Jairus is home from college and will be spending the summer with his sexy aunt. The baggage carousel began spinning, fol...
Jairus looked up when the flight attendant asked him to put his seat in an upright position as the plane prepared to land. The handsome young man complied, removing his headphones and putting them in his pocket. He looked out the window at a familiar sight; the Parisian coast on a bright Monday afternoon. It was late August the year before when he left for tech but now he was going home for the summer. Well, almost home. His parents had decided to remodel their entire house in Montreuil while they were taking a month-long vacation in America, visiting his father's Puerto Rican family and friends. They had asked him if he would like to join them but Jairus wanted to spend some time at the beach and meet up with his friends. With his house in bad shape, Jairus was going to spend the summer with his aunt Lally.
Lally was the youngest of five siblings on her mother's side of the family, whose parents immigrated from Japan in the 1950s. Unlike Jairus' mother Laetitia, who was a corporate lawyer, Lally was a free spirit . She went to school to study art with an emphasis on photography. This made Lally the black sheep of her family since all her siblings were doctors, engineers or lawyers. She lived with Jairus' parents for the first six years of her life because her own parents couldn't handle her. He knew how strict and traditional his grandparents were, so it was no surprise that his aunt was a problem child. Jairus had always gotten on well with Lally and didn't care too much about having to spend a good part of the summer with her.
Jairus slung his backpack over his shoulder and stepped off the plane, heading for the baggage claim area. He was a unique blend of Puerto Rican and Japanese genes. He inherited his height from his father, just under six feet with broad shoulders and a lean build. From his mother's side, he was given jet black hair and finer facial features common to Asians. The combination made for a very handsome young man as many girls he has dated attest to.
These same ladies should thank his aunt for the improved "birds and bees" education she had given Jairus. Her dad covered the basics, but she gave him a deeper understanding of how a woman's anatomy works, which allowed her to be very adept right off the bat. He and his aunt never had sex or even touched each other inappropriately, but Lally showed him using his own body as he watched what and where to touch a woman and how to touch himself to bring her the greatest possible pleasure.
The baggage carousel began spinning, followed soon after by bags sliding along the spin for passengers to claim. With his attention focused on the bags to be dropped off, Jairus didn't notice the petite Asian woman coming up behind him. Although Lally had not seen her nephew for over a year, it was impossible to confuse the young man in front of her with anyone other than his family. She had been like a second mother to him as a child and had always made sure to see him on his birthday. Lally held a special place in Jairus' heart because she never spoke to him, like some of his other nieces and nephews. She always made her feel welcome when she was around.
"Rus!" she cried, wrapping her arms around him from behind making him jump. She was the only one who had ever called him Rus.
➖JAIRUS: Holy shit, Aunt Lally, you scared me!
She turned it to face her and declared;
➖Sorry, I couldn't resist. And can we drop the "Aunt Lally" thing? It makes me feel old.
Jairus got his first good look at his aunt since last Easter when she was at her parents. She had made some changes in her appearance between then and now. Lally was a few centimeters shorter than her mother. Her long black hair still fell to her waist but now the last three inches were dyed neon blue. She was also curvier than Laetitia, but was very well proportioned. Her C cup breasts stood out proudly in the tight cotton tank top. Her thigh-length skirt showed off her toned legs as she was perched on sandals. Her makeup was bright with red and pink on her eyelids and a black eyeliner trailing towards her temples. Lally may have been 31, but her youthful looks and bubbly personality never revealed that fact. Jairus couldn't help but think of his aunt as a hottie. His body was letting him know that fact by pulling up a bulge in his jeans that he hoped she hadn't noticed.
As he grabbed one of his bags off the carousel, he questioned;
➖So, what am I supposed to call you? You are my aunt after all...
➖LALLY: Just call me Lally like everyone else and we won't have a problem.
➖JAIRUS: I just thought it would be a little disrespectful. You're my oldest and I'm supposed to be...
She interrupted him;
➖ It's nonsense! I'm anything but traditional, you should know that by now. And like I said, all that aunt stuff makes me feel old
With a smile, while collecting his last bag, he replied;
➖ But you are older than me...
She happily clapped him in the arm;
➖Only twelve years old. I'm not even old enough to be your mother.
