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Chapter Five

It was some minutes passed six in the morning and Yasmin was already in the kitchen making breakfast for her family. She was already done with the kunun gyada and now on the akara.

She was still turning the beans puree in circulation motion with a pestle and waiting for the oil to get hot on the stove, when her father entered the kitchen.

"Assalamu alaikum, Yasi!" Her father greeted with his always concern smile.

"Wa'alaikumu salam, good morning, dad!"

"How was your night?" She only smiled,  meaning it was still the same. Her family has now come to terms with her insomnia.

At its initial stage, they all go on a sleepless night with her, while some of them dozed half way. Until they understood, it wasn't stopping anytime soon. Before then Jafar had cried himself to sleep thinking she will also died too.

"My dear, your engagement is going to happen in the evening at gidan soro, it's going to be fixed by your uncles, and your aunts will be here sometime in the day with the engagement gift. Do you have any suggestion on the date?" Abubakar asked, just to be more sure.

He had asked her the same question last night and he is doing the same now. He want to make sure his daughter is really in for the marriage, before fixing any commitment. Abubakar didn't want to have any regrets later in life for not asking his daughter's opinion on her own marriage. He have to be sure Yasmin wasn't compelled to do so. But with her you never grasp anything.

Before Yasmin answered him, she start scooping the beans puree and dipping it into the hot oil with a spoon. Her attention was more on the sizzling oil on the stove than on her dear father.

"I don't have any suggestion, you and maami can pick the best date convenient for you, i will be happy with it." She ended with any smile to assured her father.

"The groom family have suggested five weeks already, but your maami said to leave it at two months, do you think you are ready to get married in the next two months?" She nodded yes and he scrutinized her face to see if there was anything more than what she is voicing out.

He saw nothing, only her green-hazel orbs that are centered on the frying akara. He smiled at the little changes in her over the past years. And some days in sha Allah, she will get over her pain. He just hope her marriage will pull her out of the past and ease her guilt. 

He was pleased as he left the kitchen to her. When left all alone to herself in the kitchen, Yasmin thought went back to their  last night convo with her mother after her father has left the room.

"Yasmini, my dear girl. This guy you met, do you perhaps like him even a little bit? Did you tell him that you're not the talking type? Did he seems to have any interest in you?"

Yasmin was amused by her mother's questions, but she shouldn't even be surprised. Her mother was that kind of person who will ask even the smallest of detail about her children. The ways her mother was talking as if she was trying to make her three years old child to split the truth. She thought if only her mother knew what the guy had suggested to her on their first meeting, then they won't be having this talk now. Because she will have stopped the whole matter by now.

Yasmin had only saw a glimpse of Yusuf that day, so can't say anything about it. She don't even know how to figure  that out.

"Maami, i will be alright. Don't worry too much about me." Yasmin facepalmed herself clearly bored of the convo.

"What is that supposed to mean, Yasmin? Of course i will worry, if you're getting into an arranged marriage. I know you can't know the good qualities of someone until you live with them, dear. However, this is you, you're different." A scowl appeared on her mother's beautiful face. And Yasmin's mind takes her somewhere else deep within her. She pondered if twenty years from now she can achieve what her mother had. If she can be as strong to hold herself to that time and if dies before then, all better.

Maybe then, in her grave she can have some sleep. But who is she kidding?  Wishing death upon herself and peacefully sleeping in the grave isn't as easy. Wishing for death is like saying you're ready to meet the Almighty being. Yet the big question is what have you done for that meeting, how faithful are you to Allah SWT. Moreover, by now Yasmin knew it wasn't in her hands to decide when she lives or dies, with that she can only say Alhamdulillah. 

"Are you even listening to me, Yasmin?" Her mother's voice pulled her back to the present, which was her marriage to the heart doctor, she wonders if he can do some patch work on hers too.

"I am normal, aren't i?" Yasmin mumbles and Aisha takes her hands into hers.

"I know, i only said different. I don't want him to find you weird because you don't sleep, Yasmin."

She let a small laugh which is very rare and says. "I will pretend to sleep then, who knows?" She shrugs, the smile still on her lips and she look so beautiful with her almost twinkling eyes.

