Suddenly Caleb rushed in with his two other friends, Chris and Brian, and they approached Tristan and sat with him. Caleb nodded at her and resumed his usual banter with his friends, completely ignoring her thereafter. Amelia was glad that he did. Why couldn't he ignore her all the time? It would have made her life so much easier!
After five minutes, Nicky came in and fetched a burger, fries, and a coke for herself, joining her excitedly. "I have to opt for Algebra to go into Junior grade next year. My maths score is too low," he said with hunched shoulders.
"No big deal, I can help you with it. Don't worry," She consoled her friend, taking a bite of her sandwich. However, despite trying to put up an air of indifference, she felt a blush form on her cheeks at Tristan's constant intense stare from where he sat. Why did he have to stare at her all the time? She glared up at him, but that did not dissuade him from staring, even in the slightest.
"So, today's Monday. Did you get your dose of love?" Nicky asked suddenly wiggling her eyebrows at her. She looked away knowing that Tristan's full attention was upon them.
"Yeah," she answered shyly, concentrating on her food not wanting to disclose anything more.
"Good, good. So any idea who it could be?" Nicky asked hopefully. Although they were best friends, she never asked Amelia to show her the letters. They were too personal to Amelia, she cherished them, and did not wish to share them with anyone.
"No," sighed Amelia, wishing she could find out who it was.
Nicky sighed, "Let's go, it's time for art," said Nicky, picking up her backpack, ready to leave. Amelia looked at her watch and noted to her dismay that lunchtime was indeed over. After a discreet glance at her crush who was busy with his mobile phone, she picked up her backpack to go. Looking up, she saw her brother and his friends leaving as well, but ignored the mock salute Tristan gave her.
After a hectic schedule of Art, French, and geometry, it was finally time to go home. Nicky had an appointment with the dentist at the hospital where her mother practiced as an Obstetrician and gynecologist so she had to leave in a hurry. Amelia went to the parking lot and waited beside her brother's jeep while checking her mobile for any important messages.
Caleb came hurrying along with Tristan. "Sorry Amy, I have football practice for next week's semifinals. I'll call Brandon, and see if he can pick you up, okay?" Caleb said apologetically.
"No prob, bro. I'll take the bus," Amelia said with a smile refusing to go with the boring Brandon who would only ask about Nicky. She avoided Tristan's eyes and turned to go to the bus stop.
"I can drop her, I'm going home as it is," Tristan said to Caleb, his eyes noting her jaw-dropped reaction. "I've opted out of football this season due to my knee injury,"
"Thanks, bro. See you then," Caleb said, agreeing instantly as he fist-bumped with Tristan and left.
"I can manage Jay. You don't need to inconvenience yourself," Amelia mumbled, her heart beating rapidly in her chest. She had always wanted to spend time with Tristan but it seemed that he had no such wish ever, until now. What changed suddenly? Why did he go out of his way to drop her home when Brandon could have done it?
Tristan heard her call him by his favorite nickname, distinctly. It was the name that he always insisted that she call him since childhood. She was the only one who called her "Jay", and he loved it.
"No baby doll. I'll drop you. No arguments," he said as he guided her to his car. Acutely aware of his hand on her back, she tried to move out of his hold, but he tightened his hold, brushing his sides with hers. An electric current shot through her body at his touch. What was happening to her? Maybe she had fallen hard for him already!
Opening the door of his black Jeep Grand Cherokee, Tristan helped Amelia into the passenger seat as he jogged to the driver's side. "Do you want a coffee before going home?" he asked gently as if scared of being turned down.
She looked into his jade green eyes in surprise unable to say a single word. Did he just ask her out?
"It's just coffee, not a date," he said, his chuckle bringing her to reality and she just left it at that, annoyed with herself for getting carried away. She rolled her eyes at her dumbness. How could she be so easy to read?
Tristan's smirk didn't leave his lips the rest of the time. ''You still haven't answered my question,'' he reminded her. Amelia feigned ignorance although she knew fully well what he was talking about. The anonymous love letter that she had received. Somehow he seemed more interested in it than her!
''Which question?" she asked him as he started the ignition.
''Did you read it?'' he asked with a shrug.
''Yes,'' she answered, looking away from his probing gaze.
''And?'' he asked impatiently.
''And nothing,'' answered Amelia. Tristan was the last person she would tell about the contents of her secret letter. Tristan looked upset by her words and didn't ask anything else throughout the ride. One look at his grumpy face made Amelia wonder why he was so interested in her secret letter.
''Where are we going?'' she asked, looking around.
''Tell me what I want to know and I'll answer your question as well,'' he stated and she rolled her eyes. She would rather not know than tell him about her precious love letter.
'No thanks. I'll wait and watch,'' she said with a grin. Tristan just gave her a frustrated look and drove on without a word. Amelia was glad that he didn't prod further and watched where he was driving her to.