Jairus drained the rest of his beer and returned the bottle to its holder. He could definitely use another one but he didn't want to make the trip to the fridge just yet, plus Lally might get upset if he drank all the beer too quickly. Thinking of her aunt brought back the faded images of her dream. He was torn between wanting to have sex with his aunt and how wrong it was to even consider doing so. Her hand moved to his growing cock. He knew that if he kept thinking about Lally, he would have to jerk off. As a signal, Lally appeared in the doorway of the arbor with a towel wrapped around her body. Even though he was tired and the beer and hot water relaxed him, Jairus knew he wasn't dreaming this time.
Lally smiles;
➖ Do you mind if I join you?
Jairus sat up;
➖No... Not at all.
➖LALLY: I have to warn you, I don't wear a bathing suit when I'm here, so if that's going to be a problem then...
Jairus interrupted him;
➖NO...it's not...I mean it's your house...do what you normally do.
➖LALLY: Are you sure you're okay? I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable.
Jairus just nodded.
Lally turned her back to him and removed the towel, laying it on the side of the hot tub in front of her nephew. Jairus saw a Japanese character tattooed on his lower back in blue ink, 蓮 was the kanji for "lotus". She sat down on the edge of the pool then swung her legs into the water. Her right arm covered most of her breasts and kept her knees tight, she didn't show her femininity to her nephew. She slides under the surface to her armpits, placing both arms on the edge of the pool. His chest bounces just below the surface of the turbulent water. Lally was nervous and excited but managed to smile at the puzzled young man in front of her. She could see he was just as nervous.
Jairus couldn't believe his beautiful, sexy, NAKED aunt was sitting in her hot tub a few feet away from him. He did his best not to stare at her trembling breasts but it was difficult. His leg grazed his underwater, startling him. She apologized and continued to smile at him. He then realizes that his hand was still on his cock but now he was stroking it slowly.
Lally asked;
➖So how was your day?
➖JAIRUS: Uh... well I guess.
➖LALLY: What did you do today?
Jairus knew it wasn't a hard question to answer, but he had to be sure it didn't start with, 'I blew a big load dreaming that you were fucking me, then I woke up and I took a shower to clean up the cum I had shot everywhere. He cleared his throat and huffed as if exhausted;
➖I went mountain biking with Melvyn, Tom and Jacques
➖LALLY: Did you have a rough commute?
Again, Jairus had to control his thoughts and not blurt out, "Not as hard as I'm going to ride you!"
➖JAIRUS: It was exhausting but I managed to keep up. I was in a little pain, that's why I'm sitting here.
Sweat ran down his face. He needed to get out of the water for a few minutes but his tent trunks would be quite in the way.
Lally suggested;
➖You look a little hot. You should sit on your side for a few minutes.
Jairus answered;
➖I'm fine.
Lally could tell he was nervous about something and figured he probably had an erection and didn't want to show it. She decided to help him without embarrassing him.
➖LALLY: It's a little hot in here. What temperature did you set?
➖JAIRUS: A hundred I think.
➖LALLY: Do you mind if I drop a little?
He just shook his head. Lally turned her back to him again as she stepped out of the water to adjust the temperature. The controls were right behind her. She leaned to the side and lowered the dial to ninety-two. Her ass was half above water as she worked and Jairus had perfect eyesight. She also opened the jets vent fully, allowing cool air to help bring the temperature down faster. When she returned to her seat, she no longer covered her chest like before and Jairus got another full eye from his aunt. He could feel the cooling taking place but he was still warm and he didn't think it was just from the water. It was the sexy woman sitting across from him who had his high temperature. Lally rolled her shoulders several times then shook her head from side to side as if trying to relieve some tension.
Seeing his aunt's actions, Jairus asked;
➖Is everything okay?
➖LALLY: I was sitting at the desk most of the day and it still hurts my neck and shoulders...
She paused for a moment to roll her shoulders again in the hope that he would offer to rub them, when he didn't, she added;
➖Could you be a darling and massage them for me?
Jairus stammered;
➖You… of course… agree
Jairus sat up as his aunt turned and backed up towards him. She spread her legs with her hands then sat down on the bench with her ass pressed against his stiff cock. He knew it was impossible for her not to notice his condition, but she panicked or walked away. In fact, she was lying against his chest. Jairus' hands were out of the water, about to go to work on her shoulders when he saw the top of her breasts quiver right in front of him. His hands were shaking now. He wanted to reach out and stroke her bouncy breasts, stroke them, squeeze them but his palms landed on her shoulders and began to work the tense muscles. Lally leaned forward again to make it easier for him to massage her, spreading her legs until the outsides of her thighs were touching her inner thighs while keeping her hands on her knees.