Aisha sighed and smiled gently patting on her daughter's smooth hand. Even with how things had turned out, they got to see a glimpse of what used to be Yasmin.

"You don't have to do that, Yasi. I just want you to communicate a little, since you are sure of getting married now. There's no relationship that doesn't have a problem here and there, i just want you to make the best home, in which you and your spouse will be happy in. You're very brave, Yasmin."

It will kill Aisha to know that her daughter is in any sort of discomfort. What had changed her was enough for her to endure for a lifetime. Yet there is no question to what Allah has will. Whatever is bound to happened will happen.

Yasmin was caught off from her thought by her two sisters. The witty Jadida, who was fifteen years old, she speaks any language in slang and a fashionista. And their last born Juwaira, who's nine years old now, she is always tailing on Jadida be it at school or home. Juwaira loves her sister and whatever she does. She find it amazing.  

Whenever Yasmin saw them together, it remind her of what used  to be herself. She also used to have that kind of bond. But theirs was different,  it used to be stronger than that, something beyond that. So strong than it messed her up and left a big scar forever in her heart and soul.

She quickly wiped the sweat that formed on her forehead, when all greeted her. The memories she have trying to erase for years are still vividly clear in her head. Given how long it had been, Yasmin believed it will never go away. But what did they say about life and hope, 'when there is life, there is also hope'. Or whatever that was.

When she was excessively powered by her past memories, her sisters go on fantasizing over her upcoming wedding. Jadida and Juwaira didn't noticed her almost panic attack and Yasmin was so grateful for that.

She turned behind her and the two were seated on the island engrossed into each other. If they have seen that, all her family members will be top of her treating her like some egg. That has been the thing for twelve years now, she is being treated like the most fragile thing in the house. Her parents started it and all her four siblings picked from them.

Now they won't let her rest, they believed if she can't let them do any of their house chores. It's only fair they keep her company and most of the chores she does it at night when they're sound asleep. Even though Yasmin doesn't like the egg treatment she received most of the time, she loves her family's company and their idea of never leaving her alone except at night. One way or the other there's always someone talk to her. So for them she is willing to marry the only man that dares try to reject her.

"Ya Yasi, is there going to be any party at your wedding?" Jadida asked as she sieve the last batch of the akara on the paper towel.

"No Jadida, don't even prepare for it, okay." Yasmin nicely said packing some cups and small bowls into a tray. She never thought of the wedding. It was only the marriage she keep thinking about, thanks to her family who never let the matter rest.

"Anjuwai," she called Juwaira. "Take this to the dinning area. And wake Salma and Jafar for breakfast if they're still sleeping." Juwaira gladly collected the tray and saunters out of the kitchen.

Yusuf too was summoned by his father early this morning. It was already 8:30am when he arrived at his father's house. And he was blessed with the pleasure of the meeting his twenty five years old younger brother. Who was named after their father Usman, and lovingly adressed as Ahyan,  meaning gift of Allah.

Ahyan is the apple of his parents eyes, he was born eleven years after their marriage. So anything done or said against him is completely prohibited in the Usman household. He have gotten all the privileges Yusuf couldn't get as the first son of the house. He even got the chance to study at Harvard but he is still jobless. 

He can be disrespectful to anyone he pleases, be it an aunty or uncle. Ayhan doesn't care how old you're before he ridiculed you. He flirts  with which ever lady comes his way, everyone knows that. Yet his mother believed that is her poor son's way of starting a conversation with the ladies.

Now seeing Ayhan, Yusuf wondered why his father isn't arranging their beloved son's marriage? Considering he doesn't like to his hands to himself, that makes him the perfect candidate. But from what he use to remember his brother only gets the good stuffs. So a force marriage isn't something for him. Only for the male Cinderella as Ahyan used to put it when he was a teenage.

"Ah'ah malam Yusuf an shigo kenan." Ahyan said mockingly as Yusuf got out of his white BMW 3-series. His brother was eyeing him from head to toe trying to find something to comment on.

"Yes, how have you been?" Yusuf start slithering away from the car park where Ahyan stood leaning on the car Yusuf is seeing for the first time in the house.

