Amelia's POV
I was confused. When I was in his arms, I inhaled his citrus and woody smell distinctly. It is the same fragrance that I got in the letters. Was that a coincidence too? I couldn't think anymore. My mind was more dazed, so I looked at the teacher and tried to concentrate on what she was teaching us instead.
After classes, Nicky dropped me home in her chauffeur-driven car and I was thankful that I didn't need to take help from Caleb's friends. Caleb was busy with practice and I didn't even need him to drop me home. I wasn't talking to him.
The moment I went up to my room, I locked my door and took out the envelope and letter. I inhaled its citrus and woody smell again. 'Yes, it was the same.'
My Amelia,
I can't live without you
I can't exist without you
If I separate from you
I'll lose myself
Because it's you
Who's a part of my life
My relief, my pain
You are my love
I can't stay away a moment
Half of my time is devoted to you
I can't live a moment without you
Each dream is just for you
So I'm willing to wait for you
No matter how long it takes
For I can't live without you.
Your Anonymous love.
Yes, I was convinced after reading this, that it was Tristan who wrote it. His cologne, his hanging around my locker all the time, couldn't be a coincidence. Everything fell into place and most of my questions seemed to be answered. No wonder he was so interested in the letters!
I didn't know how to ask Tristan about the letters. It would be embarrassing if he denied writing them. Even if he accepted that he wrote them, then what? Could I tell him about my own feelings for him? I was confused as ever.
The next day after Chemistry class, I was going to the library when I saw a crowd of students near the main field. Pushing through the crowd, I realized that there was a fight going on. I froze instantly when I saw Caleb straddling Tristan, repeatedly punching him, his face flushed with anger. Tristan on the other hand was lying on the ground, making no effort to escape or hit him back. It surprised me since I knew that Tristan was a kickboxing champion and he was totally capable of defending himself. Then why wasn't he doing it? What was happening? If Tristan hit back, Caleb would land up at the school infirmary.
Feeling frustrated, I rushed forward to stop Caleb from hurting Tristan further. My heart ached to see the blood oozing from his busted lips. "Cal, stop, what do you think you're doing?" I yelled as I kneeled down beside them and tried to block Tristan from his punches.
"Move, Amy," Caleb shouted at me, his eyes blazing with anger but I wasn't moving. I wouldn't allow this!
"No, don't hit him, please. What has gotten into you? " I said as a sob escaped me and a bruised Tristan with busted and bleeding lips stared back at me, looking shocked and amazed. There was a pin drop silence amongst the crowd that had gathered around to watch but I was oblivious to them.
"I said move away, Amy. I'll kill him today," Caleb swore, a mad rage reflected in his eyes that scared me immensely but I didn't budge. I had never seen Caleb this angry and wondered what had happened.
"No, Cal, please don't. I love him. Please don't kill him," I sobbed hard unable to control myself anymore, hugging Tristan and trying to protect him. Tristan's eyes widened and his breath hitched and he stared at me as if dumbstruck at my confession. I was beyond caring. I knew my brothers. They were capable of anything.
Caleb got off Tristan and punched the ground in frustration and then left, muttering curses at the two of us. Although I knew what was about to happen, the damage was done and I couldn't do anything about it. I helped Tristan to his feet and wrapped an arm to support him to lead him to the infirmary to get him first aid. His eyes never left my face for a second all the way till the nurse in charge cleaned his wounds. He closed his eyes for a few seconds, only to open them again and continue gazing at me.
Afterward, I led him outside and we sat beside each other on a stone bench near the parking lot. I missed my Fine Arts class for him since I couldn't just leave him alone.
"Why didn't you fight back?" I asked him softly.
He shrugged, "Did you mean what you said?" he asked instead, ignoring my question. His eyes probed into mine and I was lost in the heat of his gaze. Unable to control the sensations that it caused in the pit of my stomach, I looked away.
"Yes," I mumbled shyly.
He held my chin with his thumb and index finger and raised my face to his forcing me to look into his eyes again. "Tell me baby doll," he whispered softly.
"No, first you tell me. Did you write those letters to me?" I asked him. I was desperate for an answer. My secret was already out, it was his turn to admit the truth.
"It took you so long to figure it out?" He asked smiling. "Yes, I wrote them to you. I meant every word I wrote. I have always loved you, baby doll," he added, the honesty reflected in his eyes. I believed him and a warm flush spread all over my body while my heart skipped a beat at the realization. Jay loved me! What more could I ask for?
"I love you more, Jay," I said shyly.
"I'm so glad, really glad that you do," he said, leaning towards me till he was inches away from me. I forgot to breathe wondering if he would kiss me the way I want to be kissed.