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Chapter Eight

It was nine in the morning, everyone has woken up. The house was filled with guests coming from every corner of the house. Yasmin believed if more people keep arriving, their house will explode anytime from now. She knew both her parents have a big family, but why will everyone had to come?

As usual she has been up last night watching everyone sleep, some from a tiring journey, some for working all day while many are sleeping because it was only natural to sleep at night. She had sat on chaise longue in her room by the window and wrote something down in her journal. That journal that says more about her than anyone can.

Immediately after fajr she had disappeared, the house was too messy for her liking. Her cousins and sisters start looking for her helter skelter, maami didn't pay any attention to them, she knew exactly where to find her daughter. So she let Yasmin have her moment alone.

"Maami, i think you should bring Ya Yasi out, she needs to eat her breakfast, take her bath and everything. Maami, she's the bride." Salma stated the obvious to mother, only for her to hear amongst the many people in room that were indulged in their breakfast.

"I will check on her later. Let her be, Salma. She is probably crying and i am not ready for that now." Salma blinked back her tears, it was a happy occasion. Only smiles were allowed, Salma thought. But the thought that her big sister will be married few hours for now is overwhelming her. Yasmin have always been the big sister she is, always being there for her siblings, even though she don't verbally expressed it all the time.

Salma knew they were going to missed her and all her sweet and loving gestures. Yasmin has been a reading pal to all her siblings during their exams, she will be with them every time they studies for exams at night, make them tea or coffee. Or anything, she will also help out when they needed it.

"Salma, i said not now, okay. Save it for later, it's too early to start crying." Aisha warned her, Salma's eyes were brimming with tears. She knew her girls very well for being emotional and she isn't left behind either, they inherited it from her. She is sure she might break down with them if they decided to start to crying early morning.

"Your sister wants to be alone, that's why she hide. Let her have that, kinji ko, Salma?" Aisha softly spoke, Salma nodded and left.

Aisha entered her husband's room, she knew that is the only place in the house her daughter will be at the moment. Ababukar still hasn't come back since he left for fajr. And there Yasmin was, cuddled in one of the armchair staring at the blank telly while she wanders back in time.

"Honey!" That single word uttered by her mother brought her back to life. It had been ages since her mother had called her that, she always calls them with pet name to persuade them as kids. But ever since that unfortunate incident Aisha had stopped.

Aisha sat on the carpet by the side of the bed and motion Yasmin to come sit in front her. And Yasmin did so. Her mother entwined their hands and sat there quietly for a while, before Yasmin's tears made their way to her cheeks biting her lower lip.

"I am sorry, maami! I am sorry for everything i have done. For causing so much trouble for you and everyone." She cries harder and Aisha let go at their hands and wiped Yasmin's tears.

"I have never blamed you for that, Yasmin. You have always been a wonderful daughter." She smiled to reassured her.

"I caused her a lot of trouble, maami. She died because of me, how can i forget that? How can you not blame me? I can't even forgive myself." She sobs and Maami's heart clenched at what Yasmin had said. It's obvious Yasmin still blame herself for that incident. However, it was of no use to live to her mother.

"Yasmin, i am proud of you, i will always be in sha Allah. Whatever happened it was part of your sister's qadr. No more self blaming or abnegation, Yasmin Abubakar Datti. I have had enough of that from you and your daddy. Today is your wedding day, so we will only talk about you alone. By that i mean with a happy smile." Aisha firmly stated, she had thought one of her girls would made her cry today, but she is still holding on for now. She needs to be strong for Yasmin.

"Now in few hours, your entire life is going to change and i pray that change brought goodness to your life. Promise me you will live a healthy life."

"I will in sha Allah, Maami." More tears rolled down, Yasmin can win a Nigerian crying contest for sure. She doesn't need a reason to cry.

"Respect is very important in every relationship, so i hope you keep that in mind. No one can tell you what exactly to expect in a marriage life, dear. There are so many things, from my experience i can tell you that marriage life is like an empty box at the beginning. You don't find anything in there, you filled it yourself. When you respect each other and follow the teaching of our beloved prophet Muhammad peace be upon, you will make a happy home. That home which will be your way to jannah, in sha Allah. And i hope you filled that box of yours with goodness."