"I am good and you're still driving the same  car from the last time i saw you, it's so out of use, bro." Ahyan says scornfully eyeing the car as if trying to find the fault with it. "This one came yesterday from UK, it's the latest sport car there." He points at the car he was leaning on with his thumb. He is a total hedonist.

"Good for you, Ahyan. You deserved it. But i can't afford changing cars like clothing, it still works perfectly fine. Beside i earned my own dosh, so there's difference." Yusuf ironically reassured him a with a smile.

Hmm, so out of use my foot. He had bought the car not more than seven months ago. What do heck does his brother think he is? He is not out there modeling for car brands. That was Yusuf's first thought at his spoil brat brother's remark. Unlike Yusuf, Ahyan is always driving a new car before the arrival of the newest model, that one will assumed he is into car business.

Being four years older than him, doesn't mean Yusuf will get any respect from him. Luba has sabotaged him there, he is worthless in the eyes of his father's relatives. They known him as the rebellious, when it was the other way round.

With his salam, Yusuf entered into his father's massive brown and cream furnished living room. Usman was there, seated on the two seater sofa at the center of the living room, watching the morning news. Yusuf greeted him and find a place on the carpeted marbled floor and sat waiting for another command.

"First of all, today is your engagement in the evening. I have sent all the necessary items needed for the ceremony with your uncles. The marriage will take place on the  second week of November this year, in sha Allahu rabbi." Hearing that, Yusuf's head which was bowed down snapped at what his father has said.

Was he joking! Isn't that too fast? He don't understand why his father is rushing to get him married to the long hijab girl. Whom he doesn't even know her face much less her name, no one told him about the name and he didn't care to asked. Now he doesn't even know what to say to his father in this situation, is he suppose to thank him or just stay quiet. So he just chose to keep quiet as his father narrates his future.

"Did you heard what i said?" Usman asked his face so serious with the scowl that Yusuf believed it has became permanent  there.

"Yes, I heard you, Baba. And i am grateful for your concern." Yusuf said ironically, whilst his father just smirks.

There it goes, Yusuf. Bravo! There's no way out now.  At times, Yusuf often ponders if the man in front of him is really his father. If not because he resembles exactly like him, Yusuf would have sworn he wasn't.

"You should start making space for your bride's new furniture in your house. And make sure you inform Hajiya Saude about the engagement. Buy some biscuits and sweets for her, so she can distribute it to your relatives there." Now that his father mentioned his aunt, Yusuf remember he didn't tell  her anything about his supposed marriage.

Which he thought earlier won't reach to the point of engagement. But we are talking about Alhaji Usman Maitaya, he stops at nothing to pull through with his decision.

It was only three weeks since he had told him about it and today he is getting engaged. How did he even forgot about gwaggo Saude at a moment like this? Yusuf is sure his father will one day drew him out of his sanity.

"I guess you didn't tell her because she didn't come here running her mouth with complain." Knowing Hajiya Saude, she can really do that, she is the only person that can confront his father for any injustice done to him. Hajiya saude was his mother's elder sister, she practically raised him when own family didn't want him.

"I will do that, in sha Allah." Yusuf felt as if he might not live to see the end of this meeting. He is some minutes away from exploding, if he keep agreeing with his father.

"Then use this for the lefe, since you're the one getting married, at least you should choose the clothing your wife is going to wear, it's my little contribution." Usman shove a cheque that seems to have so many zeroes on it to his son, who was sitting at his far right. 

The cheque stopped right in front of Yusuf,  and he can't believe his father now, his contribution was more than little right from choosing the bride.There was a time,  he was really desperate for his father's little contribution, but then he turned a blind eye on him.

"There's really no need for that, baba. You have done enough already, i can manage that on my own from here." Yusuf politely stated, his eyes still on the zeroes on the cheque.

"Uhm doctor Yusuf, i know you can fed for yourself now. But i don't want to hear things from your mother's relatives, that i didn't contribute anything to your marriage. So you can use it or give it away, it's all yours to decide. Make sure you cash it, else i will think you're too big for my gift. Have a nice day and make sure you check on the girl before the wedding." Usman ended taking back his attention to the telly. Yusuf knew the man wasn't going to say anything to him again, for the life itself.

"Thank you." He said before existing the living room along with his cheque, he run into his brother again who was saying something about his marriage which he didn't wait to listen.

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