Polaris' POV
I felt my blood boiled from the pain and anger as I watch my filthy husband kneel in front of me. How dare him use his relatives to make himself look like the hopeless victime?!
"Babe, I love you. Please forgive me!" he reached to hold my cold numbing hand and I felt disgusted from his touch that I pulled my hand away.
"Pola, look at the guy," his uncle Davis butted in. "I've never seen Taylor like this with a girl before." Davis chuckled.
"He never put effort to a girl unless he meant it, Polaris." said another relative.
"Aw! He is so sweet!" said Cherry.
"Forgive the guy, Pola!"
They continued cheering for Taylor and I could see the shining hope in his eyes from the support he gained but in the back of my head, I could say that his expression is hideous. His relatives seems unaware of the truth and that's why they stands by his side or do they know but support the infidelity of my husband?
"Babe, I promise I won't do anything that will hurt you again. I swear to God, I won't."
I looked down to Taylor and locked my gaze with his eyes. He look right back at me with full confidence and I can't see any guilt but can't see any sincerity, too.
Can it be? Can it happen that he will change himself and everything that had happen might never repeat again? I cheated back to get even, is that enough to forgive him and move on about this?
It's not an impossible thing but am I willing to take the risk?
Taylor's relative continues to cheer for him, for us. I feel pressured and my head is swirling because I'm confused with my own emotions. Should I accept him again or do we need to stop this?
"You can't manipulate me, Taylor. I'm no client of yours." I said through gritted teeth. To be honest, I hinted that he is using his skills as a lawyer. The thing with the reversing the situation in favor for the party he likely wants to win. And now, that party is himself.
I knew him too well for this thought to escape in my thoughts. He is good at this and what I can do is not fall with his pretense.
"Babe," he stood on his feet and hovered my height. "We've been married for two years and I only made one mistake. And I am swearing to God I will never do it again. I just want you, babe."
I smirked. He even mentioned the Almighty with his lies? He don't even believe in God, this bastard!
"Polaris, I'm a guy, too. I got tempted at times," Davis chuckled. "but when my wife found about it, I stopped. I love the lady, my wife. My niece surely love you, hija."
I hate Davis. He is an arrogant, disrespectful and lazy type of person. Taylor is not like him except the cheating part, so I can't see how thick his face is to butt in with the problem in our relationship.
Actually, all of them. I am not very friendly with his family because all of them backstabbed me ever since I married Taylor. They hate the thought that their only one family achiever who helped them every time they needed has settled and marry.
Why are they here anyway when they are don't even like me to begin with?
"With respect, Davis, do you even know what my husband did?" I tasted the bitterness in the tip of my tongue as I asked that question. I looked at all five of them and observed how they paled with my question. "Does anyone of you knew?"
Davis laughed awkwardly and scratched his messy bearded chin. "Darling, the man confessed. He said you caught him cheating and that's not a big deal, for real. Men cheat but what's important was who we choose in the end."
My jaw dropped from what I heard him said. What the fuck is he muttering about?
"Not a big deal?" A loud fake laugh echoed the room and they all almost raised their brows at me. "You have female relatives, is that what you'll gonna advise them when they encounter their man cheating?"
"Pola, please, see reason." Taylor reached for me again and I took a step back before he could.
"Ya, see reason," Davis butted in again. "And I'll tell the same advise to my niece if ever their man cheats because there must be something wrong with them to be cheated on."
Again, my jaw dropped. So he's saying that something is wrong with me that my husband cheated with his male business partner?!
I looked at Taylor angrily and I saw him giving me a warning look. He always give me this look whenever we are at his family's gathering and when I hear something not propositioned with my perspective.
He is asking me to shut up. But no! Not now, I won't!
"So something is wrong with me, huh, Davis? Is that what you are implying?"
"Well, I didn't say that…"
"It is what you meant! How dare you!? You-"
Taylor held my elbow and turned me to look at him. His face is dark and grim, an expression knew to me.
"That's enough, Polaris." he whispered.
