I’ve been in the best mood since I spoke to Ruby earlier in the day. After spending a week with her, not talking to her every minute is hard.
I finally give in to my needs and call her this afternoon. She’s pleased to hear from me, I can tell from the excitement in her voice, and I berate myself for not calling more.
We speak on the phone, and she gives me the details of how stressful her day is going. I want to offer to treat her to a full-body massage but restrain myself.
In upper-class society, if you break it, you buy it. The last thing I want is for Ruby to think we are only getting married because we are being forced to.
I check the time and notice I am going to be a bit earlier than the agreed time. I cruise around for a bit, keeping to simple routes so that I don’t get lost.
Seeing a flower shop still open gives me an idea. I park out front and come down. I walk into the shop and am immediately bombarded by different pleasant smells.
“Hello, welcome to Roses and Thorns. What can I get you?” the receptionist says.
“Um … something pretty and smells nice. For a lady,” I say clumsily as it occurs to me that I don’t know Ruby’s favorite flower.
A couple of days ago when I ordered the roses, it was impersonal. I didn’t know her then, and everybody knows a lady loves roses, so I had gone with the obvious choice, and it was a win.
But getting her roses again shows how much we still have to learn about each other.
I clear my throat and raise my chin. “I don’t know my fiancée’s favorite flower, but I’m open to any suggestions other than roses, Susan,” I say, reading her name tag.
“Of course. You’re in the right place. I’m sure we can get something she’d like,” she assures.
Susan walks out from behind the desk, taking me on a short tour around the shop.
“Tell me about her,” she implores. “It will help me know what will suit her best.”
“Well, she’s sweet, beautiful, kind, sometimes shy,” I smile as memories come rushing in. “She’s humble, smart, sassy sometimes. She’s... perfect.”
Susan stands staring at me with her eyes widened. She looks dumbfounded.
“Did I say something wrong?” I ask, feeling self-conscious.
“No. You said everything right,” she replies sweetly. She hums to herself as she floats from one vase of flowers to another. Finally, she turns to me with one in her hand.
“These are red orchids. They symbolize desire, passion, and love. It could be a way of saying your feelings without actually saying them,” she suggests.
“I think it’s a bit too much. I would prefer something more subtle,” I reply quickly, not wanting to talk about my feelings.
Susan nods. She seems to get me. She motions for me to wait and goes into the back. I turn to look out the window into the night and settle to wait.
While waiting, I think of the plans I’ve put in motion. I’m having Jordan transfer most of my assets here as he’s in charge of managing my finances. Jordan is a whiz with numbers.
Although Jordan runs after anything in a skirt, he’s actually a genius in math and statistics.
Jordan had been livid to find out that I was ditching the plan and marrying Ruby. He probably thinks I’m out of my mind. I chuckle.
Maybe I am. Nobody from my past would believe I was settling down after just knowing the bride for less than a month.
Jordan will never understand why I feel this way and am making life-changing decisions for a woman. He isn’t there yet. I can’t wait to watch him fall for somebody as I have.
All in all, I wonder what Ruby will think of the fact that I consider us all but married. I’m just waiting for the big day. Most importantly, I wonder what she’ll say when I tell her about the house I plan on buying.
A house I don’t plan on moving into until after our wedding. I don’t want us to live in the penthouse after we marry. Ruby is used to certain things, and I want to give her what she deserves. I spoke with an agent a couple of days ago, and it yielded positive results.
Today, the agent showed me a house with four rooms, including two master bedrooms, a kitchen, a walk-in closet for one of the master bedrooms, and a big dining room.
As I walk through the house, I realize that I shouldn’t decide on something we will both be living in together alone. It’s right there in its impressive backyard that I called Ruby earlier.
I hear her footsteps before I see her. Susan is holding a white porcelain vase, and in it is a delicate blue flower.
“This is it,” I say.
“You’ve got good taste, Mr...?” She asks.
“Petraki. Mr. Petraki,” I respond.
She smiles as she places the vase down on the table. “This is a blue orchid, a very rare flower. It symbolizes uniqueness and beauty. I just got it shipped in from China. You’re lucky.”
“I’m feeling lucky tonight,” I tell her as I hand over my card for payment.
Gently driving so as not to break the vase of flowers strapped to my passenger seat, I imagine how Ruby will smile when she sees the flower and how she’ll thank me. I wonder if I’ll get a kiss again like the last time.
I’ve already made reservations for dinner at a spot Ruby showed me during our tour. She mentioned liking the setting of the place, and after a busy day like she’s had, I thought it would be nice to go somewhere private where she could relax before going home.
I honestly wish she didn’t have to go home, and it was me she went home with.
The moment I get to the dimly lit parking lot of the orphanage, I spot two people there. I briefly assume that Ruby’s other worker has kept her company while she waited for me.
I step out of the vehicle and see a different scene. My assumptions shatter. Ruby is locked in the arms of another man in a passionate exchange.
I’m blinded by rage and furiously shut my door. The sound of the door slamming loudly breaks them apart. The sight I behold breaks my heart.
I watch as Ruby’s eyes go wide when she sees me. She looks stunned like she isn’t expecting to see me there.
Angrily walking to the guy who still has his hands on my woman, I punch him as he turns to see what caught Ruby’s attention.
“Archer,” Ruby shouts as her lover staggers. “It isn’t what it looks like, lemme ex..”
I’m knocked off my feet by the lover who slams into me, sending me falling on the floor with him on top. He lands a few blows, but I quickly get the upper hand when I turn him to the floor.
I follow with quick jabs to his kidneys and his face. I just keep punching until he stops fighting back.
I pant as I rise to my feet. I turn to face my fiancée.
“Oh Archer,” Ruby moans, “your face.” She reaches to touch my face, but I shake her off.
“Why would you do this, Ruby?”
“It was a misund…” She doesn’t get to finish whatever she was saying as her lover stands and faces me for a second round.
Ruby stands in between us with her hands spread out and her back to me.
“No more, Diavolo,” she orders.
“Diavolo, your boyfriend,” I sneer at her.
She turns her head to me, “ex.” She turns back to say something to Diavolo while I recall that it was because of this same guy she had walked into the bar the first time we met.
This was the guy she cried over. The one who made her drink. The one she was clearly not over.
It hits me harder than any of Diavolo’s punches, in my solar plexus. I’ve never really had her; she’s still in love with this guy. I back away carefully and slowly.
Why did she pretend to want to know me? Why lie? I thought we were in this together. Obviously, I was alone. The betrayal stings.
When Ruby turns to look for me, I’m already halfway to my rental.
“Archer, wait,” she shouts.
I won’t stop. The rage inside me might make me do something I’ll come to regret. I hurry to my car and start it. Ruby gets to me in time to see me backing out of the parking lot with speed.
I can hear her still trying to appeal to me, but I’m beyond listening. I turn the car and drive off.