With Yasmin laying her head on her mother's lap, Aisha continue with her moral lessons on marriage, it lasted for an hour before they leave to meet their guests.

Two hours later, Yasmin was sitting in front of her wanna be makeup artist sister as she paint her face. She was never the makeup type, so it took a lot nagging from Ikram and her three sisters before she agreed. Sitting in front of Jadida can be hectic. Yasmin has seen her done a lot of makeups on quite a number of people especially her two sisters. But she was never tempted to try it not even once, she believed it was torturous. She doesn't know what Jadida is doing on her poor face, whatever it was she is tired of stretching her neck and face.

"Yaya, stay still, please. You don't want to look like some zombie, i know you don't." Jadida pleaded, she is good at what she does, there is no doubt about that, but Yasmin was being Yasmin. They're quite a number of people waiting for her makeover at the moment.

"Jadi, how about we stop this thing here. What's the use anyway?"

"Haba, our dearest amarya! You're not going to bring shame to my reputation as your best friend and your chief organizer. How do you expect me to let you go out like that on your wedding day without any lipstick on, though you will still look perfect. But this is a one day thing, just endure." Ikram chided, she was still in her nightware sitting lazily on the bedside cabinet as she watch her cousin transformation.

"Whatever!" Yasmin mumbles. Few minutes later the makeup was all done, her sisters, Salma and Jadida then Ikram and another cousin of theirs stares at Yasmin as if she was the alien among them.

"What? I told you i don't want it from the beginning." She reproached ruefully, she still haven't seen the mirror behind her. Yasmin rarely does that anyways, she doesn't even have a mirror in her bedroom only the small one in the washroom which is always covered with a towel.

However, today was an exception. Ikram and Salma had borrowed the full length standing mirror from Maami's room. Yasmin turned back to look at the mirror only to be blown away by the person staring back at her. She looked so different, in a good ways. Magnificent!

She was already dressed in a chestnut brown lace adorned with small crystal rhinestone, it was styled into a three quarter gown and wrapper accessorised with simple white pearl necklace and earrings, two gold bangles on either wrist.

She was looking spectacular. If the girl in the mirror wasn't herself she could have openly praised the beauty in front of her. She was looking like a real bride now. A tear roll down her cheeks, though thank to the waterproof cosmetics used on her face, nothing got spoiled.

"Masha Allahu rabbi, you have always been so beautiful, Yasmin. May Allah protect you from all the evils out there." Ikram wiped her small tears too. Then Aunty Naina, Ikram's mother and Aisha's only sister enters the room.

"Ya Allah, Yasmini, you look so masha Allah." Aunty Naina kissed her both cheeks. She had came in to tell them something but she got carried away. Her innocent niece was looking masha Allah as always and she couldn't be any happier.

"Thank you, aunty." The bride mumbles.

"Oh, i almost forgot. You will become a married woman any minute from now, Yasmin. So cover your head and take this zobo drink." Naina handed her the bottle of zobo as she sat quietly on her bed. It was really happening. Not more than five minutes Salma's phone started ringing and she picked it up.

"It was Ya Jafar, he said the wedding fatiha is over. Ya Yasmin is officially married." Salma announced excitedly ending the call and before they could grasp it. Yasmin's breathe start hitching and she hurriedly patted her chest, she was clearly a having panic attack.

"Well Yasmin, i didn't bring you that zobo for nothing, dear." Her aunt added with a smile, gently rubbing Yasmin's back. Naina had came with that zobo drink solely for that reason, Yasmin's panic attacks was nothing new to them. And her aunt knew that in a situation like this, the drink will came in handy.

"Congratulations mrs Yaya Yasmin!" Jadida exclaimed and they all congratulate her.

"May Allah blessed it for you, Yasmin. Welcome to the women club, dear." Her aunt kissed her forehead then blew some du'as on her head. The panic attack had stopped since she had her third gulp.

Yasmin quietly sat there as Jadida tie her long black silky hair into a bun, then tie her the head tie. In a matter of seconds, the room was filled with so many cousins of hers and aunties, wishing her a happy and successful marriage life while some only care to take a photos with her. Her own mind was numb she don't know what to feel, she was just mimicking the smile on everyone's face.

