"Uninvited company!" Cailen called out into the flat, knowing they were in here somewhere.
Sure enough, they heard a loud cackle of laughter that was now as familiar as his own.
It was coming from the living room so Asher and Cailen both headed in that direction, their knees being attacked immediately when they turned the corner after Loki finally realized they were home.
Cailen gave the dog a quick pat, greeting him briefly whereas Asher got right down and allowed the dog to lick him all over.
Cailen liked dogs, he wouldn't have allowed Asher to have Loki if he didn't, but that didn't mean he enjoyed getting a face wash by him.
Cailen was busy anyway, glaring at the four people making themselves at home in their living room.
They were all grinning innocently as if they hadn't just technically broken into their home.
Cailen wasn't panicked because he knew these four people, they both did. They knew them all well, one of them being Cailen's brother, William.
William was two years younger than Cailen. In fact, they all were, including Asher.
His younger brother was tall with long legs and arms to match that were covered in tattoos. He had dark brown hair, the same as their mother's, that he was apparently growing out, making his usual curls disappear into long waves that nearly reached his shoulders.
William had the same forest green eyes as their mother as well, eyes that seemed to promise everyone the world without William even trying. It really wasn't fair.
Cailen looked nothing like William with his chestnut brown hair and cerulean eyes because although William was his brother, they weren't blood related. Cailen had been adopted.
William stood by the couch that was sitting on the far wall infront of big window with a darker skinned lad sitting in the middle of it.
He had raven black hair, sharp cheekbones and eyes the color of honey. He wasn't as tall as William but he was still taller than Cailen with ink stained arms that Cailen knew he was still adding to.
This inked up lad was Matthew, Cailen's other friend who wasn't his brother or husband.
Beside Matthew sat his very pregnant wife, Hazel. Matthew had met Hazel a while ago, almost immediately after school.
They have been together ever since, having gotten married two years ago and were now expecting.
Hazel was a lovely girl, long blonde hair with bright blue eyes and fair skin.
Together they made an unfairly attractive couple and would no doubt produce an unfairly attractive kid.
At the end of the couch with his feet thrown over Matthew's lap, probably much to Matthew's dismay, was Noah.
Noah was a bubbly blonde Scot that had transferred to William's school after Cailen had graduated and had moved onto University.
They had met one summer when Cailen came home from Uni and instantly clicked.
That summer changed Cailen's life.
It may not have been all because of Noah, but he was a big part of how he mustered up the courage to tell his family about his sexuality.
The observant leprechaun continually dyed his hair blonde, which really couldn't be good for it but Cailen figured Noah knew that. He had bright blue eyes that always seemed to be amused at something.
"That key was for emergencies only." Cailen scolded his brother. "Hazel had better be going into labor." Cailen added because the girl was ready to pop any day now.
"I wish." Hazel mumbled, looking down at her round belly.
Matthew smiled sympathetically at her, reaching out to rub her belly soothingly. Hazel was two weeks late now and was starting to get a little anxious, annoyed and probably a lot uncomfortable.
"This is worse than Hazel going into labor." William began incredulously. "It has been nearly three months and we've yet to meet Zeke!" William said, everyone else nodding along.
Asher finally stood from where he was greeting Loki, the dog sauntering off to jump up on Noah's lap and by default, Matthew's.
"We didn't want to overwhelm him." Asher explained. "This is a difficult transition for him."
"You guys should have called first." Cailen scolded.
"We couldn't wait any longer!" Noah chimed in. "We're dying to meet him!"
"Yeah, where is he?" Matthew asked, looking around as if Ezekiel were hiding behind the couch.
Cailen sighed and turned to Asher, meeting his eyes in a silent question. Asher sighed and shrugged his shoulder.
"He's got to meet them at some point." Asher mumbled.
"Zeke!" Cailen called out turning towards the room of people. "Would you please come here? There are some people we want you to meet."
The four friends all grinned back at Cailen as if they had won some kind of game. Cailen supposed they sort of did.
There was a slam of a door, something he would have to remind Ezekiel not to do, and then a thumping noise as Ezekiel hurried down the hall.
When the thumping stopped, Cailen turned to see Ezekiel standing in the entryway, fresh clothes on his body though his hair still looked a mess.
Ezekiel had frozen where he stood, his eyes locked on the four strangers in the room.
Cailen sent him a re-assuring smile, letting him know that it was okay, and held out his hand to get him to come closer.
Ezekiel took a few wary steps towards Asher and Cailen, gingerly reaching out for Cailen's hand and allowing himself to be pulled out infront but not going any further than that.
Ezekiel stayed close to Asher and Cailen, hugging Cailen's arm to his chest while pressing himself back into them.
