After Evy and Leo shared their first kiss, the desire to be together grew stronger. Then they started dating secretly from all over the world. But as time passed, they also began to relax and hide, such was their desire not to miss a moment to be together.
Evy let everyone go to sleep, to leave the house without anyone noticing, and it was on one of those nights of night escapes, that she lost her virginity, seven months after starting to date Leo.
Evy by this time was 16 years old and feeling more in love than ever.
Life seemed to be going well, but the good tide would soon turn.
Cinthya was the typical spoiled, self-centered girl who only thought about herself and no one else. Her fair skin contrasted with her blue eyes and dark hair as night. She was pretty, and because she was pretty, all the boys she hooked she had to have them, and she had.
Until one fine day, her eyes fell on Leo.
Seeing him leave a class, she purposely bumped into him, causing her books to fall to the floor.
Leo quickly bent down to pick them up.
Leo - I'm so sorry, I didn't see you.
Cinthya - It doesn't matter - she gives her charming smile.
He handed her the books, and when she took them, she ran her hand over her arm.
Cinthya - Wow, what soft arms - she says mischievously.
Leo gives an embarrassed smile, thanks him and leaves almost running.
Cinthya smiled, and thought how good those arms would be holding her.
From that day on, she started to make close appointments with Leo.
She appeared many times in front of her, ingratiated herself to him shamelessly, until she realized that Leo, was not going to be as easy to conquer as she had initially imagined, and that was getting on her nerves, anyone else by this time had already advanced. But he didn't, nor did he give her much talk, always running away from her, always avoiding her.
She then began to realize that he was always rushing out of the afternoon classes and that began to intrigue her, there was something there, and she was going to find out, there she was.
get rid of her
Narrated by Leo
After a year of dating my princess Evy, and escaping the advances of other girls, Cinthya decided to get on my feet.
She never even looked at me properly, haughty as she always was, I wouldn't look at a poor person like me, not even imagining her messing with the caretakers' son, for her that was rubbish that she didn't even come close. But she arrived, and was soon dragging her skinny wing on top of me.
She'd been doing this for days and then Evy was just too jealous. I don't take away her reason, but it's not my fault that she's on every corner I now pass.
I try to get rid of her as quickly as possible, but the worst is when I want to hurry up to my girlfriend.
I am and am very happy with Evy, she is my dream, I have lived the best days of my life with her,
We've been doing too much crazy stuff, and I love her more and more every day.
I'm on my way to the lake while I'm distracted thinking about all this. I can already see her sitting there waiting for me, she smiled happily, my flaminga is there, beautiful and beautiful. When I get close to her, here in our hiding place, she gets up and hugs me, and we kiss longingly for each other.
Cinthya saw Leo, once again rushing out of the last hour of classes, it was still three in the afternoon.
She decided to follow him without him noticing, it wasn't difficult, because he was distracted by her thoughts, so she followed him quickly but with a certain distance.
He was heading towards the city, but approaching a roundabout he left the path that had the sidewalk and went into the bush. She did the same, keeping her distance, to see where he was going.
She realized then that he was heading towards the lake, but to one of the more hidden places.
For a moment he couldn't see him, and he said something stupid, so much work to find nothing after all, but when he got a little further on, he realized that there was someone deep inside hiding in the middle of some trees, what a perfect place for a getaway. , he thought.
She bent down and tried to get a little closer to know who it was, then she saw him again coming out of the leafy trees, the person who was sitting got up and they hugged each other and then she saw who it was.
Evelyn Carter.
She put her hand over her mouth to stifle her little squeal of surprise, she would never have even imagined that that sly Evy was walking in the marmelons with the caretakers' son.
They kissed several times and she decided to leave, it was clear what was going on between those two.
Now she realized why that bastard didn't pay attention to her, what a shame, she, Cinthya, who had whoever she wanted when she wanted, and couldn't have a simple caretaker's son because he was in love with a sly, who everyone thinks and says she's the nicest girl here. Well behaved, I know. She thought super annoyed, as she walked ho now back.
She swore it wouldn't be like this.
And I didn't.
Evy and Leo were going to know the bitter taste of love.
Plan in Action (Part I)
Cinthya was a wise girl, and that night she worked out her plan, and it would be so easy to drive those two away.
So the next day, she went to the first part of her plan, Frank Carter, Evy's older brother.
Cinthya and Frank had already had an affair, made out and even had sex, but that was all.
Cinthya then told what she saw, her dear and pure sister rubbing all over Leo.
Frank punched the table in the cafe they were in, making other people look at them.
Frank - But what are you there to say? - he spat out the words, such was his hatred.
Cinthya - Calm down Frank, what an exaggeration - she says, pretending to be silly.
Frank - Exaggeration Cinthya! You're saying you saw my sister rubbing against… who?
Cinthya-Leo-she says carelessly, looking at her nails.
Frank - And who the fuck is Leo? - he asks irritated.
Cinthya - If you don't calm down, I won't tell you anything else - she says reaching back - you're already giving me headaches Frank. What did you think? - she says, moving forward now - that your 16-year-old sister was still there, without having been with anyone! Ahhh Frank, how much innocence, save me from so much ignorance.
Cinthya comes back again.
Frank's gaze is one of pure hate.
Frank - Look here Cinthya, you…
She cuts him off right away, pointing her finger at him.
Cinthya - Before you say shit, I'll tell you right now, don't even try to offend me, otherwise I won't even tell you where I saw them, you'll never find out, so stop right now.
Frank opens his mouth but makes no sound, closes his mouth again and frowns angrily. If he did, she wouldn't say anything else to him, so he thought it best to shut up and listen to what she had to say.