She had felt the instant change in the air ever since she was declared married. She ponder on what her husband is feeling at the moment, is he also feeling the weight of their new life on his shoulders? As foreign as it sounds, she had a husband now and is sure her parents are proud of her.

Her mother had said it earlier and the smile on her dad's face before he left for the wedding fatiha was an assurance too. She looks around the people crowding her room and for the first time since the wedding has started, smile. The smile was so pure and beautiful, its make her happy to know that she did something worth her parents proud.

It was already evening, there have been countless of photo sessions. The guest looks so happy in the comfort of the varieties of foods and drinks around them. Though Yasmin's stomach has been growling ever since, but she have no appetite.

"Are you all ready ladies?" Jafar asked when he entered his father's living room where the girls had branched. They were all giggling and gisting among themselves. Yasmin haven't seen her brother the entire day, he look so happy with his always fine smile. He is the second most important man in her life after her father. Jafar was a good brother, one in a billion, he have so much respect for his sister and he knew they were all going to miss her.

"Yaya Ya, come with me, daddy want to see you, they're already here to take you." Yasmin's chest panged, the fear was very visible in her eyes. Her green hazel eyes have this shade of different colors, it held so much emotion not just fear, one had to study it well to point out the exact emotion she was feeling. Her eyes has always been a complex matter. And she was a whole course to study.

Jafar leads the way to their father's bedroom where Yasmin immediately breakdown seeing her father's face radiating with happiness, the two had their own emotional day view. Jafar just stare at them, delighted. Over the years he has also learned the silent language of Yasmin. He understood what every gesture, smile or tears meant. How they knew if she was thankful through a specific dish she made.

At some point he really thought his sister will remain unmarried, yet nothing was impossible with Allah Azzawajal. And he is happy for her, she deserve it. He had earlier told Yusuf to take good care of his darling sister when they met after the wedding fatiha. Even though Yusuf was no much for him. In terms of their physical appearance, Yusuf was more built up and taller, he can also be intimidating at times just like his father. But that didn't scared the protective little brother.

Jafar's gentle words to his new brother in law had a sound warming in it. And Yusuf had felt its weight. He had only told him to take good care of his sister and respect her for who she is. Nonetheless, he still don't know why it still couldn't leave his head. He have been married for only five hours and some minutes, yet the change was already there. From where the wedding fatiha took place to the reception down gwaggo Saude's house people have been smiling and congratulating his misery.

To top it all, he had received a message from Marwa this morning. Yusuf's heart almost dropped to his stomach, when he saw the message flashing on his big phone screen until he read it content.

"Gud mrng, my heart keeper. I missed you so much lately, i know we are both busy. So i am not complaining, i even have my big smile ? at the moment. I have exams at 9am, wish me luck. Luv yahhh, muah." The message reads. Marwa was still oblivious to her boyfriend's marriage. And Yusuf didn't have the audacity to call her or replied back her message.

He felt like a hypocrite now, married to another woman and thinking about another. He was at Saif's house where he lived with two brother before he decided to get married and send the two packing. It was only him and one of Saif's brother, Ibrahim.

"You're the gloomiest groom i have come across." Ibrahim reassured him again. He had told him earlier and he is telling him again. Though Yusuf didn't replied to any of his remarks. They where watching a live football match which Ibrahim couldn't afford to miss, Yusuf was just being there. His two brothers are out there helping Yusuf with his guests which he should be involve doing as the groom.

"How about we do something fun, to make the day more memorable."

Yusuf rolled his eyes and says, "do you think the day will be any more memorable than this, come on, Ibrahim. Are kidding me?" He pointed himself with his thumb, looking charmingly handsome in his white kaftan, stubble beard with his lowcut hair. Ibrahim only let a small laugh.

"You see, even if we have to run faster than our shadow, we can never escape our destiny. Not all good things are recognized from the first sight, but as time goes on you will begin to see its worth. And why it had to happened." Another motivational speaker from the Zailani's clan started. Saif and his brothers are always on it. At time Yusuf wonder how they always have things to say at a given situation, and why they can't keep quiet unless they're sleeping.

