« I say lets do a few rides before looking at the booths. I can see more young kids coming so we need to get in line first. » Annie glanced at Brad to get his opinion.
»Works for me. » He answered. The way he smiled down at Annie had me raising an eyebrow. Before I could look more into it Annie was grabbing Brad’s arm and yanking him away. Smiling at the look he had on his face, I trailed after them.
We past booth after booth as we made our way to one of the rides in the back. From a quick glance I could see tons of good stuff people were selling and I made a mental note to look back at them later. Tomorrow I volunteered to help out so tonight was one of my only chances to look around and get some stuff.
Annie stopped suddenly in a line for the spinning cups. We shared a grin as we watched the ride go. Every year we went on this ride together and laughed at how many people got sick from spinning around so much. It was personally one of my favorites and it was one of the few rides I would actually ride, since the others looked like they were about to fall apart.
Thankfully we didn’t have to wait in line too long. Before we knew it the three of us were jamming ourselves into one of the cups. I hadn’t realized until then just how big Brad was as I sat there shoved against the side. On the other side of Brad was Annie, who was practically on his lap.
While it was uncomfortable we were all laughing too hard to care. When the ride started I held onto the bar in front of me. From the corner of my eye I noticed Annie and Brad sharing a smile before the cup started to spin.
For the next ten minutes the three of us laughed our heads off as we spun around, well Annie and I laughed, Brad looked like he may be sick. When we finally came to a stop the three of us sat perfectly side by side, the spinning somehow making us fit better.
As soon as the bar lifted Brad stumbled out looking a bit green. My legs shook slightly as I got out but I was fine, unlike someone else. Annie had an arm wrapped around Brad as he made his way towards a garbage can. That ride wasn’t for everyone.
« You good there Brad ? » I teased.
« Just peachy. » He muttered making me grin.
« While you two take a breather I am going to go to some of the booths. I will meet you guys by the ferris wheel in a few minutes. » I knew Annie wanted some alone time with Brad anyways, so this was a win win.
I could practically see the giddiness coming off of Annie as she kept her arm around Brad and helped him towards some benches. She was probably drinking this all up and I wouldn’t blame her. She has been trying to get Brad’s attention for forever and now she had it. He just better see what was in front of him before it was too late.
The thing about guys is they don’t see it like us girls do. They don’t see the perfect girl standing in front of them that will love them until their last breath. No they only see the girl who treats them like shit and somehow still stays with her.
Or you get the guy who messes up what he had. The guy who had someone who really cared for them and would do anything, and ends up cheating on that girl. Ruins the only good thing going on in his life for some stupid girl.
Of course you had other types of guys you had to worry about. The ‘fuck-boys’ who only care about getting in girls pants, you have the guy who is hot but gay or taken, and then finally you have the best friend type of guy that will never look at you that way.
Sadly, every girl has probably dealt with one of these types which just made dating even that much harder. Annie and I have dealt with these type of men, which is why we were both single. But for Annie’s sake I hoped Brad was somewhat different. She needed someone. Then maybe she would get off my back about my own love life.
Giving those two one last smile I turned back to the booths I saw earlier. I’ll look around and give them a few minutes alone before making my way back to them.
Brock Spencer’s Pov….
« You need to take a break. »
»What ? » I looked over at my manager like she and gone crazy. Scratch that, she has gone crazy. There was no way in hell I was taking a break.
« You need to take some time off. » My manager, Vanessa Bullock, said again. Her hands were on her hips and she was giving me a look that I knew she meant business.
« I can’t take a break Vanessa, pre-season starts soon ! » Baseball season was just around the corner and no way was I not going to not play. I needed to practice to show I was okay to play again.