Love, although it is the most beautiful of feelings, has never been a long calm river. We meet. We fall in love. And we fight for that love. This is how things are supposed to be. But, what about when you fall in love when you shouldn't? But still, from the person it is not necessary. You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife. It is so written in the Bible (Exodus 20: 17).
Sometimes I think that if I hadn't agreed to pass myself off as my sister in her family, I could have avoided all this. I would surely never have known him. Maybe it would have been better that way. I wouldn't have made the mistake of falling in love with him so much that I couldn't hold myself back.
It all started from there, actually. If only I could rewind everything and go back in time. I would have done everything differently. None of what happens would have been. And above all, he would have had no reason to hate me so much because according to him, I am the only one responsible for everything that happened. The worst, I can not say anything. I got stuck in my sister's life.
- Get out of my house. And never set foot here again, he yells. If you knew how much you disgust me. I curse the day you came into our lives. You are so...
He clenches his fists.
-I always thought you were going to ruin our lives. But I did not know that I would have had a role to play there.
- Do you want me to leave? You're right. You say I'm solely responsible for what happened. You may be right, I smile nervously. But things are not as you think. If you'd at least let me explain.
-Shut up ! Shut your fucking mouth. You are a...
He gritted his teeth and clicked his jaw.
-I don't want to listen to anything that comes from you. Only venom and lies come out of your mouth when you open it.
The rage with which he addressed me sent shivers down my spine. And her bright red eyes that accompanied her words left no room for doubt about her intentions to get me out of her life and the disgust I inspired in her. I fight back my tears because I don't want to make fun of him. It wasn't going to influence his decisions anyway.
That said, it's been a long time since I wanted to lift my feet and leave his house. But I can not. My lower limbs are getting heavier. You would have thought they weighed two tons.
- If tomorrow my father dies, know that, it will be your fault. If you knew how much I hate you, he gives me a look full of disgust. You are the worst thing that ever happened to me in my life.
-I'm leaving, I say with pain. I leave your house. I'm going back home. You will no longer have me around you telling you every time that for me it was never a game and that I really loved you. You don't want to hear any of that, I know that. Even if it's the truth.
-Shut up.
- I wish you to find a woman who is never wrong... who never makes mistakes... who knows how to love you like me...
-Shut up, he says a little louder than before.
-It's not because I believe it doesn't exist or that you don't deserve it. You very well deserve it.
- Shut up, he's screaming.
-Except that, I'm sure. You won't find one who knows how to love you more than me. But you can always try.
- But shut your... Shut up Myréna. I don't want to hear you anymore, he plugs his ears with his fingers. I swear if you open it again, I'm gonna hurt you, you little liar.
-I love you you know.
-And I hate you like you have no idea.