She jumped as the sink tap in front of her started running, water spraying from the basin. Thea rushed to turn it off, twisting the knob and felt her insides turn cold.
It was already off.
Water burst from the hand basin at the side of the room and Thea began to panic.
« Stop it ! Turn off ! » she cried.
Thea started hyperventilating as the fire sprinklers burst open and she was showered with water. Voices sounded from the bar as people panicked, shouting fire.
« Stop it, » Thea whispered repeatedly, closing her eyes. She didn’t know how but she knew it was her. Somehow she was doing this and she didn’t know how to make it stop.
« Thea ! »
She opened her eyes. Hermes stood in front of her, eyes serious as water poured down his face.
« Calm down. You need to be calm or it won’t stop. »
« I don’t think I can –« she gasped.
Hermes stepped closer, wrapping an arm around her waist and placing her hand on his chest. « Match my breathing, » he instructed.
Thea looked at the tap again but Hermes grabbed her chin and turned her back to him. « No, Thea. Don’t look anywhere but at me. Now breathe, in and out. »
Looking into his eyes, Thea lost herself in their blue depths, feeling the rise and fall of his chest beneath her palm. Thea tried to focus on matching her breathing to his. Still shaky, she felt herself beginning to calm as her breathing slowed down.
Hermes gripped her hand tight against his chest, his eyes never leaving hers. His hand on the small of her back moved softly in small circles.
« That’s it, » he murmured, water dripping from his eye lashes onto her nose.
Thea realised the fire sprinklers were off and she couldn’t hear the taps anymore.
« It stopped, » she whispered.
A small smile tugged at the corners of Hermes mouth. « Do you believe me now ? This will keep happening if you don’t learn to control it, Thea. »
Before Thea could respond, the kitchen door banged open and Josh ran in, water dripping from his blonde hair. Thea was slightly fascinated by the fact that his hair went dark when wet, no longer bright blonde.
« Thea ! » He froze, seeing Thea in Hermes arms.
Thea tried to move away but Hermes refused to let go, his hand pressing into her back. « Josh, is everyone alright ? »
Thea continued to struggle against Hermes grip. Josh’s eyes were glued to Hermes. « A little water logged but we’re all alright. Who’s this guy ? »
Thea didn’t know how to answer that. « He’s a friend. »
« We’re actually in the middle of discussing something, » Hermes smirked.
Josh moved, pulling Thea from Hermes arms. « You can talk to her from over there. »
« Get rid of him, Thea. » Hermes glared at Josh.
She felt thrilled that Josh had come to her rescue but she needed to talk to Hermes. She couldn’t ignore this anymore. Thea could feel something strange rolling off Hermes and she didn’t know what scared her more ; the fact that she could feel it or that she knew it was something unearthly.
« I’m sorry, Josh, » she turned to face him, « can you give us a minute ? »
Josh glanced down at her, worried. « Are you sure ? He doesn’t seem like a friend of yours. »
« He is…he’s just a distant one. Please, Josh ? »
Reluctantly, Josh let her go sending a final glare Hermes way. « I’ll be just out here if you need me. »
« Thanks, Josh. »
As soon as the door closed, Thea grabbed Hermes by the arm and dragged him through the kitchen and into the staff room out the back.
« If you wanted to be alone, you only had to say so. »
« What ? » Thea snapped.
Grinning, Hermes looked down and Thea followed his gaze. Her white blouse was now see through, her pink bra clinging to the fabric.
« Tell me, does the underwear match ? »
Thea wrapped her arms around chest. « You’re a pig ! » she hissed.
« No, with the thoughts running through my head right now I’m definitely a man. Don’t think your Josh wasn’t having a peek. »
« Shut up ! »
Hermes leaned against the table, his black shirt clinging to his chest. « Trust me, he’ll be dreaming of you in that bra tonight. »
Thea glared at him, finding it hard not to stare at his chest.
Hermes looked around the small staff room, lip curling with distaste. « So why was I dragged in here ? »
Thea forced her eyes from his abs. « Because I don’t want people to hear us. I still don’t know if I fully believe all this. »
Hermes raised an eyebrow. »Not even after the water show back there ? »
« It could have been a faulty line –«
« You know how it happened, Thea, » Hermes growled. « Stop lying to yourself and accept the truth that’s before you. »
« You have to understand that this isn’t something I can easily accept, » Thea protested.
« Then I guess I’ll have to show you more proof. »
Hermes grabbed her before she could resist and Thea felt her stomach drop as his hands held her waist.
Shrieking, she wrapped her arms around his chest as the kitchen melted away and a gust of wind howled through her ears. A flash of light made her shut her eyes as everything went quiet.
« Open your eyes, Thea. »
Opening them, she looked around. No longer was she in the kitchen but in a forest. Giant trees formed a circle around them, the scent of pine and mountain air filled her senses. Thea gazed at the small grove for some time, wondering why she felt so at home. She felt the air leave her lungs as she recognised where she was.
It was the forest from her dreams.