"Just forgive the man. He gave you his everything, don't let your relationship get ruined because of a one time mistake." Davis said but I paid no attention to him. I didn't take my eyes off Taylor. We fought with our gazes and there is no way I'm backing down just because of a deadly stare.
We stayed like that for a minute and he only blinked when I snapped my arm off his hold. He looked down to my elbow when I touched it, I felt a sting of pain from how tightly he gripped my arm.
"I'm sorry." he shut his eyes tight and looked up to me. "I know you are hurting and feel betrayed right now but I end ties with my affair and I promise I won't repeat the same mistake again." his voice is low now, not like the over-confident tone he had earlier.
My head moved backward to when I saw him and Raph on our room, in our bed. The clip of Raph thrusting in and out with Taylor's hole and the way my husband moaned from the pleasure of being fucked replayed on my head like a movie.
He is the villain in this story and yet he acts like the main character agonized with pain. A victim that his family supports to. What irony!
My vision blurred from the incoming tears that threaten to fall. I didn't know it still hurt like this. I thought I'm okay but I guess the escapade I had with Kameron is just a temporary thing.
I cheated with my husband, too. But I can feel how different our mistakes are. I can't feel any graveness on my action but Taylor's mistake felt like a forever heavy burden.
"You heard the man, he cut ties with his girl so there is no point of prolonging this war in your marriage." Davis spoke again.
I snapped my head to him.
Ha! I can't stop myself from chuckling on what I heard. "A girl? You thought my husband's whore is a girl?"
I looked at Taylor with haunting eyes. I may look crazy right now but who wouldn't lose insanity with the turn of events of my life?
The room was silent for a moment before one of his relative speak. I think his name was John, he was Taylor's cousin.
"What do you mean by that, Polaris?" John asked.
I saw Taylor's jaw clenched and his face turned even darker. I can read it clearly from his expression, he don't want me to utter another word.
I smirked at him and walked to face his family. "My husband here cheated on me with his business partner. A guy named Raph. Now tell me again to forgive this bastard and move on from this problem."
They all went paled. I don't know what Taylor looks like since he was standing quietly behind me.
"I-Is that true, T?" Cherry gasped.
"Y-You're gay?" Davis asked.
Silence once again enveloped the room. I can feel my body shaking, I'm getting numbed and I feel free to finally talk about this at last.
"No." Taylor said and chuckled. I snapped my head to look at him as he walked forward and past me. "Polaris had it wrong. Raph and I was just doing some reports and she gave malice to the time I spent with my partner. But its work, so I can't help it."
My jaw dropped from what he said. Did he just lied in front of everyone?! No, wait, did he just made me a liar?!
Everyone was stunned for a moment. Nobody was speaking, and they all looked stunned. What? They bought it?
I can't believe he was trying to cover up the truth and his real identity!
"Don't try to change the truth, Taylor!" I shouted.
"Oh my, Polaris. I understand that you love your husband and probably you are missing him but don't make up some weird theories just because he was busy with work." Davis chuckled.
"Damn, woman. Are you mentally okay?" John said next.
I can feel my nerves bursting from what I was hearing. They believed him just like that? They believe Taylor just because they are of same blood?
How dare him make himself look like a God to be worship by his family like this?!
I grabbed Taylor's arm and pulled him to look at me. "How dare you?!" I muttered in a low voice, putting emphasis en every words. "How could you?!"
"Babe, stop this nonsense. I promise to make it up to you, I will give you enough time you deserve-"
"Fuck your time!-"
"Polaris, you are just stress from overthinking. Man! I know women tend to over react at things but not like that shit." Davis laughed and his family joined him.
I feel like I turned to be a tiny particle, sinking down the ground. My head is spinning and I can feel my face heated from wrath.
"Babe, we will get through this phase. I know I made a mistake and I lack at things with you but I promise to make it up for you. I won't do the same mistakes again, let alone do things that will make me lose you. I love you, Polaris. You know that."
I can't speak. I wanted to speak but my anger is making me tremble that even my tongue was shaking. How dare him?!
How dare you, Taylor?!