Lally took the backpack from his shoulder as he grabbed his luggage, then motioned for him to follow her to the parking lot. They took the elevator to the upper level. When the doors opened, Jairus started looking for the VW van she had been driving since she got her license. Lally suddenly stopped behind a convertible BMW and opened the trunk for him. The blue M4 was a big leap from that old pickup.
➖JAIRUS: Doesn't that sound like that van you've been driving for as long as I can remember?
He loaded his bags and closed the trunk.
➖LALLY: A lot of things have changed since you last saw me.
She smiled and started the car, lowering the roof.
Lally left the airport and headed for the coastal highway. Turning south, she raced down the road like a teenager who's just picked up her parents' car keys for the first time. They made unnecessary chatter on the way to Lally's house. When she passed the street, Jairus remembered that she was alive, she smiled at the nineteen year old girl and continued driving. Clearly, she no longer lived in that tiny condo. They continued south to the entrance to Vincennes where Lally turned to her young passenger with a smile.
➖LALLY: Do you mind if we take a short break before I take you home? It won't take long.
Jairus replied with his own smile;
➖No, no problem. You drive.
He enjoyed the ride along the coast with his beautiful aunt. He especially liked the way her skirt floated in the open air of the convertible, threatening to show her panties. He knew it was wrong to watch but he couldn't help it, she was so hot. Fortunately, his dark sunglasses hid his downward gaze whenever he looked in her direction (or so he hoped). The car stopped in front of one of the many galleries bordering the Nogent-sur-Marne as it passed through Vincennes. Lally jumped out, motioning for Jairus to follow him. She stopped right outside the main entrance.
Lally spread her arms and asked;
➖Well... what do you think?
Jairus was puzzled;
➖It's a gallery… So?
She pointed to her name on the panel and asked;
➖It's not just a gallery, it's my gallery!
His mouth was hanging open as he looked from his aunt to the sign with his name below and then back to his aunt. He rushed forward, taking her in his arms and turning her around.
He exclaimed;
➖You finally did it! You have your own gallery. How did you manage? It must be expensive to have a gallery here.
As he lowered her to the ground once more, she giggled;
➖ Slow down, I'll explain later. Let's come in so I can show you around.
It wasn't a huge place but it had a nice facade. The space had several wall panels displaying numerous pictures, paintings, sculptures and other works of art. Some of the photographs Jairus recognized as his aunt's work and he was proud to see that she had realized her dream of having a gallery. He followed Lally to the back where a young woman was behind a desk, talking to someone on the phone;
➖Yeah, can I call you right back? She just walked in… Of course twenty minutes, bye.
Lally pointing to the young woman said;
➖Rus... it's Safia. She helps me run the place
➖SAFIA: Nice to meet you. Lally has talked a lot about you.
As she stepped out from behind the desk, she held out her hand.
Safia was tall and thin, standing at Jairus' eye level in her three inch pumps. Her hair was short; sporting what could be described as a modernized bob haircut. She wore a white silk blouse, beige pencil skirt that matched her heels, and sheer nude tights. Jairus was surprised at such a young woman in nylons these days, but he liked seeing women in pantyhose and so enjoyed the sight. Safia had small breasts but he could see her nipples penetrating the delicate fabric of her blouse. Either she wasn't wearing a bra or it was also very thin.
Jairus took her hand and shook it lightly;
➖ Nice to meet you too.
➖LALLY: Why don't you take a look while I have a quick chat with Safia
She turned to her assistant before Jairus could respond.
He turned and walked over to one of the framed works he didn't recognize and gave it a look. It was a photo of a woman in traditional pearl fishing attire, sitting on the gunwale of a boat, gazing out to sea at a threatening storm cloud. Jairus knew that Lally had traveled the world on a shoestring budget for many years as she pursued her love of art and photography. It must have been the one she took in Asia. He was about to leave when he heard the two women talking.
Safia looked at Jairus lustfully and whispered;
➖God he's cute
In a muffled voice Lally replied;
➖It's my nephew you're drooling over... Besides, I don't think Niko would like you to wet your panties on another guy. Do you remember what happened last time?
➖SAFIA: OK...ok...But he's still cute.
Lally nodded;
➖I know.
They were both laughing.
