I grumpily follow him out of my room. “Where are you taking me haven’t you done enough?” I groan complaining. He ignores me so I keep complaining just to annoy him as we continue to walk, I keep talking until he swears under his breath. Before I could process what was going on he pushes me against the wall, raises my chin roughly and makes me look into his eyes
“If you do not shut up, I will shut you up principessa, I am tired of your smart mouth and I will not waste time to put it to good use” I gasp, he looked completely serious. I could see his veins bulging and a psychotic part of me thought this was a little hot but the sane part of me still hated him so I decided to listen to that part. I nod and he releases his grip.
I don’t utter another word until he leads me down to a section of the house that only had one door. The more we walked the more I realized this house was enormous, we passed so many rooms I lost count each section had at least two guards, workers bustling round the round the building. The walls intricately decorated and different portraits, vases and sculptures smartly placed round the house. He opens the door and I walk into a room with a small excuse of a mattrass, a table and chair with barely any decoration a great contrast to the other rooms. The walls weren’t even painted.
“Why are we here?” I inquire hoping this isn’t what I think is going on. He chuckles
“This is your new room principessa” he says mockingly his hazel eyes glitter with amusement
“You can’t do this to me, I have done nothing wrong” I protest. This has to be some sick joke; I can’t live like this. Even his slaves have better rooms
“Well, my lovely wife your father took something precious of mine and ruined it so I plan on returning the favour until you prove you aren’t a worthless pig like him” how dare he insult my father. Papi was right about him being an awful person.
“You are going to work as a servant and you will serve me, if you happen to be good, I’ll give you gifts but if you want to stay a brat, I will punish you and believe me when I say I can be very creative with punishments” he smirks. Why is he doing all this?
I sit on the mattrass which is practically on the floor and pout.
“Your pouting will do you no good, rest you have a long day tomorrow”
And with that he leaves, so this is what my life has turned into. Just last week Papi promised to take me to Italy for a vacation and now I might spend most of my life in this sorry excuse of a room. I just want to go home. I cry myself to sleep
“Wake up!” an annoyed voice booms, I try to ignore it and enjoy my sleep then a liquid is splashed on me which makes me wake up confused.
“Did you really have to splash water on me?” I glare at him which makes him smile
“Nope I just really wanted to and yes I definitely don’t regret it” his smile widens and I think of different ways I could kill him. electrocution doesn’t sound too terrible.
“Well, you can plot my murder later bambolina, for now you have work to do so get up” I obey reluctantly still shooting daggers his direction but my evident annoyance only pleases him.
He isn’t wearing a shirt this morning and only has grey sweatpants on, showing his abs. why do they look so shiny and touchable I just want to… hey! Maria, I think you’re forgetting you hate this man and he’s the reason you now live like a slave. The sane part of me screams, she’s so done with my fantasies but then again why isn’t he wearing a shirt! That’s on him not me.
Ignoring the voices arguing in my head I try to stay focused on reality. He leads me into their kitchen where there is a short cute lady with brown eyes and brunette hair. I don’t recognise her and assume she is one of the helps. She smiles at me warmly and I don’t know why but I instantly like her.
“This is Angelica Andres; she is our cook amongst other things. She will give you a quick rundown of what is expected of you and I expect you to follow her instructions because there are consequences for disobedience. Is that clear?” his tone stern. I roll my eyes just to piss him off but he ignores me and leaves me with Angelica.
“As you already know my name is Angelica but you can call me Angel or Angie. don’t take whatever Leonardo does to heart he is always grumpy; I find it amusing” she smiles and I already know we are going to be good friends
“Grumpy is an understatement, I hate him but forget him how did you get here?” I ask wanting to not talk about Leonardo for at least 5 seconds.
Her smile falters and I see the sadness in her eyes. Her face distant like she’s not here anymore but reliving something tragic she shakes herself out of it and turns to me
“that’s something we will talk about later but for now we have work to do” I groan but still listen to her.
We work for hours without a break and I feel so exhausted, I’ve never worked this much in my entire life. We always had help at my house and I barely did anything I only know how to cook because I enjoy cooking and begged our house keeper to teach me.
We finish the house chores and I’m allowed to go to bed then I bring out the small phone Papi gave me to sneak into the house. He has already texted me.
Papi: How are you, my Angel?
Me: not fine Papi these people are horrible
Papi: I’m so sorry Mia its only for a little while. I need you to do something
Me: what Papi?
Papi: kill Leonardo Sanchez