The cold tiles of the kitchen contrasted with the warmth of the lying bodies. Thomas and Léa, out of breath but satisfied, were still savoring the last moments of their intimate moment.
Their breathing, echoing in the room, began to find a calmer rhythm. It was then that the brutal and untimely sound of the doorbell shattered this tranquility, resounding like a shock in the air.
Thomas, annoyed, sat up suddenly.
" Seriously ? » he growled, looking towards the door.
Léa, panicked, quickly stood up, instinctively covering herself with her arms.
" Who is it ? » she whispered, her eyes wide with surprise.
“Théophile…” Thomas breathed, visibly irritated. “It’s always him when it comes to showing up at the wrong time. »
Without further ado, Léa got up and almost clumsily ran towards Thomas' room, hastily picking up her clothes. Thomas stood there for a moment, watching her slip away, an amused smile floating on his lips despite himself.
Then, swallowing his annoyance, he grabbed his loose pants from a chair, quickly put them on, and headed for the door.
When he opened it, he came face to face with Théophile Mathin, his twin brother, displaying that typical, slightly mocking smile that he knew so well.
“Well, it took you a long time!” » launched Théophile with false, exaggerated impatience. He quickly looked at his brother, and his smile grew even wider. “But… say, you have a head! What were you doing? »
Thomas looked at him, slightly exasperated, while trying not to respond to his provocation. He let him in, knowing very well that resisting Théophile's humor was never easy.
“What I did is none of your business,” Thomas replied, closing the door behind him.
Théophile, without waiting for the slightest invitation, headed towards the kitchen with the ease of someone who thinks they are at home. He opened the cupboard, took out a bottle of wine, and poured himself a glass nonchalantly.
" Serious ? » Thomas said, raising an eyebrow. “Do you really think you’re at home to be used like that? »
Théophile shrugged his shoulders, while taking a sip of his wine. He set down his glass elegantly and pouted theatrically.
“Hey, we’re at family’s, right? » he said, bursting out laughing. “And then, given the state in which you have just opened me, I really need a little pick-me-up! » He winked provocatively.
Thomas sighed, annoyed but amused despite himself. Théophile always had this casual way of throwing him off guard.
“You know, you’re really insufferable,” Thomas said, smirking despite his grumpy demeanor. “I could have been busy with…something else.” »
" Oh yes ? It was obvious! » replied Théophile, mockingly. “You could see it in your face, man. You have the red complexion of a guy caught in the act. Besides, I haven’t seen Léa. Where is she? » he asked, feigning an innocence he didn't possess.
Thomas narrowed his eyes, trying to remain calm, but couldn't help but smile at his brother's boldness.
"She's...busy." And you, what do you want, Théophile? Apart from interrupting me, of course. »
Théophile, putting down his glass, sat casually on the kitchen sofa, one leg resting on the other in a relaxed posture.
“Ah, nothing special. I was passing by and thought it would be nice to see my beloved brother. But apparently, I chose my moment wrong! » He burst out laughing once again. “Guess it’s fate that I’m still here to ruin your precious moments!” »
Thomas shook his head in resignation as he leaned against the counter.
“Yeah, that’s it. You still have this gift. »
Théophile took another sip of wine, eyeing his brother with amusement.
“Come on, relax a little. It's not like I plan to stay long. Just a little courtesy call... and a little wine, of course. But now that I'm here, tell me... how are things going with Léa? »
Thomas looked at him for a moment, before smiling despite himself. Their complicity, despite the provocations, was undeniable.
“It's going well... very well, even,” Thomas replied, a glint in his eyes.
Théophile nodded, satisfied, before raising his glass in the air.
“Well, to Léa and you, then! » he exclaimed happily, clinking glasses into the void. “And especially to me, the best brother in the world, who always knows how to show up at the right time! »
Thomas rolled his eyes but couldn't help but laugh too. Their exchange, despite the irruption, ended on the usual note: brotherly teasing and silent understanding. That's how they worked, after all.
While Théophile and Thomas were chatting, still laughing at the usual teasing, the bedroom door opened slowly. Léa appeared, now well dressed in a simple but elegant outfit. She walked through the kitchen with a warm smile.
“Hello Théophile! It's been a while! » she said, approaching him affectionately.
Théophile, always cheerful, got up to welcome him and gave him two light kisses on the cheeks. His smile widened as he answered him with his usual teasing tone.
“Lea! Still so resplendent. If only Thomas knew how to handle compliments so well..."
Thomas, sitting at the counter, observed the scene with amused eyes, but straightened up, feigning jealousy.
“Eh, eh, not too close to my girlfriend, my dear brother,” he joked. “I have enough trouble putting up with you without you coming to steal my girlfriend!” »
Léa, slightly embarrassed but smiling, rolled her eyes while sitting next to Thomas. Théophile burst out laughing and shrugged his shoulders.
“Don’t worry, Tom, you’re old enough to fend for yourself… well, I hope so!” » He took another sip of wine and sat back comfortably in his chair, looking at Léa. “So, tell me, how is life with this big daddy? Doesn't he bother you too much? »
Léa burst out laughing at the remark, and Thomas pretended to frown, before answering for her.
"I think she's doing very well, thank you." She knows how to put me in my place when necessary, right Léa? »
“Oh yes, I take care of it very well,” replied Léa with a knowing wink.
The trio continued to chat about anything and everything, sharing lighthearted anecdotes. They talked about their respective days, little everyday things. Théophile, as always, kept the atmosphere relaxed, slipping in little jokes here and there to make them smile. Time passed pleasantly, when suddenly, Thomas' phone vibrated on the table.
He glanced at the screen and saw his father's name appear. Immediately, his expression changed, becoming a little more serious.
“It’s dad,” he said, picking up quickly. " Hello ? Dad, is everything okay? »
On the other end of the line, their father's deep and slightly worried voice rang out.
“Thomas, listen to me. I need you and your brother to come see me right away. It's urgent. I need to talk to you both. »
Thomas, intrigued by his father's unusually urgent tone, straightened up in his chair, glancing at Théophile, who had stopped joking to listen to the conversation.
“Um… dad, Théophile is already here, with me,” replied Thomas. “He can hear you right now. What's going on? »
There was a brief silence on the other end of the line, before their father continued, this time with even more seriousness.
“Perfect, then. I want you to come right away. There is no time to lose. »
Thomas felt worry rising within him. His father was not the type to dramatize without reason. He exchanged a questioning look with his brother before answering.
“Okay… we’ll be right there.” »
He hung up the phone and was silent for a moment, thinking about the situation.
“What did he want? » asked Théophile, now serious.
“He says it’s urgent and he needs to see us both immediately,” Thomas replied, his voice low, betraying his confusion.
Léa, who had observed the scene attentively, placed a comforting hand on Thomas's forearm.
“You should go right away,” she said softly. “It seems important. »
Théophile nodded, his smile fading. He stood up, placed his wine glass on the table and grabbed his jacket, ready to leave.
“Yeah, we better run.” If Dad talks like that, he’s not joking. »
Thomas nodded. He got up in his turn, quickly putting on a jacket and turning towards Léa.
“I’ll call you as soon as we have more information, okay? »
Léa offered him a reassuring smile and a quick kiss on the cheek.
“Take care of yourself,” she whispered.
Théophile, meanwhile, seemed already deep in thought, a frown slightly visible on his usually relaxed face. The two brothers exchanged a knowing look before leaving the apartment, leaving Léa behind them, alone, but with a wave of worry about what awaited them.