Thea shook it away, determined that he hadn’t been real. It had just been some mystery man who saved her and didn’t want to take credit for it.
Thea sighed at her own silly thoughts. I really am pathetic, she thought.
The air was cool outside and Thea held the jacket close as Josh helped her into his car. It was a four wheel drive, something Thea had always thought pointless for city living but it suited him.
« Where do you live ? »
« I live on Hatchett street, I can give you directions. »
« It’s okay, I know where it is. »
The drive was quiet and Thea felt she should be saying something but nothing came to mind. Instead, Shae’s lifeless eyes kept appearing behind her eyelids every time she closed them. Thea had never felt so guilty before. Shae was dead and it was her fault. They had been after her and not Shae. If only she had held Shae back, insisted that she stay away from them.
Thea sniffled, tears threatening to fall once more. They turned onto Hatchett street and Thea grabbed her bag. « Just here is fine, this is my apartment building. »
Josh pulled over, turning the engine off. He pulled out a card, passing it to her. « This is my number. Let me know when Shae’s funeral is. I didn’t know her that well but I’d like to pay my respects. »
Thea took the card, wondering why the only thing she could think was that her first date with Josh would be at a funeral. « Thanks, Detective Cooper. I’ll let you know. »
« Please, call me Josh, Thea. »
« Sure…Josh. »
Josh smiled. « Stay inside tonight. A cruiser will be patrolling the block but if you see anything suspicious, just call the station. »
« Alright, thanks Josh. »
He squeezed her shoulder and Thea couldn’t help but smile back. Getting out, she shut the door and gave him a wave. « Goodnight. »
He tooted once and didn’t leave until she was safely inside. Walking up the stairs, she fumbled for her keys in her bag, stopping when she saw the lip balm Shae had lent her. A sob broke from her and she wiped her eyes.
« I’m so sorry, » she whispered into the air.
Unlocking her door, she stepped inside, wanting to crawl into bed and forget everything that happened today.
« About time you got home. »
Thea opened her mouth to scream ; the man Hermes was standing in her apartment like he’d been waiting there all night. He raced forward and covered her mouth, moving her backwards until she hit the door.
« Don’t scream. » His eyes bore into her own. « It’s pointless. I’ll be gone before those police reach the stairs. Now listen –«
Thea’s breathing became erratic, inhaling the scent of sandalwood on his palm.
« You need to calm down and listen to me, Thea. I’m here to help you. You understand ? »
Thea nodded, hoping it would make him move away. Slowly he removed his hand and she stared at him. « How did you get in my apartment ? »
« I flew here. »
« You flew ? » Thea spoke slowly, not sure she heard him right.
« Yes, have you not heard of me or something ? I can fly. »
Thea watched him, face drawing a blank.
« Oh Gods this is going to be annoying, » he muttered, running a hand through his hair. « You don’t remember anything ? »
Thea glared at him, wondering if she really was going mad. »If it’s going to be annoying then just go, » Thea snapped, « I don’t know what I’ve meant to have forgotten but I don’t want you here. Go away. »
« I can’t. »
« Why ? »
« Because I’ve been sent here to protect you. »
« Why ? What have I done to need protecting ? »
« Nothing. Not in this lifetime anyway, » Hermes muttered.
Thea felt another headache coming on and pinched her brow. « Can you please just go ? I’m tired and just want this day to be over. »
« How long have you been having headaches ? »
Thea looked up at him. Hermes gazed at her strangely. « Nearly three months, what’s it got to do with anything ? »
« You’ve been having them since the Crete tsunami haven’t you ? »
« How did you know that ? » she whispered.
« Because, that tsunami was no natural disaster. It was the wrath of one very pissed off Titan. Someone you used to know. »
« I really don’t know what you’re talking about and I don’t want to. You do realise how insane you sound right now ? »
« As insane as fire bursting from your fingertips ? »
Thea fell silent and Hermes smirked. « I thought so. Your powers are awakening now that Cronos has been released. You need to master your powers before you lose control of them. »
« Who the hell is Cronos ? » Thea asked, exasperated. Her brain was struggling to keep up with all the nonsense spurting from his mouth. She didn’t believe him for one second about her supposed powers. It was too crazy.
« He’s a Titan, one of the original gods born of Gaia. » Hermes looked frustrated. « You really don’t know anything do you ? Pathetic. »
Thea’s patience finally snapped. « Get out of my apartment, now. »
« No. »
Thea fumbled for her phone, having had enough. « Leave now, or I’ll scre –«
Hermes closed the distance between them, their lips almost touching and Thea shut her mouth. His hand covered hers, rough calluses grazing her skin as he took her phone.
« I will say what I have to say and you will listen, » Hermes snapped, « I don’t want to be here as much as you don’t want me here. Unfortunately we’re both shit out of luck and are stuck with each other until you do what you were created for. »
« I don’t understand, created for what ? »
« You have to send Cronos back to Tartarus. »
Thea rolled her eyes, going along with his madness in hope it would make him leave. « And that is ? »
Hermes sighed, his breath fanning Thea’s face. « It’s like Hell, but worse. »
Thea shoved him hard but he wouldn’t budge. « What the hell is wrong with you ? You are insane. Do you realise what you are even asking of me ? It’s fantastical ! »
« Only because you don’t remember. » Hermes growled. « Those headaches though, I bet they only happen when you see certain people. Did you have one when you first saw me ? »
Thea hesitated, answering Hermes question. « That’s what I thought. Those guys that killed your friend back there ? They are no ordinary men. They are Titans, no human can kill them. »
« The fire, » Thea murmured, forgetting she didn’t believe him.
Hermes nodded. « Not even fire can harm them, though in time you could certainly inflict serious damage. Make no mistake though, they will find you again and they will kill you. »