Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Mylena Scott Fenty
Today is my mother-in-law's birthday. I'm going to wear my best dress to get there. Arrived there, we will treat each other with all the names of birds, insult each other even in our heads. But we will smile warmly in front of everyone as if we were the happiest and most united of families. It's been that way for so long that it's become the norm. More hypocritical than Reynaldo's family, you die. Just thinking about it makes my heart ache.
I join my husband who was already impatient to wait too long in the car park when I was supposed to have simply forgotten my phone. He was looking his best as always. Despite his 52 years, Reynaldo has always known how to take care of himself. It is very well preserved apart from its... In short.
Alice was with him waiting for me too. Her mouth was stretched out, it looked like we had a pull on it.
"The Queen Mother is finally coming back," Alice comments, looking at me askance. We can now leave. Chrrrrrr!
- You shut up Alice, scolds my husband. You're not gonna start your bullshit anytime soon. We're about to go to your grandmother's house for her birthday. It's an important day for your grandma... for the family. There will be people... important people will be present. This really isn't the time to shame your family. You are 17, not 5 as you say so many times.
He lectured her as he climbed into the vehicle. Then he took off with a bang. Reynaldo does not shout when he speaks. But, the message is still clear. And anyone who knows him knows not to push him too far. Good everyone, except his daughter it seems. This little one is a real pain.
-But of course. Everything has been going wrong since this woman came into our lives. But we don't have the right to say that. Nooo, everything is fine. One must feign perfect happiness to save face.
-You have understood everything. Now behave yourself. And put on your seat belt.
-Excuse me for not being as hypocritical as you. You play the game perfectly while I...
-If you don't shut up Alice, I'll make you get out of the car and go by taxi to your grandmother's. Don't tempt me. Myléna is older than you. She's also my wife. You respect her. You have little choice.
-When did you become such an insolent girl?
-If that clears me of your wife's presence, she rolls her eyes. Trust me dad, I'd really rather take a taxi there.
-Leave the Reynaldo. Your daughter is not going to grow up in just one day. By the way, I'm used to it now.
Sometimes I think to myself that I should have stayed away from this family. Marrying a man with 3 children when I myself don't have any was not at all the idea of the century. In their eyes, I will always be the intruder. The one who usurped the place of Alice, Reynaldo's late wife.
From Rey's father through his mother, to his children, everyone sees me as enemies in this family. With Noah and Logan it's softer. And again, soft is too nice a way to put it. Let's say preferably that they know their limit. We just stop at political correctness.
I so often want to go somewhere, alone, without having to deal with one of the members of this family. I'm seriously thinking about it these days. The problem is, I couldn't stay there long if I go alone. And I'll have to call home from time to time to check in. Whereas, all I want is to take a break. I am 30 years old. This family is way too stressful for me. Soon I'll look like a little old woman.
We arrive at my mother-in-law's house. Smile of circumstance plastered on the face, I go down the first of the car. Followed by my husband who comes out with a gift package in hand. I myself did not bring anything for the occasion. Like, I knew my husband was going to get her a few things for that day, I kind of dragged my feet. Anyway, when he gives her the gift, he will do it on behalf of both of us, I didn't have to scramble to find something. Besides, what can we offer to a woman who already has everything?
The house is teeming with people right now. And it's not just any class of person. It's the creme de la creme. There are plenty of public figures. Before, I liked to participate in these kinds of events. This has been my hunting ground.
We are welcomed by my mother-in-law who, despite the fact that she tries to keep up appearances, refrains from taking me in her arms. The truth is that, although I play the game thoroughly, I impose certain limits on myself. And giving Judas a kiss to others is too much for me. So each time, I pretend not to like physical contact.
We smile at each other and she takes her son in her arms. She then drags us to her old friends of long dates who moved for the occasion and who wanted to reconnect with his son. I really had no mind for that. But for my husband, I simply support. We toured the guests. And each time, my husband stopped to chat with acquaintances. It was deadly boring. There are those who forget what the word festivity could mean since it was simply about work. Between those who expose their wallets and those who beg my husband to give their child work, I don't know who are the worst.