Jairus had to move to the front of the gallery or his aunt would realize he was listening and possibly see the big bulge in his pants. He saw many more photos with Lally's name on them but there were others with unknown names. He also noticed that all the paintings, sculptures and other objects had different artist names. Jairus wondered who they could be and how they were related to this gallery. As he admired a unique glass sculpture of a dolphin and a mermaid, Lally approached him.
She asked:
➖Do you like this one?
➖JAIRUS: It's beautiful. How much does it cost?
➖LALLY: I think that one is twenty-two
➖JAIRUS: Twenty two hundred dollars?
➖LALLY: No, twenty-two thousand.
Jairus took a step back.
Lally laughed; taking him by the hand, she led him to the carriage;
➖Ready to see my new home?
He simply nodded, still impressed by the huge price of this work of art. They were only in the car a few minutes before Lally pulled into the driveway of a mid-sized house on the slopes above the Pacific Nogent-sur-Marne. The three-bedroom, two-bath home is nestled into the hillside with narrow ocean views to the west. Lally opened the door and Jairus followed her carrying her bags.
The living room had a sofa and a loveseat in earth colored fabrics. There was a wrought iron coffee table and matching side tables which had glass tops with small vases or sculptures decorating them. The kitchen was small but very efficient for the size of the house. Jairus could tell he was completely upgraded with all the new devices. There was a breakfast bar and a nook with an oak table custom made for the space. The family room, just off the kitchen, was fully appointed, including a 60-inch flat screen on the wall and a high-tech stereo system in a modern wood and glass media cabinet. The back yard wasn't big due to the slope of the land but it was beautiful. There were two levels covered with planters and pots filled with blooming flowers. The main next to the house was under a trellised patio cover with a barbecue, table and chairs. The lower level contained an enclosed gazebo hiding a large hot tub inside.
Jairus took all the details into account and stated;
➖This place is amazing
➖LALLY: Thank you, it's small, but it's mine, and I love it. Let me show you your room.
Jairus followed Lally down the hall to a door on the left. The bedroom housed a queen size bed, a dresser and two nightstands. The closet had doors full of mirrors and spanned an entire wall. The single large window overlooked the enclosed front yard. The blue and green colors of the paint and linens gave the room a fresh and inviting feel. Jairus put his bags on the bed and looked at the view;
➖That's great! It's almost as big as my bedroom at home.
➖LALLY: So do you think it will be ok for the time you are going to stay with me?
Jairus picked up Lally in his arms, holding her to the ground;
➖It's going to be great!
He leaned down to kiss her on the cheek as she turned to answer him and their lips met for a brief moment. Both backed away and Jairus put his aunt on the ground. His groin brushed against his lingering erection that hadn't yet disappeared from the gallery. He was blushing and Lally could tell he was embarrassed. She felt a strange tingling in her stomach and a heat rising between her legs. My nephew turns me on, she thought, hoping Jairus hadn't noticed her rock hard nipples. He too felt uneasy as his throbbing cock began to wet his pants.
She stammered nervously as she backed down the hall;
➖Well... Ok... I'll let you settle down. Make yourself at home.... Oh, my bedroom is here at the end of the hall, and the bathroom is just across the hall. I'll get changed and start dinner in about an hour, okay?
She pointed to each door in turn, then quickly disappeared into her room, closing the door behind her. Her heart was pounding and she seemed out of breath.
Taking off her skirt, she whispered;
➖What the fuck is wrong with me?
Jairus was still standing where he was when he dropped Lally off. His mind was a maelstrom of conflicting thoughts and emotions. He got an epic erection and it was because of his aunt. He wanted to kiss her, caress her... kiss her. "STOP!" his rational mind screamed. Guilt washed over him like a tidal wave. " What's wrong with me? " he thought as he closed his bedroom door.
He sat on the edge of the bed trying to figure out what was going on. Jairus could tell Lally was embarrassed by what had happened, but he saw how hard her nipples had become. " Was she excited too? " he wondered. It only fueled more erotic thoughts, followed by more guilt and shame. He wanted to get unwrapped but his throbbing cock was too distracting. He decided to go to the bathroom and release the pressure. As he opened his bedroom door, he heard the water running in his aunt's bathroom.