« What ? He asked if I was going and I said yes. »
« Uh huh. » The corner of my lip tugged up. For the past year Annie has tried to get Brad’s attention and get him to ask her out, to no avail of course, but it didn’t stop her. We have hung out with him a few times and he was super nice, which of course just add to the appeal. I found him attractive but I didn’t really do relationship, not anymore. At the moment I was fine with how my life was, I didn’t need someone to make me happy.
« I have to find the perfect outfit that is going to have him on his knees. »
« We both know it will be the other way around. » I teased.
« Don’t you know it. » She winked at me with a sparkle in her eyes. I shook my head at her, laughing as she got off my desk and headed for the doorway.
« Who knows, maybe we will find you a guy that will make you get on your knees. » I turned around with my mouth open.
»Annie ! »
« Let loose that kinky side we both know you have, Haley. » Before I could say anything she turned and bounced out the room.
Yeah that is never going to happen.
Even after taking my time cleaning up my classroom and getting it ready for next week, I got home with plenty of time to get ready. It would take me all but three minutes to put something new on and freshen up.
I spent the next four hours cleaning, making something to eat, catching up on a few work things, and then went to shower. It was 4 :30 when I finally got out of the shower and started to get dressed.
The best part about the fall festival was the weather. It was the last week of September, so it was finally cool enough for jeans and sweaters. Whenever the festival came around it was like everyones mood picked up.
Knowing it was going to be chilly tonight I wiggled into a pair of dark blue skinny jeans. The one good thing about skinny jeans is they definitely made your legs look longer and skinnier than they really are. With those on I threw on a pretty maroon colored sweater. You could never go wrong with jeans and a nice thick sweater.
I quickly went back to the bathroom to finish getting ready. I had a good set of bags under my eyes, sadly not prada, that needed to be covered. I wasn’t one for much makeup so I kept it light. Only putting on a bit of concealer to hide my bags, I put on some mascara, and topped it all over with a matching lip color to my sweater. Lastly, I undid my hair from the messy bun I had put it in early this morning. Soft blonde waves fell around my shoulders.
I didn’t look gorgeous by any means but I smiled at my reflection. I had actually tried a bit more on my appearance, something Annie should be extremely happy about. For the first time in a bit I felt pretty.
Smiling at myself one more time I left my bathroom to finish putting my shoes on. It was nearing 5 o’clock and I knew if I was a minute later Annie would lecture me for a solid five minutes. I could do without that today.
Sliding on a pair of tannish booties, I grabbed my shoulder bag and made sure I had what I needed. Money, keys, lipstick, gum, and my phone I was good to go. Before I left the house I sent my brother Lucas a quick text. I hadn’t spoken to him over the phone in two days and wanted to make sure he was okay.
Lucas was younger than me by 6 years. He just recently turned 18 and left about a month ago to go to college at Gonzaga. It was about 5 hours away from here. At first I didn’t like that he was going that far from me. He was my responsibility but he got a good scholarship and he wanted to go. So after a lot of research and visiting campus with him I let him go. Of course on the condition he calls or texts me everyday and he comes home for the holidays.
When my mother, Laura Gardner, got sick 6 years ago I kind of became the mother of the household. The first few months after her diagnoses she was completely fine. She didn’t act sick, did everything like she normally did. The only sign was she got tired faster but that was it. It wasn’t until a year came upon did she get really sick.
All of the sudden the cancer just spiked and wore her out. After that the doctors told her she had to stop doing most of the things she was doing. She did go against their orders, my mom was just like that, but after a while she just got too weak and tired to do things. So I stepped up.
I worked two jobs to help with the bills, not that it helped much. I went to night classes, I drove my brother to and from school and sports. Helped with homework, made dinners, cleaned the house, and took care of my mom. It became my life until two years ago when she passed.
Not wanting to think about it I left my house and locked it up behind me. I didn’t need my mood to dampened, not when a fun night was ahead. Getting in my car I headed towards the big field the festival was always held at near downtown. The closer I got to the festival the bigger my smile became.
Even though it wasn’t even five yet there were tons of cars pulling into the parking lot. No doubt everyone wanting to get here early to see everything first. Finally I found a parking spot and I knew I would most likely forget where I parked by the end of the night.
Sending Annie a text I locked the car and moved with the crowed towards the entrance. All around me people talked excitedly, the atmosphere shifting the closer we got. I couldn’t help but get excited with everyone else, getting caught up in it all.
Feeling my phone buzz in my pocket I took it out to see a text from Annie. Reading that she was going to be near the front by the cotton candy booth, I picked up my pace. It took me a bit to weaved through everyone to find the cotton candy booth, but eventually I spotted familiar red hair. Grinning I speed walked towards Annie. Seeing me she launched herself at my body, almost tackling me with a hug.
« You are finally here ! » Laughing I hugged her back. I sent Brad who was standing behind Annie a smile. He smiled back, his hands tucked in the pockets of his dark jeans. He wore a dark plaid long sleeve shirt that looked really nice on him.
« What should we do first ? »