Loki let out a bark, jumping up from his spot on Noah and hopping down to come greet Ezekiel.
Noah let out a groan of pain, curling in on himself because Loki had apparently stepped on a sensitive area. Cailen tried not to laugh.
Loki pretty much went ignored as Ezekiel took in the people before him, seeming to be a bit intimidated by the amount of people even though there was nothing but kind smiles all around.
"Guys, this is Zeke." Cailen introduced, kneeling down behind Ezekiel and maneuvering his arm so he was basically hugging Ezekiel from behind because the little boy wouldn't let go.
Cailen found that he really didn't mind in the least.
"Zeke, this is my brother William, our best friends Noah and Matthew, and Matthew's wife Hazel." Cailen pointed to each of his friends as he said their names, Ezekiel's eyes following as he did.
"They wanted to meet you." Asher added, kneeling down beside them.
"Hello, Zeke." Hazel said sweetly, a warm smile spreading across her lips.
"Hey, little man." Noah greeted happily.
Ezekiel shyly lifted his hand, waving slightly before quickly turning to attempt running away but Cailen had a hold on him and stopped him.
"Hey, where are you going?" Cailen asked, chuckling to himself.
Ezekiel didn't answer. Instead, he shook his head and hid his face in Cailen's neck.
This was a side of Ezekiel they don't see very often. He was usually a very sociable kid. There were times when he got a little shy but then again, a lot of kids did.
Cailen kind of just wanted to let him stay like this because it was too adorable to stop but he felt as though he should be encouraging Ezekiel to overcome this kind of feeling, so he let it go for a few seconds before pulling away to look at him.
"It's okay. They're our friends and they've been dying to meet you. Don't worry, they're nice." Cailen assured him, looking to William and nodding his head for the man to come forth.
As William stepped forward, Cailen turned Ezekiel around, keeping a hold on him so he would know Cailen was right there.
"Hi, Zeke." William smiled, kneeling down infront of him.
Ezekiel gave another little wave but quickly clutched his hands to his chest under his chin, ducking his head to avoid looking at the man trying to talk to him.
"That's a cool shirt." William complimented Ezekiel's batman shirt that he had changed into.
"Thanks." Was Ezekiel's reply, small and quiet but still a response other than fleeing the scene.
"Is he your favorite?" William asked, his voice gentle.
Ezekiel nodded his head, glancing up quickly before looking back to the ground. Cailen looked up at the rest of his friends, all of them watching the scene before them with soft smiles on their faces.
"Just like your Dad." William said, looking over to Asher.
There was a moment of shock. Cailen actually heard the tiny gasp that left Asher's mouth right before Ezekiel tore himself from Cailen's arms and took off towards his room.
Cailen was a little too shocked himself to stop the boy, almost letting himself fall over from the little push Ezekiel had given.
Ezekiel had yet to call either of them 'Dad' or any form of the word but Cailen and Asher weren't going to push him. They never brought it up or hinted at the subject. They didn't particularly mind at the moment because Ezekiel was still adjusting and they understood that it may take some time for Ezekiel to get used to the idea.
"What's wrong?" Hazel asked after a moment of silence.
Cailen looked to Asher, seeing the same awkward sadness reflected in his eyes.
Yeah, they didn't mind and they understood Ezekiel needed time, but that didn't mean they weren't secretly hoping Ezekiel would call them that.
"Zeke hasn't- well-" Asher began, unable to come up with the words to explain.
"He hasn't called us Dad yet, I- I don't know if he will... I suppose we need to talk to him about that. Make sure he understands that... we understand." Cailen explained, standing up properly, Asher and William following suit.
"Why wouldn't he call you Dad? You call Mom and Dad, Mom and Dad." William said with a frown.
"Yes, but I didn't have parents that died in a car accident. It's a different story with Zeke, Wil." Cailen explained gently.
"I'm sorry." William apologized, looking to his feet.
"It's okay, you didn't know. We should have probably already talked to him about that." Cailen reasoned.
"Look, guys, it was great to see you and I know we've been really busy lately, but... We just need to get settled. I'm sorry." Asher said, politely hinting that they should leave.
Cailen was tempted to argue. He missed his friends but he knew they had things they needed to do and talk about.
"Yeah... Sorry, we probably shouldn't have come over like this." William mumbled, seeming quite upset that he upset Ezekiel.
"We shouldn't have kept him from you." Cailen said, trying to cheer up his brother.
"Oh, Mom wanted to invite you guys over for dinner one night, just call her." William said as everyone started making their way to the door, Matthew having to haul Hazel to her feet.
Cailen nodded, making a mental note to make the call later.
That also reminded him he had to call Arabella, his biological mother, to set up a time they could get together because they hadn't seen each other since his birthday.