing
“I swear ill kill you” she manages to say and I can’t help but laugh. She laughs too, its nice to laugh a little even though I feel anything but okay.
“Any update on Leo?” I ask not being able to handle the suspense.
She nods then answers while walking to the fridge “the doctor said he’ll be awake anytime soon” she opens the fridge to get water. Relieve washes my body, good news finally.
I make a mental note to go check on him later but for now I’d rather spend time with Angelica.
“So…are you guys a thing now?” I ask genuinely curious what’s going on with her and Fabio.
She gives a wistful sigh before answering “I don’t even know. I guess we occasionally kind of make out now? Fabio is charming but it’s very complicated” I look at her and see how hard this is for her. Uncertainty clear in her eyes.’
“What is so complicated?” my legs get tired of standing so I sit on a stool next to her then she sits too
“Fabby has a past, secrets that I’m not in the position to reveal and because of that if I become his girlfriend or marry him ill be putting myself in a very dangerous situation. I just don’t think its worth what I’ll go through” her brown eyes become glossy and I realize how hard this must be for her. To love someone so dangerous.
“I don’t know much; the heart can be deceitful but trust yourself. Whatever decision you make I will support. You are like a sister to me Angelica Andres” after my speech she gets off her chair and gives me a big hug.
“Thank you, Maria, you are my sister too” we stay that way for a while before I decide it’s time to visit Leonardo.
I go to the makeshift clinic and see his unconscious form. He looks so peaceful and not like the arrogant man I’ve always known. I idly trace my fingers round his face, noticing a small knife scar on his right cheek. I don’t know why I never saw that. Ill ask him about it when he wakes up.
“I know you can’t hear me which is why I’m talking to you; you are right I’m a spoilt brat that knows nothing about life. I’ve always depended on my father and never really knew my mum since she died when I was really young. He made me fear the world, mainly because he was protecting me. I was all he had and he was all I had. I might be naïve, stubborn and spoilt but that doesn’t mean I want you gone. I promise to fix my attitude a little. Only a little though, who would I be without my sass? So yhh please wake up you annoying frog” I rant even though I know he’s unconscious.
Something happens though his fingers lightly twitch, if I wasn’t paying attention I wouldn’t have noticed. He twitches his fingers again and this time with more force than he starts coughing. “He is waking up!” I scream and run to the kitchen to tell Angelica. Once I reach the kitchen I’m out of breath and Angelica looks at me confused. After a few deep breaths and a glass of water I manage to speak properly “he is awake” it takes her a few seconds to process it then she hurries to call Fabio and ask for the doctor.
I rush back to see Leonardo and I see a confused Leonardo looking round the room probably wondering what he’s doing there.
“Hi asshole” I joke and sit on the chair next to him. he tries to talk but it looks like his throat is try and speaking is difficult so I get up to pour him a glass of water. He sits up wincing a little he drinks the water quickly “thanks” he mutters. His voice still hoarse from not speaking for so long
“Can you explain what’s going on?” he asks
“Well... you went on a mission before your backups and got shot. Very smart of you I must say and well I had to take the position of your caretaker while you stayed unconscious.
His eyes widen like he’s remembering everything all at once. He doesn’t speak for a while and when he finally tries to say something Fabio and Angelica walk in.
“Thank God you’re fine” Fabio says relieved his little brother is finally okay. They start talking and I decide to give them their privacy. I walk up to my room.
At least all that is over. I can finally feel okay now I know he is okay. Is that weird? Maybe a little but I just don’t have the heart to wish him bad. I search for my secret phone to see if my father left me any messages and he did. I have been dreading this moment. I have to give him a reply and I don’t think he’ll like it.
Papi: are you going to do it?
Me: I don’t think I am a killer Papi, I just can’t do it I’m sorry
Papi: you have to if you want to come back home.
I don’t think I want to though.