Kimberly opened her eyes blearily and found herself lying on a bed in a strange room.
She groaned and struggled to sit up as the memories of the events of the past few days came rushing back to her head in a heavy rush.
She had remembered meeting up with Mr grumpy after leaving her family at the hospital, she also remembered falling asleep halfway through the journey.
With her head banging heavily, she slightly looked up and discovered she was in what felt like a hospital room.
Almost immediately, the door opened and a strict looking lady walked in.
Kimberly quickly sprang up on her feet ignoring the headache threatening to pull her head apart
"Hey, where am I? She asked impatiently but the lady ignored and approached her with a syringe.
"You are at the "SQUAD ACADEMY," she said simply as she came up to Kimberly with the loaded syringe in her hand.
"What... What are you doing? Don't you dare touch me," Kimberly growled moving away from her.
She rolled her eyes and sighed in obvious frustration.
"Do you want to die of the headache?" She asked.
Kimberly's eyes furrowed in surprise.
How did she get to know about her throbbing headache?
"Where you were picked from is a long way, it's expected," the lady replied as though she could read her mind.
Kimberly relaxed back and stayed still, then the lady came closer and injected it through her neck.
"Ouch" Kimberly winced a little as the syringe pierced into the skin of her neck.
The lady pulled it out when she was done and walked towards the door.
She suddenly halted and turned back towards Kimberly.
"You don't look like you wanna be here," she said.
Kimberly let out a heavy sigh staring down the floor.
"The circumstances that is associated with me being here is a lot more complicated than anyone can ever think of, it's messy," she muttered.
"Well, whatever it is, just chin up okay? Cause you are about to have the most exciting moment of your life, students here consider themselves lucky, you have no idea the thousands of people out there wishing to be in your shoes," the lady said.
"What's exciting about risking my life constantly on a fighting spree?" Kimberly blurted out.
She chuckled lightly, the first time Kimberly was seeing a smile on her face.
"What's your name?" She asked.
"Kimberly, It's not all about war here, There are hundreds upon hundreds of students here and none of them are dead, matter of fact, you are entitled to lots of fun that you can ever imagine, it's just going to be like your normal life and I bet you are gonna enjoy it," she said.
Kimberly stared blankly at her, digesting everything she had said.
Then it suddenly struck her, she haven't seen Mr grumpy since they arrived, she had expected him to be the one doing the things the lady was doing since he took it upon himself to make sure she joined the Academy.
"Uhm, sorry how about...
She halted abruptly as it suddenly occurred to her, she didn't even know his name, she was used to calling him " Mr grumpy" in her head.
"What?" The lady asked.
"Nothing, sorry, I was just thinking out loud," Kimberly replied.
"Come on now, there's no time. We need to get you registered" she said heading out of the room and Kimberly quickly followed behind.
They got out to what seemed like a passage.
It was a long passage filled with different people walking briskly around.
Kimberly lowered her gaze to the floor as she walked behind the lady.
She occasionally looked up to stare at the people that kept passing by.
She couldn't help but wonder Why they were moving about.
Some were matured and held files while some were pretty young boys and girls most of which were walking in pairs.
A particular set of boys walked pass her and one of them winked at her, making her wanna puke.
She rolled her eyes at him and he smirked and walked by with the others.
"I will be right back Kimberly, wait over here," the lady suddenly turned to Kimberly and said.
Kimberly nodded nodded watching her hurriedly walk towards a man she assumed to be one of the instructors.
Turning back to her front, a girl of her age accidentally bumped into her and the cup of drink she was holding fell from her hand and the content spilled on Kimberly's legs.
"Hey, What the hell? Why aren't you watching your way?! Kimberly yelled angrily?
"I'm sorry, it wasn't intentional, and the yell was unnecessary," the girl said.
"Oh, it wasn't necessary you say? Have you gone nuts? You left the whole passage way and came to this corner to spill your juice on me and I'm not supposed to yell? How hilarious," Kimberly continued yelling.
She was taking out her frustration on the innocent girl.
"And I apologized, you are just being petty," the girl blurted out.
"And you are just a bitter frustrated little thing, you can now go ahead and jump into a damn lake for all I care," Kimberly fired back at her.
"That's right, I'm bitter and frustrated, and why would you care if I jumped into a damn lake? Who has ever cared anyway," the girl whimpered tearfully turning around and started heading out.
Kimberly suddenly realized the gravity of her rash action.
"Hey, I'm so sorry, that wasn't intentional, I'm terribly sorry," Kimberly rushed after her.
"It's fine, you are right anyway," she muttered.
"No, that's not true, I'm the one who's bitter and frustrated trust me," Kimberly said.
"You don't have to say that to make me feel better," she muttered turning back around to leave.
Kimberly held her back.
"It's true, I was brought here against my will, I was already frustrated and looking for where to take out my frustration on before you spilled your drink on me, I'm terribly sorry for the things I said to you, and I didn't mean to yell as well, please forgive me," Kimberly said softly.
"What's going on here?" The lady with Kimberly earlier approached them.
"Oh, we bumped into each other," Kimberly replied.
"Alright then, lets get going," she said and started walking away.
Kimberly turned back to the girl and flashed her a small smile before running after the lady.
They kept walking till they got to a door with the inscription "registrar" on it.
The lady knocked gently and waited for a while before walking in, Kimberly followed behind.
They met a chubby looking man busy with some files.
"Good day sir, here is our new intake that he spoke to you about," the lady said immediately they entered the office.
"He?" Kimberly thought confused.
"Oh! Take a seat," the man replied and Kimberly and the lady sat down in front of him.
Then he brought out a form and started scribbling down on it
"So, you're.... Kimberly Anderson, 19 years old, light skinned, long hair, hazel eyes," He mumbled all these as he wrote them down on the form.
When he was done, he passed the form to Kimberly with a pen.
"Here; sign it" he said and she slowly went through the details before inputting her signature.
"Good. You are welcome to the SQUAD academy, You'll be taken to your room from here and in a short time, an orientation will be held for all the new intakes. Endeavour to be in it so you can get to know the rules and regulations guiding this place to avoid getting into trouble. Everything you need to know about this academy will be highlighted at the orientation. So, like I said, make sure you don't miss it.
"Once again, welcome to the SQUAD academy", he concluded with a warm smile and stretched out his hand for a handshake and she hesitantly took it.
"Thank you" she said in a mild voice and quickly collected her hand.
"A kind reminder, "make sure to keep to the rules and regulations, here, violations are taken seriously, you don't want to be on our watchlist, it's the worst thing that can happen to you here," he added.
"I will keep that in mind sir," Kimberly replied with the corner of her heart beating so fast.
"Good, Take her to her room. Room 8 - apartment 3" he instructed the lady.
"Sure sir," she replied and started walking out of the office.
Kimberly followed suit.