As soon as we got home, wolves seized my purchases to put them away carefully. I'm not trying to protest so as not to cause an unnecessary scandal, but all the same, I can take care of it! I'm not into sugar!
Immediately, Auntie grabs my arm to lead me into the dining room where Alex is already waiting for us at the end of the table like I was this morning. I sit on his right while Marla is on his left. It's more she who makes the conversation but the inquisitive gaze of the Alpha on me pushes me to add comments from time to time.
At the end of the meal, Alex tells me that his beta will come later for me to meet him. I nod and leave to brush my teeth before he arrives, it would be really embarrassing to realize that at the end that I had something on my teeth from the start. I come down a few minutes later and go straight to his office now that I know where he is.
Alex gestures for me to join him waiting for his beta for reports in his absence, he turns his chair towards me as I approach, like an invitation to come on his lap but I sit on the edge of the desk. Like every time I refuse a contact, he has a pained expression that he quickly erases from his face which gives me a twinge in my heart.
A wolf that I assume is the beta walks in, he looks about Alex's age, he's blond with green eyes. Alex stands up and they hug like only guys do.
- But wouldn't it be our dear Alpha back with his soul mate?
- Yeah. Said Alpha rolls his eyes, amused by his beta's exaggeration. Then he turns to me, Laura, I present to you Lucas, my beta.
-Hi. I make a small gesture with my hand. With a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, he walks up to me and kisses my hand. I laugh and Lucas fixes Alex with a provocative air, just to see his reaction which is not long in coming since a grunt calls him to order.
-Oula already jealous, what will it be later! Calm down my friend, you know me I'm not going to steal it from you!
-You will understand the day you find your soul mate Lucas, in the meantime yes I am jealous. He assumes without any problem.
- Good luck Luna. The day you get tired of him, my room is open. He winks at me seductively, but his voice is anything but serious.
"Lucas..." warns Alex.
-It's okay, I'm done. He raises his hands in the air, a sign of his innocence, and I hold back a laugh so as not to stir up the Alpha, who glares at him. He has self-confidence, it's obvious, but wolves are possessive of their soulmates, especially Alphas. This is also what explains their tactile side, by opposing their scent on their companion they warn others not to approach. All of this made me feel weird the first time I read it, but it's not that weird after all.
Lucas sits down in one of the armchairs facing the desk and begins to summarize what happened during Alex's absence. I lose track quickly, I'm not naturally focused especially now, with Alex's hand running across my thigh in a light gesture. I'm pretty sure it's because of Lucas's insinuations that Alex and his wolf need to feel my presence, however, even if it's nice, I would have lived without it.
-Well there you go... Concludes Lucas. Shit, I really didn't listen to anything, I wanted to be serious and learn as much as possible.
- What about the pilot? I frown, what are they talking about? The Alpha's hand stopped moving but stayed on my thigh.
-No trace. It comes out of nowhere, they set it up. You know what that means Alex.
-Yes. He growls in displeasure.
The meeting ends like that and Lucas doesn't stay any longer, I don't delay leaving so as not to disturb Alex who is immersed in his papers. I'm of no use anyway.
Rather than wasting my time daydreaming while hanging out on the Internet, I decided to get a manicure. Nail polish is the only thing I know how to do correctly in the “beauty” category, I only tie my hair up to play sports and I'm a walking disaster with makeup.
I hadn't realized it since I hadn't been very present, but the meeting lasted quite a while, so much so that I barely finished my varnish when it was time to go find the others for the meal. Lucas joined us for tonight, in his own words he was "busy" yesterday. To understand that he was in good company!
At the end of the meal, everyone goes to their room except Auntie who goes home. Alex accompanies me to my door as the day before to wish me a good night, I know that he goes back to work afterwards.
-We can talk ? I ask in a very small voice. Damn, it's not like me to be like that but really I pass for a child whenever he is near!
-Of course. Of course, he must feel how embarrassed I am all the time, that's why I want to clarify this point before he gets any ideas. I step aside to let him into the room. I close the door behind him and sit cross-legged on the bed where he joins me.
- I just wanted to tell you that... I take a deep breath to say everything at once before changing my mind, the bandage method. I'm sorry to act like that, I'm just so afraid of doing wrong that I put pressure on myself, I stress and suddenly after I panic. What I mean is that it's not your fault, well, it's not because of our relationship that I'm uncomfortable it's just... all that. I almost slap him, pointing to the gigantic room in which I sleep with a sweeping wave of my arm. He quickly dodges my hand which I squeeze against the other in a nervous gesture and also to prevent myself from making another gesture of this style.
"Hey, he grabs my hands, making me loosen my whitening knuckles, I don't expect you to act like a wolf when you're not, okay?" On top of that, you make a lot of effort to reach out to me, I know. With a comforting smile, he passes a rebellious lock behind my ear, I have just understood why this gesture is always in romantic comedies by feeling my breath catch when his fingers brush against me. You will never be asked more than you are capable of, Laura and believe me when I say that you are capable of much more than you think.
This man, finally, this wolf rather, is far too understanding and reassuring. I have never blushed so much as in the last two days. Nevertheless, I am happy to have explained to him the why and how, I really want to do the best, he has suffered enough because of my cowardice and being honest with him seems like the best thing to do for that.
- Can I ask you a question?
-I don't think I can stop you, Alex. I tease him. Normally, that is to say when I'm not as tense as a thong, this is the kind of response I get out all day long.
- I don't know if you understood how jealous an Alpha like me can be towards those who approach his Luna. Do I have reason to be? I frown, I don't know anyone here, who could he be jealous of? Did you stay close with any of your exes or something? This time it's sure and certain that my face has taken on a brick color, I feel like "I'm a virgin" flashing in neon on my forehead. Having met Alex's gaze 2 years ago literally froze my love life, as if in a way I knew that those I met were not the one intended for me.
-The last one dates back more than 3 years, you have nothing to worry about. It wasn't even that serious. I do it with a voice that wants to be as detached as possible. Since I told him what was on my heart, my voice seems to obey me again in his presence, even if the color of my face has not yet.
-Then I will be your first and last serious relationship, Laura. He announces to me in a voice imbued with possessiveness but very far from the negative meaning. This sentence vibrates in me to the depths of my being.
-I have to ask you another question. His serious gaze is fixed on me, I understand that it is important for him.