At the end my ankles were swollen from following Reynaldo wherever he went. It's always like that with him for our social outings. To believe that if he lets go of me a little bit, I will escape.
When he finally asked me to go home, I thanked him internally because there were so many. Once home, I take off those toe-torturing heels and throw myself into bed as an act of deliberation.
-I have to find a way to get the hell out of here without jeopardizing my marriage. This is starting to weigh heavily on my state of mind. I need to free myself from all of this. I have to take time for myself. Breathe another air and come back when I feel better.
months later
Myrena Fenty
-It's just the story of a week Myréna. You will not even see the time passed that I will already be back.
-One week when I'll be at your house... with your husband... where he would think I'm his wife, I'm correcting her. And if...
- But it's for a good cause my sister. Reynaldo will not notice anything of this subterfuge. He is away most of the time from home. Between his designer jewelry and perfume businesses, his newest 17-year-old kid who by the way is a real calamity, his intrusive family and all the rest... he won't even have time to notice you. . He is a 52-year-old man, Myré. How do you want... He... In a week, there's no way that will happen. Above all, don't worry about... that, she mimics the thing with a wave of her hand. Besides, you could pretend anything so you don't need to be intimate with him. Reynaldo is not going to insist if you make him feel like you don't want to. Use your creative side to push him away. You have carte blanche. It is my marriage that I place in your hands, my sister. Let's say... his survival. If I want to keep her, Reynaldo must not see through the deception.
-And if he...
- Are you discovering all the same? She completes my sentence. No chance. He knows I have a sister. But he does not know that we are twins. He'd blame it on mood swings if you had to act any different from me in the first place. But be careful all the same. They are not stupid in this family. Already his parents never really welcomed me into the heart of their family deemed too prestigious to integrate me. Don't give them more reason to talk.
-Since no one from their home has met a member of your family, they are suspicious. Which is completely normal. You always kept me away from them for some reason. It wasn't the sky that gave you Myléna.
- Unless you're ashamed of me.
- Myré, you are a wonderful woman. Look at you. At 30, you're a deputy prosecutor. You're the one to be ashamed of me not even...
-Hey no. Don't even finish your sentence. All I am is because of you. Except... You were that sweet girl when our parents were still alive. I... I don't understand why you've changed so much.
-And for the rest, it's the street that formed me, my sister. And you shouldn't judge me. Quite the contrary. You think you could have lined up all those rich kid colleges if I weren't who I am today.
- And I'm grateful to you. But was it worth it?
-No sacrifice is huge when it comes to you my sister. I had to do it again, I certainly wouldn't hesitate. Today it's your turn. So help me. Think of it as your way of...
"Repay you for everything you've done for me?"
- Don't be ridiculous. I would never say it that way. You are my sister and I love you. It was my duty to take care of you.
-Hmmmm! But you still want to be reimbursed.
Installed in the super 5-star hotel room that must have cost my sister an arm and a leg, I listen carefully to her explain to me how easy it will be to fool her husband. All that comes to mind is that it's going to screw up sometime.
My sister has always been deceitful. But this time it's for a good cause, I tell myself. I want to help him. But I have doubts about this. You don't replace someone without those around you realizing it. Especially since, apart from physical attractions, Myléna and I have little in common. Moreover, even if she is my twin, it's another identity that I'm going to take. And that, I know, is punishable by law.
-I really don't feel it Mylé. As a lawyer, I...
-Don't worry about it, she comes to hug me. It's going to be fine my sister. I promise you. It's just a week, she tries to coax me in a thin voice.
She went to pour herself a drink and bring one back to me too.
- You don't drink alcohol? I say. Yours is apple juice. How you like my sister.
I take the glass from his hands.
-Suppose I agree to replace you for the week. How would we go about not getting caught? Because I don't want to make a detour to prison for something that we could have done otherwise.
- Put the avocado in you on the back burner and help your sister. You're welcome. I only have you.
- Remind me why you want me to replace you already.
She smiles at me.