"Please Ibrahim, just for today, let not talk about destiny and fate. I think my own destiny still have some shade of dark colors." He was exhausted and the last thing he needed was a talking partner. He just want to be alone without anyone reminding him, he is married.

The next day was budan kai, the typical Katsina style. A lot of gifts was given out to the groom and his family as per tradition. Yasmin has been anxious since last night. She had a lot of crying session last evening before she was conveyed to her husband's house, she had visited both her grandparents on her ways. They had all blessed their union and are expecting Yusuf for visitation as the new son in law. Of course along with his wife.

Few of her cousins had slept there with her along with Salma. Jadida and Juwaira stayed back at the Abubakar's residence, they had been so emotional including Maami who couldn't stop her tears saying goodbye to her daughter.

"Yasi, the groom and his friends are already downstairs, i guess is time for us to say ours goodbyes for now." Ikram stated, she looked so down. The rest of the girls were already out after bidding their goodbyes.

"Stay with me, please." Yasmin pleaded another set of fresh tears made it way down her cheek, her nose has already turned red from too much crying.

Ikram let out a humorless chuckle, "are you crazy, Yasmin? My job here is done, it's time for me to start thinking of my own wedding and i believe you are not going to stay with me at a situation just like this. Because in the next six weeks i am going to be in the same situation as you, in sha Allah." She always looks so excited talking about her wedding, but for some reason today the excitement wasn't there. And Yasmin didn't failed to notice it, she just hope all is well.

"Then, are you coming tomorrow?" She asked hopely.

"Yasmini, we are not conjoined for a reason, and believe me ammi will not let me come here anytime soon."

"Ya Allah!" Yasmin groaned inwardly, she was dressed in a beautiful emerald green 3d floral motifs with a touch of gold on soft tulle embellished with pearls, styled in a fitted blouse and a mermaid skirt. She had no makeup on, yet she looked flawless.

"A small advise, couz. Don't go sweeping and cleaning at night, okay." Ikram whispered as if it's the most guarded secret, no is supposed to hear.

"Ikram!" She warned between her clenched teeth rolling her eyes.

"May Allah blessed your union in the most beautiful way ever...." Before she concluded Salma pumps her head from the ajar door seeing the two engrossed.

"Ya Ikram, it's getting late and we have to go home like right now. You know this would happened eventually, right. You have said a lot and nobody is dying in sha Allah. We are already missing you, Ya Yasi. And please don't go on doing house chores in the middle of the night, you will give the poor guy a heart attack if he were to see you." Salma stated not wanting to get indulge, she just wanted to go home and lay down somewhere and maybe even cry because she was missing her night owl sister already. Before they finally left Yasmin alone in the room, Ikram covered her cousin's face with her golden veil which was on her shoulders and blew some du'as.

Did i really look that weird cleaning at night? Yasmin question herself, what they don't know was that her mid night chores has became a part of her not just a habit. More than thirty minutes after they have left, she heard the door open again. And it can only be one person, her husband. So weird she thought.

Yusuf's small salam was barely audible, Yasmin face was still covered and she didn't find the need to open it. She just pray there won't be any funny business. As for the man of the night, he looked so irritated that he had to keep his jaw clenched tightly. For all he cares, she should remain faceless in his head.

"I don't know if i may sound awful or not, but i didn't want this marriage and i believe you knew it. Yet you still let it happened, in that case i won't be responsible for any of your heartache. Don't expect anything from me please, i am not going to be the loving and caring husband you expect. Living under the same roof is going to be more than enough, and i hope we can all mind our business. I sure won't meddle in yours." He knew he is the worst person at the moment, but he had to do it, he don't want the girl having any expectation from him. It was enough he was sharing his house with her.

Yasmin was literally jumping from the inside, she almost had another adrenaline rush. However his confession just calmed her, that's what she had prayed for anyways. If he thinks she was expecting something from him, then he was mistaken. After all, everyone had empathized on respecting the husband, she will do just that and the rest, should just remain the rest.

She had never felt this relief in so many years. She didn't utter a word, it was like Yusuf had read through her. She heard the door closed after him, he was gone. She lifted her veil of, gasps for air and locked the door immediately, then come to the bed with a smile. It's confirmed they're going their separated ways. She stupidly have the biggest smile for being openly rejected. What a dream come true.

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