After the hearing, which was actually very difficult but with a positive ending for Leo's client, he and his partner and friend Scott went to a small bar to celebrate.
Scott - I already know that Louise is leaving for Miami - he says.
Leo - Gosh, don't even talk to me. What am I going to do without her? She is my right hand Scott. - he says frustrated.
Scott - Yeah, I know. Louise has been with you here at the firm since the beginning, putting up with your snob-lawyer quirks.” He laughs loudly.
Leo smiles, Scott really is a clown.
Scott's cell phone rings.
Scott - Wife - he says turning the screen to Leo and he sees there written "Love".
Scott answers the call, talks a little and hangs up.
Scott - Well, boy, woman calls, I have to go, right?
Leo - It's true, go there, your wife and children are waiting for you.
They say goodbye and Scott leaves, leaving Leo alone at the bar.
When he was thinking about leaving, he noticed a brunette, two tables in front of him looking at him, he realized that she was only with two friends. He raised his glass in greeting, at which she smiled and returned the gesture by doing the same.
She got up from her seat and approached Leo.
-I can? she asked looking at the chair in front of him.
Leo - Of course, you're welcome - he says all friendly.
She sat up and smiled.
-Priscilla - she introduces herself.
Leo - Leonardo - he says smiling.
She smiles and they start a small talk, what each one did for a living, and so on. Coupling conversation, which you already knew where it was going to go.
The conversation ended on the bed of a nearby motel.
The Interviews
When she arrived at the office, Louise was tidying her desk, Leo smiled.
Leo - Good morning Louise - he greets.
Louise looked up, not stopping what she was doing.
Louise - Good morning Mr. Leonardo, as usual this table is a mess - she scolds him.
Leo doesn't even care anymore, she's been saying that phrase for years, and he's going to miss it all.
Louise - Well, I have a short list of candidates for my position - she says, giving her folders one last adjustment.
Leo - Oh yeah? What a hassle! - he says not enthusiastically.
Louise left her office, to enter immediately with a dark blue folder in her hands.
Louise - Well, - she says, sitting down and opening the folder on the table - I have five candidates here and I took the liberty of scheduling the interviews, two for today in the morning and the other three for tomorrow in the afternoon.
Leo - Um, okay, it has to be right! - he says annoyed.
Louise - Yes, there is - she says closing the folder and getting up - the first one is at 10:00 in the morning.
Leo - Okay - says nothing excited about the idea.
That day's interviews went wrong, and the next day's the same thing, Leo didn't like any of them.
Louise despaired.
Louise - But you're stubborn, I'll end up leaving and you'll be left without a secretary - she says upset.
Leo - What do you want Louise to do? I won't work with just anyone, at least with a decent experience.
Louise left his office muttering something inaudible.
Leo shrugged his shoulders, he didn't like any of them, he didn't think any were very professional, and two even looked like they weren't there for the job but to seduce him, by God, he didn't want any of that.
He put his elbows on the table and then rested his head in his hands, that was going to be a problem, he couldn't afford to be without a desk.
He leaned back and loosened the knot on his navy blue tie.
At that moment there was a knock on the door.
Leo - Come in.
Scott walked in and soon realized that his friend was stressed.
Scott - So friend, what kind of face is that? - Asked sitting in front of Leo.
Leo sighs.
Leo - I don't know what to do Scott, of the five interviews for Louise's vacancy, which one is the worst - he said annoyed.
Scott laughed.
Scott - Aren't you exaggerating? I think you're so used to Louise, you're going to get into trouble with all of them.
Leo - I'm telling you friend, they weren't secretaries for me.
Scott - Well, I'll try to find out if there's a competent secretary out there, who can come to put up with you. I feel sorry for the girl who comes, but anyway, all for my friend.
He laughs loudly and gets up to leave.
Leo - Clown - he says making a face.
Scott continues to laugh and leaves.
Louise enters right away.
Louise - I got three more interviews for tomorrow - she put their resumes in front of her - see if you make an effort Mr. Leonardo, I won't be here in a week.
Leo takes a deep breath.
Leo - Yes, okay, I'll try - he replies without much enthusiasm.
She leaves, leaving a completely lost Leo.
As expected, those three interviews also came to nothing, none of them managed to please Leo, he didn't see any kind of professionalism there, he didn't know what to do, because at this point, Louise was only there for two more days and then he stayed without a secretary and he was starting to panic at the possibility of not having anyone to help air. He had a lot of work, and without a secretary, who was his right hand man, he didn't know what to do, or how he was going to get away with it.
The two days passed quickly, Louise left everything perfectly on track and organized, but now Leo found himself alone and without any help.
Three days after being without a desk, he could no longer find anything on his desk, there were already papers on the floor, in fact there were already documents everywhere, everything disorganized, everything out of place.
Leo arrived early, being the first to arrive at the company and the last to leave, he was swamped with work and the lack of help and organization he was used to, were driving him crazy.
He didn't sleep well, he didn't eat anything well, he was on the verge of falling to the side of tiredness.
He didn't know what he was going to do.