When the music stopped, it was like I was ripped out of a trance.
It was like the moment the song came in, everything else fell apart…the audience, the tight and ridiculous was only me under the very bright lights, dancing to my heart's content.
Blinking, I remembered the strict orders I was given behind the stage, I tore off my mask, puffed my chest out and looked straight into the audience…not that I could really see anything, I was practically blinded by the lights over me.
As I stood there, hands on my hips and panting softly from my exercise, I was once again reminded about why I hated this idea in the first place.
It felt cheap and awful…standing here while several men- some of whom might be sick perverts- leer at my body and then bid on it while I stood there and smiled.
I could practically feel the revulsion crawl up my spine but I forced my feet to stay still, knowing I had no option but to weather it out, hoping I'd be able to raise enough money to pay Louis once and for all.
“Five hundred thousand!” A deep, masculine voice boomed out, jolting me out of my thoughts.
It seemed while I was busy thinking, they had already started bidding.
At first you didn't sink in that the person was talking about 500 grand but when it did, I almost lost my composure, my eyes bulging out of it's sockets.
500 thousand dollars??
I had no idea how much the starting bid was worse but personally I thought 500 thousand was too much to spend on a human being, one that you were only going to be with for a week but what did I know?
Apparently others must have shared my thoughts because the hall went quiet, no one daring to be higher than him…whoever the mystery guy was.
The auctioneer banged his gavel twice. “Going once…going twice, sold to Mr Bloom!”
I left out an involuntary gasp, shocked that it all happened so quickly.
What the hell was going to happen now?
The question and my apparent shock must have shown on my face because someone called me from the stage, directing me to the back.
“Go change into a nice outfit and come back out in thirty minutes.” The bouncer barked at me.
I walked to the back stage where there was a small tiny room where all the ladies were dressing up. I couldn't even bring myself to do anything other than sit at my desk and stay vacantly into the mirror.
The lady that came after me, Betty, slid me a sympathetic look.
“You know you should consider yourself lucky, right? It's rare that first-timers get picked and to be sold for such a high amount…maybe the stars are working in your favor.”
The corners of my lips turned up in a small smile. I didn't know whether to be happy or sad at the backhanded compliment.
I had to shake off the funk, realizing that I had only just 20 minutes to get ready and meet whoever had ‘bought’ me for a week.
I guess I should be happy at least I will be able to pay off Louis and have a little extra money to pay some of my student loans… I just couldn't help feeling that it was dirty money.
Forcing my body into the tight horrible dress that I was wearing earlier, I wiped off some of my makeup, contemplating on what to do with my hair.
Eventually too much time passed and I was forced to leave it in a tangle of curls down my face before we were ushered out back into the lounge.
The lounge was more or less like a mini club, where the buyer would meet the girls before money exchanged hands.
To say I was anxious to meet the person I would spend a week with would be an understatement. I kept praying and hoping that I didn't end up with some sick, arrogant psychopath does would make me do unspeakable things in the name of money.
I wanted to ask some of the girls a question but most of them were pros at this.
We first approached our manager for the night who handed out tags with our auction number on it, that way to be easy for our buyers to locate us.
Since I didn't know what to do and standing awkwardly in the middle of the room with nobody to talk to wasn't something I liked, I retreated to the corner, picking finger foods to munch on while I waited for my mystery guy to find me.
As expected, it didn't take long.
I felt someone tap me over my shoulder, that smooth silky voice I heard before float over to me. “Does that taste any good as you do?”
Whirling around, I'm face to face with the most handsome man that I've ever seen.
His black hair was curly and so silky thaty hands were itching to slid into, his eyes…
Whooo! Don't get me started on them. The most intense blue eyes I've seen, almost like he could see right into my soul.
But aside from his apparent beauty, I was struck with a sense of familiarity.
It seemed like I knew him but I couldn't place when or where.
“I…u-uh…um…” I stuttered, words escaping me.
His cologne was powerful but not overbearing that I couldn't breathe. It was the kind of scent that would envelope you and then take you overboard…the kind I wanted to drown in.
His soft hands came up to cup my jaw, those blue eyes piercing my soul.
“Cat's got your tongue, princess,
“No, I don't-” I cut myself off, pulling away. I don't know what the rules might be at things like these but I didn't think my buyer would find it nice if I was cozying up to someone else. “Who are you?”
He arched a brow. “You can't remember?”
That was when it hit me.