It took a long time before I was able to move from the same spot they left me in, half scared to death.
As soon as my feet could move, I directed them towards the door bolting and putting the locks in place. I felt a little silly doing that, especially when I know it wouldn't do anything to stop them.
Why did you get yourself involved in this shit?! I kept berating myself, knowing that in addition to all the shit in life, I most definitely do not need this.
From the depth of my heart, I cursed Clarice and the day I ever met her, wishing I could go back in time and undo it …sadly, I can't.
This all stemmed from an evening a couple of months ago. Walking back home from my shift that night, I had a sudden craving for McDonald's so I changed my route to stop there.
That was where I met Clarice, she had mumbled to me asking if my tablet was free.
I thought nothing of it that night, inviting her join. However, throughout the times I looked at her, I noticed how sad and withdrawn she looked this aura of loneliness.
It was very glaring which made me uncomfortable but I tried to mind my business.
But it was when she started crying, that I couldn't deal. Sliding a box of tissues her way, I comforted her and listened to her woes attentively, offering platitudes where I could.
At that time, my heart went out to her and I remembered thinking, racking my brain for a way to help her. She just have spotted that need on my face because she conveniently came up with a story.
She mentioned needing some money, which I was about to tell her I didn't have any when she requested for my contact information.
Did I think it was a bit weird? Hell, yeah but I felt it was harmless at the time.
Now thinking about it, my heart burned knowing that she took advantage of my niceness that night.
I groaned, burying my head in my hands. Suddenly perking up, I dashed towards my bedroom searching for the tattered handbag I always took to work.
Locating it at the bottom of my bed made my heart skip with joy and I eagerly rummaged through it until I saw the yellow card that Clarice had given me that night.
Reaching for my phone on the table, I instantly dialed the number practically holding my breath for her to pick up.
An automated machine’s response echoed in my ear, informing me that the number was out of service.
“Damn you, Clarice!” I whispered, crumpling the card in my fists. Deflating like a balloon, I sank to my feet my eyes stinging with tears.
I dint know how long I had sat there, bawling my eyes out, berating and feeling sorry for myself until I glanced at my phone.
My eyes widened when I realized it's been two hours.
Walking over to the bathroom, I splashed cold water on my face, giving myself a little pep talk as I stared at my reflection in the mirror.
You can do this! No matter how insurmountable this problem might seem, you'll always come on top.
Feeling a little better, I grabbed my phone scrolling through my contacts until I found what I was looking for.
Gemma picked up on the third ring. “Hey, girl. What's up?”
Just listening to my best friend's voice made me feel slightly better. “I need your help, Gem.”
Immediately, the light and carefree tone disappeared. “What is it, Callie? Are you okay?”
“I am now.” I pushed out a shuddering breath. “But it's quite urgent, can you make it over?”
There was a moment of silence from the other end before Gemma was back on the line. “Give me an hour, and then I'll be there.”
Love for this human being swelled up in her heart, making her clutch her fingers around the phone tightly. “Thank you so much.”
“You know I've got you girl, don't mention.”
The click in my ear infirmed me that she has disconnected.
While I was waiting for her, I took my sweet time to clean up and tidy my apartment.
Even though I knew she was coming, when I heard the knock on the door my heart skipped a beat.
Fingers started to tremble and it took several calming exercises for me to force my legs towards the door.
Inching the door open, I was able to breathe better when I saw the wild, ginger mop of hair on the other side.
As usual, Gemma launched into my arms hugging me tightly as though we haven't seen in years not days.
“Gosh, I have missed you!” She grossed, breezing into my apartment, her perfume trailing behind her. She sent straight to the kitchen after dumping her bag on the couch and soon enough, I heard the clanging of pots and plates.
“I missed you too. How've you been?” I leaned against the doorjamb, watching her whip something up.
“Oh, you know…the usual.” She stuffed, not turning to face me. “I've sent out several applications to those firms you told me too, and Sam and I got into a fight. I'm moving out of hs apartment.”
“Really?” I couldn't help the surprise coloring my voice.
“You can tone down your shock, Callie.” She burst into laughter. “I know I should have taken your advice a while ago but I guess I just had to come to that realization by myself.”
I thought as much. Sam was her scumbag of a boyfriend. He sleeps with practically everything that moves and is an A- grade narcissist.
I often wondered what she saw in him, but far be it from me to judge.
Gemme went on talking, her words fading into the background as thoughts of Lewis and money crept up in my mind.
Unable to keep it in any longer, I blurted out cutting Gemma off mid sentence. “Gem, Lewis Cappolotti visited me today.”
She whirked around, her eyes wide and her lips framing an ‘O’. “What?!”