Lally moaned, tilting her head;
➖Oh my God Rus, it feels so good... Louder, you won't hurt me.
If anyone had been listening outside, they could have easily mistaken what was going on in that hot tub for anything other than an innocent massage. Jairus' cock throbbed at the sound of her words and sensual moans. Lally was also getting very excited about what was going on. The feel of his strong hands on her shoulders and his shaking cock in her ass crack had her pussy soaking wet. His right hand left her knee and began to caress her swollen clitoris. She was soft at first, not wanting to cum too fast. She wanted to savor the sensual sensations she was experiencing.
The phone hanging on the wall rang. She felt Rus stop his firm knead the second time he buzzed. Lally let out a frustrated sigh and looked at the annoying electronic device with hatred. She could see the gallery number on the display and wondered why Safia would call her. Lally came out of the water to answer the phone. She stood naked on the side of the hot tub, her back to her nephew.
She answered;
She listened to Safia panicked on the other end of the line.
Jairus only had half the conversation but he could tell it was important.
Lally exclaimed;
➖Did you sell the Henley? That's great ! So what's the problem ? Pack it up for shipping and I'll sign all the paperwork in the morning. Aderito is there right now? No, I haven't had dinner yet. Are you serious ? Alright tell her I'll be there in about 30 mins... I was relaxing in the hot tub so I'm not really dressed for dinner yet... Thank you Safia... bye .
Lally ended the call and picked up her briefcase. She began to dry off, oblivious to her wide-eyed nephew watching her intently. She wrapped the towel around herself and faced Rus.
She asked;
➖Do you remember the sculpture you were looking at in the window the other day?
Jairus nodded, his eyes still wide.
➖LALLY: Well, a customer just bought it and wants to pick it up tonight and take me out to dinner.
Jairus answered;
➖LALLY: Do you mind having dinner alone tonight? I had planned to make us...
He interrupted her.
➖JAIRUS: Don't worry about me, I'll order a pizza. Go enjoy a fancy dinner.
➖LALLY: You are adorable
She leaned over to kiss him on the cheek.
Lally ran home to get ready as Jairus got out of the hot water and began to dry off. His throbbing cock demanded attention but he would wait until Lally was gone before dealing with it. He returned home, looked up the restaurant on his phone, and placed his order. He kept his towel around his waist to help hide his excitement while his aunt was still home.
He was sitting on the couch in the family room watching TV when Lally was ready to leave. She stood in front of him to see what he thought of her evening dress. Jairus was impressed. Lally had put on a sleeveless turquoise leather mini dress that looked like it was painted on her skin. It was also strapless and the hem barely came to the middle of her thighs. Her legs were wrapped in sheer black nylon with blue snakeskin pumps. Her hair was tied in a tight ponytail high on her head. She was gorgeous. It was a good thing that Jairus still had his towel around his waist because his cock was trying to free itself from its confinement.
He exclaimed;
➖FUCKING SHIT... You are beautiful
➖LALLY: Thank you darling
She leaned over, kissing him on the cheek;
➖I have to go. I'll probably be back late so don't wait.
Lally opened the front door, nearly knocking over the pizza delivery guy as she walked out.
➖LALLY: Rus... your pizza is here
She rushed to the young man at the door.
Jairus grabbed his wallet to pay for the pizza and was greeted by a young man who was still staring at his sexy aunt.
➖JAIRUS: How much do I owe you?
The boy replied;
➖Uh... $12.50 man
He took $15 out of his wallet and handed it to the delivery man;
➖Thank you man.
➖DELIVER: Dude... Your girlfriend is hot!
Jairus chuckled and pulled out another $5 from his wallet, adding it to the money he had already given the young man, for the compliment. The boy thanked him and left. Jairus was amused that the delivery guy thought Lally was his girlfriend. He was only fantasizing about it at the moment. He grabbed another beer and returned to his show, now that dinner had arrived.
It was a little after ten o'clock when Lally arrived home and she was not in a good mood.
➖LALLY: I can't believe this son of...
She rushed over to him and into his office.
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