"You stole from me what you can never pay back even if i give you many years, young lady, now I own your life, all of yo...
her first private dance
Kimberly quickly wiped off her tears on hearing her brother's voice behind.
She had stood there lost for minutes staring at her sick mother.
Shortly after their father's death, her mom was diagnosed of diabetes, and ever since then, Kimberly has been the one pushing hard for their survival.
"Common Kim, You can't be doing this everyday, give yourself a break," Josh her younger brother retorted walking closer to her.
"Hey kiddo, I thought you left for school already? What are you still doing here," she asked.
"I don't think I want to go to school anymore," he mumbled.
"It kills me to see you bear the pain of carrying the family's burden on your shoulders alone, I want to help out in any little way I can, maybe I can get a job or something," he said.
Kimberly let out a heavy sigh trying her possible best to hold back the tears threatening to roll out of her eyes.
"Josh please, we've talked about this, you can't drop out like me, you've got a whole bright future ahead of you."
"But you are suffering, I don't like to see you in pain Kim," he mumbled.
"Look at me," she placed her hands on his cheeks stroking gently.
"You don't have to worry about me okay? I'm doing just fine and everything is going to be alright soon, I promise you, I have everything under control, just promise me that you will go to your room right now and prepare for school."
"Even if I want to go back to school, there's already an outstanding bill to clear up, and you already have mom's hospital bills on your neck, this is all just messed up,"Josh replied.
Kimberly drew in a sharp breathe, taking her hands away from his cheeks and turned around.
"You know what Josh? Go to school, when you get back, there's something I want to show you," Kimberly found the words rolling off her tongue.
How and why she said those words was beyond her, but one thing is sure, she has raised Josh's hope and she can't dash them to the mud, she had to do something and she must do it fast.
"Really?" Josh's voice snapped her out of her trance.
"Yes, just go." she whimpered holding up strong not to burst into tears.
"Kim, are you okay?" He asked following the sound of her voice.
"Josh please, just go to school, you are running late already."
"I'm not stepping an inch out of this house if you are not okay Kim," Josh retorted.
She turned back towards him with a wide smile.
"I'm okay, see? Now run along and don't be late, but if you don't, then I have nothing to show you anymore ," she teased.
"Fine, be good okay? I love you," he leaned closer and kissed her on the forehead.
"I love you too," she mumbled watching him as he walked back into his room, the tears finally rolled freely down her cheeks.
Her only wish was to see a way out of their predicament, to see a smile on her brother's face and that of her mom as well, she had almost forgotten what her mother's smile looks like.
She was now faced with the sudden promise she made to her brother, she made a promise and she was going to fulfill it, even if she didn't know how.
But then, she had one scheme, one that she had dreaded all her life, but she had gotten to a point where she had to hit a different button.
Kimberly stood at the strip house entrance, tears clouding her eyes, she could remember Mrs peterson, the owner of the strip club, reaching out to her several times but she turned her down every single time, she detested the club and the person running it, now she was running back to it on her knees, but then again, she had to do what she had to do.
Taking a step forward, she had a sudden change of mind, maybe she didn't have to do this to sustain her family, maybe there are other ways out.
She turned around and started heading out.
Almost immediately, a black flashy car drove past her into the club house, then suddenly stopped and reversed back towards her.
"Well, look who we have here," she heard Mrs peterson say as she pulled up beside her.
"Hello Mrs Peterson," Kimberly greeted with her head bowed.
"Kimberly, to what do I owe this unexpected visit?" She teased.
Kimberly slowly pulled her lower lip into her mouth, her head hung low in embarrassment.
"Uhm, I'm sorry, I.. I shouldn't be here, I have to go now," Kimberly stuttered and ran out.
Mrs peterson drove after her.
"Get in the car," she heard as the car pulled up beside her again. "Quick, I don't have all day."
Kimberly swallowed hard, opening the back seat and climbed in.
Mrs peterson sat comfortably on her elegant office chair, staring intently at Kimberly who stood before her, hands behind her back and head hung low.
"So, you've made up your mind to come and work for me yeah?" She suddenly blurted out.
"Y.. Yes ma'am, I will try," Kim stuttered.
Mrs Peterson gently stood up and approached her.
"Here Kim, you don't just try, you put in your very best to satisfy my customers, that is where you are getting paid from do you get me? You can't be seen jeopardizing that," she said hovering over her. "I always wanted you to work with me because I see potential in you, I know for sure that you will keep my customers entertained, don't disappoint me."
"I promise to put in my very best Mrs peterson," Kim muttered, though she felt bashful about the whole thing, she knew her dad would be extremely disappointed if he could see her, and her mom too if she finds out, but at that point, she knew she didn't have a choice anymore.
Mrs Peterson walked back to her seat and dialled a number on the landline.
"Beatrice, come to my office now." She spoke with so much power and superiority.
She turned towards Kim with a sweet smile. "Have a seat Kim, you belong here now."
Slowly and carefully, Kim sat down on one of her office chairs, her hands on the hem of her shirt, fiddling nervously.
Shortly afterwards, a young girl who seemed to be of the same age with her walked into the office.
"Mrs Peterson," she bowed slightly.
"Beatrice, this is Kimberly, my new intake, I need you to take her to the show room and dress her up, she's gracing the stage tonight," Mrs peterson said.
"W... What? Tonight?" Kim stuttered.
"Yes tonight Kim, you got a problem with that?"
"You promised Josh Kim, you made a promise, you can't back down now," her subconsciousness whispered to her.
"No, not at all, it's just that I don't.."
"Don't worry about that, beatrice will guide you, and I trust you, even if your steps don't get me good sales yet, your body will, I have no doubt," Mrs peterson winked smiling sweetly at her. "And if you impress me, you will be surprised by the pay you would be getting for just today."
That seemed to lift her spirit, she would be able to pay off Josh's school bills and also afford to provide his allowance, finally she could settle him and see him happy again, and maybe if she continued working for Mrs Peterson, she could also afford her mom's hospital treatment, she finally found a way out, she knew it wasn't the best way but then it is surely a way.
Kim made up her mind to quit once she has made enough money to sustain her family.
She followed beatrice to the show room and she picked out an outfit for her.
"Mrs Peterson is right you know, you don't need steps to impress customers, you've got the baddest curves girl," beatrice squealed immediately Kimberly changed into the outfit.
Kim flashed her a grateful smile and followed her out towards the stage.
Kimberly held the stage poll, nervousness and fright washing over her.
Taking in a sharp breathe, she swerved into action, twirling her slender body, following the background music.
After a short while, she raised her head up, her eyes suddenly ran into a strange peer of eyes staring intently into hers.
Almost immediately, one of Mrs Peterson's girls walked up to her on stage.
"I will take it from here, you are needed at Mrs Peterson's office, I think you've got a private dance request," she whispered to Kim.