As I watch Archer playing with the kids, my heart aches, endearing him to me even more. I find myself smiling as he kneels down to pick up little Isabella, who couldn’t keep up with the other kids, and puts her on his shoulders. Isabella throws her hands up and laughs gleefully, and I can’t help but imagine him with our kids.
I shake my head to clear these thoughts. It feels too soon to be falling for him so quickly, doesn’t it?
Suddenly, I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I jump out of my reverie. “He is good with the kids,” Julia says as she stands close to me with her hands folded on her chest. “Yes, he is.”
When I first met Julia, I thought she was too hard and solemn to care for these children. However, through the years of working with her, I’ve come to realize that her tough exterior hides a heart as soft as a mushroom. She’s a kind-hearted woman who lost her husband to war. At 48 years old, with her lean body, bronze skin, and dark eyes, she’s a beauty.
In one rare moment, on her marriage anniversary, she had gotten so drunk that we had the first of many heartfelt conversations. Julia confided in me that she misses her husband dearly and mourns not having any children with him. That was her primary reason for starting the orphanage, to have the children she couldn’t have with her husband. When I suggested that she wasn’t too old to try for children with another man, she looked me in the eyes and said, “I will never love anyone like I love my Alonzo. I’ve loved him since I was a girl. He made me a woman, a wife, and a widow. There isn’t anyone else for me.”
I sigh as I continue to stare at Archer. Is he the one for me? Is he my Alonzo? I thought I had found that with Diavolo. “Come join us, signorina,” Anthonio says as he drags me to join the other kids. I push these thoughts out of my head as I go along to join the excitement.
“Bye. Come again,” the children chorus as they hug Archer in goodbye. I watch as Archer hugs each one and promises to come back soon.
“Promise?” Little Isabella sniffs as she holds onto Julia’s long skirt with one hand and sucks her thumb, something she only does when she’s nervous.
“I promise, Bambino,” Archer gives her a kiss on her forehead, and she blushes but nods.
Archer stands up after another round of goodbyes, then he holds out his hand for mine, and I slide mine into his. We walk hand in hand back to his car. I feel tired. As much as I love the children, they are tiring, especially after spending the whole week with Archer touring Milan. I feel like I need a week-long break.
“Thank you for bringing me here,” Archer suddenly says. “You’re welcome.”
“I can see how much they mean to you. They have a way about them,” he rubs his chest like it aches.
“I know what you mean. They mean the world to me. After my family, these are the most important people in the world to me.”
“I understand.” He raises our joined hands and kisses my knuckle.
Being with Archer this week has been so easy. It feels like he’s always been there. He fits into my life seamlessly, like a missing piece in a puzzle that I didn’t know was incomplete.
As I watch the sunset turn his blond hair into a deeper shade of gold, I wonder how I spent my days before he came into my life.
After a hectic day at the orphanage, I’m beyond exhausted and can’t wait to call it a day. But I have a date with Archer.
As it stands, I only volunteer three times a week here. Today has been one of my busiest days. Three of the kids are infected with measles and had to be taken to the hospital. Julia went with them, leaving me with twenty-two other kids who want to know how their siblings are faring.
However, I wasn’t alone. Another volunteer, Zoe, held the fort with me. Together, we entertained, played, cared for, fed, and tucked in the kids. It was even more strenuous than extracting wine from grapes, and trust me, I would know.
I arrange my bag and look around my small office to make sure I didn’t forget anything. I do a quick mental check on my list of activities for the rest of the night. Meet Archer, have dinner with him, get home, have a bath, and sleep.
Earlier in the day, I agreed to dinner with Archer. If I had known today would be so busy, I would not have agreed. But I wanted to see Archer again. After spending a week together, not seeing him after three days felt weird.
When I told him I was at the orphanage, he asked after the children by name. It was sweet that he remembered their names. The phone call with him was the only respite from today. I secretly couldn’t wait to see him tonight.
I quietly walk to Julia’s room, knock, and push open the door. “Hey, how are you doing?” Walking into the room fully, I see she’s looking through the bills. My heart spasms.
Julia is as stubborn as she is proud. Anytime I try to help out with money, she blatantly refuses my cash, saying she isn’t paying for my service and it’s enough. I know if I push, she would falter, but I don’t want her to feel like she’s failing her children.
“Yeah, I’m good. What are you still doing here?” She asks as she stands with her back to the desk to block my view of the papers on it.
“Are you trying to send me away?” I tease. “I’m about to leave. Just wanted to check on you first.”
“I’m fine, Ruby. Thank you for today. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“I’m sure you would have thought of something.” I wink at her, causing her to laugh.
“Get out of here. It’s already late. Be careful.” She orders.
“Aye Captain,” I say with a salute, which causes her to laugh again.
As I walk to the parking lot where Archer is supposed to meet me, I think about how to get Julia the help she needs without hurting her ego. If I offer her cash outrightly, she might refuse.
I’m so lost in thought that I don’t see the person walking towards me until I almost run into him.
“Sorry,” I apologize as I position myself well.
“You should watch where you’re going.”
I squint my eyes in the faint light. “Diavolo?”
“Hey, Ruby.”
“What are you doing here?” I ask, puzzled. “Did Julia send for you?”
Diavolo works for Julia for free whenever she needs a plumbing job done. It’s one of the things that endeared him to me—his generosity and humility. I feel bad that I moved on easily from him while he obviously hasn’t. I honestly haven’t thought of him in days now. Archer is the one occupying all the space in my heart. I feel terrible.
I sniff now as I smell the whiskey on his breath. Diavolo has been drinking. I take a step back.
“No, no. She didn’t. I wanted to see you. I need to.”
“Whatever for?”
He runs his hands through his hair, distraught. “I miss you, Ruby. I’ve had time to think. I’ll return the money. I need you, Ruby.”
“A little too late, Diavolo.”
“Can you not forgive me? After all we’ve been through? After how far we’ve come?”
“I can and I did. I’ve forgiven you, Diavolo.”
He smiles brightly, looking like the man I know, not this version of him with sunken eyes and an unshaved beard. He looks leaner, like he’s been missing meals. I honestly feel pity for him.
“But I can’t be with you again.”
And just like that, the smile withers and turns into a frown. He steps closer.
“Why? Why can’t we be as before?”
He grabs my shoulders as he speaks and shakes me with each word he spits out.
“I want to marry you, Ruby. You know I love you.”
“I can’t, Diavolo,” I whimper from the bruise forming on my shoulders from his hard grip. I try to shake him off, but he holds on tightly, even as I pity him.
“I’m getting married to someone else,” I admit.
“What?” He roars. “Who are you getting married to?”
“It’s none of your business,” I fire back, getting angry from his display of possessiveness.
“You’re mine, Ruby. Mine.” His grip tightens further.
“That hurts,” I whimper, but Diavolo is beyond hearing. As I try to pry his hands from my shoulder, he moves one hand to my neck and slams his lips to mine.