It's been 2 years since I learned to be Alex's soul mate. I've matured since then and hate myself more and more for being so cowardly and for continuing to be. I have responsibilities to assume but I'm still unable to do so especially when I see all that my family has made as a sacrifice for me, I can't just walk into the kitchen and announce that everything was useless. Nevertheless, I have this little voice inside me that keeps reminding me that he has been in terrible pain since I ran away from him, soulmates are not meant to be separated once they have found. And that this pain, in addition to being horrible, tires him enormously and that it interferes with his duties, duties that I should accomplish by his side. Most of my nights end up in insomnia because of this.
I have been following his news through the Internet since then, now for once, I would be unable not to recognize him in a street. I must be able to identify it 50 meters away in a crowd! And if I have only just reached my majority, he has reached his twenties. We are two years apart, which is not huge.
On top of that, a few months ago, both of his parents and their betas died in a suicide bombing as they were flying home from a diplomatic trip. The pilot was a suicide bomber who belongs to a group called "The Exiles". Seemingly wolves banished from their packs and looking to overthrow the system out of revenge. When I heard the news I felt even more bad for him. If I had taken my share of responsibility, he would not have found himself alone in this ordeal, he would have had his soul mate to support him. So now I'm the runaway soulmate of the most powerful person on the planet.
Cass was very angry with me for having forced her to give up her life and in addition to betraying the Alpha family but she ended up forgiving me by realizing how much the situation was torturing me.
I more or less cut myself off from the world when it came to the people at my new high school. I didn't try to make new friends or find a boyfriend. And if for the former the reason is simply that I was afraid that they would find out who I really am, for romantic relationships, the vision of Alex still haunts me. I didn't feel attracted to anyone anymore anyway. It's the negative part of having wanted to follow Alex's news, anyone looks pale next to him.
I go back home quietly after collecting papers in high school, the baccalaureate exams are over and we are all impatiently awaiting the results. I must admit that I had to work for this time. My sister, who was hanging out in the living room eating, gives me a brief nod and my parents haven't come home from work yet. I cross my room to stand at my window where I admire the landscape, completely lost in thought.
That's why I think I'm dreaming when I feel arms wrap around me, pulling me into an embrace. I gasp in surprise when I see Alex's face reflected in the glass.
-It's not possible...
His contact remains light, so I can turn around in his arms and it is indeed the Alpha Supreme who is facing me, who is a head taller than me so it's more his torso that I'm facing. He looks at me, it looks like he is waiting for my reaction which is not long in coming. I break free from his arms and head for my door to escape. All my nice words about responsibilities fly away when I find myself in front of him, even without deploying his aura, his charisma is so impressive that I feel like I'm liquefying on the spot.
The sound of the lock behind me is heard, I'm trapped! I step back as he advances towards me, his face disappointed at my new attempt to escape. I back up until I hit the edge of my bed with the backs of my knees. I can't tear my eyes away from his face, any more than he can from mine. When he gets a little too close I stumble back but at least I can keep backing up on the bed. Well, until my back hit the wall...
Alex climbs onto the bed until he's next to me, he has the sweetest expression I've ever seen while mine must only express fear. He slowly raises a hand to my face which is very, too close to his and comes to rest it on my cheek, whispering.
-Laura, I would never hurt you, you don't have to be afraid. I promise you.
His voice melts me and I would so much like to be able to explain to him that it's not him I'm afraid of but not showing myself worthy of what is expected of me. My throat is too dry to say anything.
I lower my head, I would almost have preferred him to yell at me for leaving, there, I can't even stand his gaze. He unsettles me to the point, he is too expressive and seeing all this affection for me only reminds me that I am unable to return to him.
With extreme delicacy, he grabs my chin between his thumb and forefinger so that I raise my head towards him. I part my lips to try to say something but I don't have time.
My door slams against the wall and my father storms into the room.
- Get away from my daughter. Alex gets up and faces my father with all the poise of someone who knows he is powerful. In fact, he can bend my father just with his aura, but he doesn't try.
- She's my soul mate. He is on the defensive but he remains calm in front of my father.
-I don't give a damn, it's my daughter it's about. Get out. My dad may be human, but his voice comes out more like a growl than anything else. I feel, like my father, that Alex's aura is starting to unfold in the room like a silent warning and I prefer to intervene before it gets out of hand.
-It's going to be fine dad, he just wants us to talk. He still glares at him but doesn't say a word. I add for Alex. There is an armchair if you want to sit down. I point to the one at the other end of the room, that way there's a respectable distance between the two of us, even if with his werewolf speed he can bridge it in an instant.
My father gives the Alpha one last menacing look and then walks out of the room. This one will sit on the seat while I sit cross-legged on my bed, quite uncomfortable but I'm no longer on the verge of a panic attack. I managed to come to my senses, but I'm still waiting for him to speak first.
- You have to come with me Laura.