After a quick drive, the two brothers finally arrived in front of the family home. It was a large stone building, full of childhood memories, nestled in the middle of a carefully maintained garden. They exchanged a quick look, then Théophile opened the front door without hesitation.
As they entered the hall, the familiar smell of home greeted them, mixed with the scent of freshly picked flowers that their mother always liked to place in vases everywhere.
The house seemed calm, soothing, as if nothing serious had ever happened within its walls. However, the worry that weighed in their hearts contradicted this impression.
They moved quickly into the living room, where they found their mother sitting in her favorite chair, immersed in a book.
Her glasses were lowered slightly on the tip of her nose, and she looked up when she heard the door open. A radiant smile immediately lit up his face when he saw his two sons enter.
“My boys!” » she exclaimed, placing her book on the small table next to her. She stood up elegantly and approached them to kiss them.
“Hey mom,” Thomas said, hugging her briefly. Théophile followed, with his usual warm smile.
“It’s nice to see you,” Théophile added, kissing her back on the cheek.
“Oh, I'm so glad to see you two together again,” she said, watching them fondly. “You look in good shape. But tell me, what brings you here in such a hurry? You did not warn of your arrival. »
The two brothers exchanged a look, the atmosphere becoming more serious.
“Mom, where is Dad?” » asked Thomas.
Their mother's smile faded slightly, as if she understood that something important was coming.
“He’s upstairs in his office,” she replied calmly. “He’s waiting for you.” He looked worried. »
Without wasting a second, Thomas and Théophile set off, climbing the stairs at full speed, almost running. The sounds of their footsteps echoed through the house as they made their way upstairs, a slight tension floating between them.
Their father was not one to request such meetings lightly, and the urgency gave them both a feeling of apprehension.
Arriving at the door of their father's office, Thomas knocked lightly before opening it.
They found their father sitting at his large solid wooden desk, his glasses on his nose, looking through documents. As they entered, he raised his head, his expression serious but full of warmth at the sight of his two sons.
“Ah, there you are. Come in, have a seat,” he said in a low but commanding voice, gesturing to the two chairs in front of him.
The twins obeyed, quickly settling in without a word. The atmosphere in the room was different, almost oppressive, as their father looked at them for a long time, as if searching for the right words to say.
Thomas, no longer able to hold out, spoke first.
“Dad, what’s going on? Why did you make us come so quickly? »
Their father sighed, removing his glasses to place them delicately on the desk. He looked at them with an intensity that was not usual for him.
“What I have to tell you is important,” he began. “This is something you both need to know...and it couldn’t wait.” »
The father took a deep breath, as if trying to lighten an invisible weight on his shoulders. He looked in turn at Thomas and Théophile, his two sons, before starting in a more calm, almost solemn voice.
“I'm tired,” he said, his words heavy with meaning. “Tired of going to the company every day, coming back every evening exhausted…”
The two brothers, until then silent, exchanged a surprised look. They had never heard their father complain like this. Martin Compagnie, the family business that he had built with his own hands, was always seen as his pride, his life's work. Hearing about fatigue from him was shocking.
“You know how much I love this company,” he continued. “But I realize that I no longer have the energy to manage it like before. It's time for me to move on. I need to step back…retire. »
A heavy silence fell in the room. Théophile and Thomas were stunned by this sudden declaration. The idea that their father might retire had never crossed their minds.
It was Théophile, true to his cheerful character, who broke the tension first, with his usual light and teasing tone.
“Dad, are you kidding me? Retirement ? But you're still young! » he said, laughing. “You still have many good years ahead of you. What you really mean is that you want to enjoy a long tropical vacation with mom, right? »
Their eyes all turned to their father, who couldn't help but smile, amused by his son's response. Théophile's laughter was contagious, and Thomas quickly joined in, followed by their father, who ended up letting out a slight burst of laughter.
“If only it were that simple,” their father replied with a tired but kind smile. “Believe me, the idea of going on vacation with your mother is appealing. But no, it's not just that. I'm actually ready to move on. »
He paused, observing his two sons who were listening attentively now, looking a little more serious.
“And I want someone to take the reins of Martin Compagnie on Monday,” he added calmly.
The laughter immediately died down in the room. This time, even Théophile stopped smiling, surprised by the haste of the announcement.
" Monday ? » repeated Thomas, amazed. “But… why so early, Dad?” Don't you want to take the time to... to think, to plan all this? »
“Yes,” adds Théophile. “You can’t just throw it around like that. We're talking about the company, anyway! »
Their father looked at them for a long time, his eyes betraying a certain determination mixed with fatigue.
“Because I feel that way,” he replied simply. “I have made my decision. I need one of you to take over quickly. I don't want to wait any longer, I want it to be done. You are my sons, and you each have your qualities. It's time to decide which of you two will become the new CEO of Martin Compagnie. »
Another silence fell, but this time it was full of perplexity and questions. Thomas and Théophile exchanged an undecided look. Neither had anticipated taking over the company so soon, much less having to do so within two days. Yet their father seemed adamant.
Théophile, despite his relaxed demeanor, sat up slightly in his chair, scrutinizing his father.
“And... how do you want us to decide that? » he asked, this time with a hint of seriousness in his voice.
Thomas, more reserved, carefully observed his father, trying to understand what was really going on behind this sudden decision.
“I want you to think about it together,” their father replied. “You are two brilliant minds, each with a different vision for the business. I trust you to find the best solution. »