We all got into Jason's car since mine was a two-seater. I tried a million times to ask where we were going but Sky was so persistent on not telling me.
"Eli, can I borrow your phone? Mine's dead." She asked giving me wide puppy eyes.
"You know, for someone who's been refusing to tell me where we're going, you surely are illusional," I smirked at her.
"I'll only tell you one thing, I'm helping you. Now please I need your phone." She groaned. I guess there's no harm seeing where this will lead. I handed her my phone and she squealed in excitement. She was texting someone... hmm, who could that be?
I tried figuring out where we were going but with no luck. We kept driving for twenty minutes, I decided to hum along the songs but not quite sing them while we drive. When Jason pulled up, I tried to get a sense of my surroundings. We were at my mom's studio! No way! How would they know where it was? Oh my!
"Skyler! You're dead! That's why you needed my phone?"
"Hehe, sorry but we needed professional help and who's better at this than Camella Whitte?" She ran to the doors before I could stop her and even stop Jason. We were doomed. Mom would love nothing more playing dress up Barbie. She's been trying for ages but to no avail. Well, I guess Skyler just present the opportunity on a silver plate!
"I'm absolutely not going to wear whatever you choose and go to Louis's."
"Even if I say please?"
"Especially if you say please."
"Okay, I know what," Jason said. "I'll Make him do whatever you want. He owes me so you can be the one in charge." Yes! I agree!
"Hmm... sounds interesting. Keep talking." I pretended to be thinking about it.
"Just imagine it, we carry out our plan, he'll know not to mess with you." Okay, can I say yes now?
"Tempting." I mused over it again for extreme suspense measure. Their worried faces were priceless. "Okay!" They both screamed in excitement, the elevator dinged and for a moment, everything felt perfect. We went out and as always mom was scribbling in her sketchbook. She was always either doing that or fixing a new dress and making it from scratch.
"Hey, honey!" Mom greeted me with a kiss on my cheek. "You must be Skyler and Jason." She beamed at them.
"Yup! Sorry for stealing Elena's phone and coming here but it's an emergency." Skyler said sheepishly.
"Honey, you have no idea how much I love dressing people up, especially this one." Yes, talk about me like I'm not even here. "So I need more details, let's sit down so we can see what we're working out with." They nodded and followed her, it's official I'm a ghost. They didn't even wait to know if I followed, ugh! I followed anyway, they were all seated already. I took a seat in my favourite beanbag.
"So, there's this boy that Elena is doing a project with." Skyler started. Noooooo, don't tell her about boys!
"Is he hot?" Mom asked while Skyler looked at her wide-eyed and Jason cracked up.
"Umm... yes?" Skyler answered her. Not creepy at all.
"Is he single?" Mom continued her questions.
"Mom!" I groaned.
"What? I'm the designer here. I have to know everything if you want my help." She grinned.
"Okay, so yes he's good looking, single, captain of the football team, but with the character of a cold asshole, also your daughter and him hate each other," Jason said. That was everything I think, nice putting it like that, Jason.
"Hmm... I have a few options. Stay here." Mom disappeared. Sky was beaming, I guess she really liked my mom. I mean who didn't but... you know what I mean.
Mom returned back with a few options, they were all so not me. Summer dresses, crop tops, skirts, tank tops, shorts... we were nearly in mid-February, why couldn't I wear my normal things! I tried a few outfits while the three of them sat on a couch judging the outfits. I had to change about ten times until they settled on one!
A cream tight shirt that makes my upper body look perfect, with a cute cardigan that ends when the skirt ends and could keep the chills at bay. Hmm... maybe I wouldn't be so cold after all! The skirt is above my knee with little purple flowers all over. Even I had to admit it was a cute outfit. Somehow not so me but cute nevertheless.
"How is this any different from what I wear?" I asked just to get on their nerves.
"This is cute, plus you never wear any skirts." Sky answered. Mom smirked and got out of her seat.
"And it shows your boobs and killer legs. What boy wouldn't love that?" She whispered in my ear and I felt heat flush to my face. How could she say that to her own daughter! "Now let's have some lunch, I'm hungry." Mom said and we did just that.
When we left into Jason's car again, it was almost five-thirty. Would I ever not be late in my life? No, not happening. When Jason pulled over at Louis's, Sky turned around before I could leave.
"Now you don't have time to be timid, you have to be bold and daring." She said. Someone turned out to be a Disney fan.
"Wait a second, isn't that Beauty and the Beast!" I smirked knowingly while Jason tried to suppress his chuckle.
In all seriousness, Sky nodded. "Yes! Now go and make me proud."
"What the hell?" I laughed and Jason roared with laughter with me while all Sky gave was a small smile.
I got out of the car and they left. Can I leave now? Yes, if I didn't care about finishing the stupid project as soon as I can. There wasn't a better day. My schedule was full for the rest of... life! I ringed the doorbell. Was I nervous? Hell yeah. Would I show it? Hell no. Why was he taking too much time to come? Ugh!
When he finally opened the door, he stood in the way. "About damn time. Now move so I can get in." I said in a bored tone while he stared shamelessly. I knew I looked good but C'mon, nerds can look cute too. "Ahem." That was when he looked startled then moved out of the doorway, finally! There was only one word to describe his house, beautiful. Everything was so modern even the paintings!
"Let's head to my room, we won't be disturbed that way." He moved to a staircase and motioned for me to follow. My nerves were catching up to me now... no, I wasn't not going to be nervous.
Deep breaths, Elena.
Now move.
And fake it till you make it.
I followed him upstairs to his room. Pure mess! That's what his room was. He knew I was coming but still didn't think of cleaning this mess! Wow! It seriously resembled his bad character. The first thing that caught my eye was a bunch of posters of Cinnamon, of ME, it felt so weird seeing so many posters. "Nice room" I chuckled, just to make him mad. Louis looked a bit embarrassed but then rolled his eyes to hide it. He scanned his room searching for his laptop in that mess.
When he found it, he gestured to me to sit down on a chair beside his desk, which miraculously was empty. The other chair had a huge pile of clothes which Louis threw on the ground. That boy needed to learn how to clean. He was so messy! But who was I to judge? I was messy too! But again, not when I knew someone could possibly see the mess. I scanned the posters again, I never knew anyone had that many. Beside his bed, there was a pile of CDs. All these things plus him trying to sneak into my room was giving me the creeps, it was like meeting your stalker IRL!
We started by figuring out a plan for the project and discussing who was responsible for what. After about thirty minutes, we were interrupted by his sister, she looked older so I guessed she was in college. She had tanned skin with Louis's dirty blond hair, she looked gorgeous. That girl spoke a lot and fast "Hey Louis, oh you have company! Who's that? Your gir-" she didn't get to complete what she was saying. Louis quickly told her I'm just his partner in a school project and that I wasn't even his friend. Ouch... actually whatever. I didn't care about him either so, it didn't matter. Her reaction though wasn't affected by what he said. "You look, hot girl, don't let him tell you anything else, and keep it PG, okay?" Then she got out, without saying another word or giving us a second to respond. I would have laughed if it wasn't so very embarrassing. Louis mumbled something under his breath. So he was a jerk even to his own sister! We continued working, but something was off, I couldn't tell what.
We kept working for hours and okay he might not be the smartest, but I gotta give him that he was trying to work hard and prove otherwise. And that was appreciated, at least I wouldn't do all the work. When I looked at my phone to check the time, it was so late. I was about to leave when my phone rang. Or should I say, Cinnamon's?!
It was Aurora, meaning emergency. However, I couldn't answer with Louis in earshot, so I hurried out. Standing at his front door, I checked my phone. She sent me a photo when I didn't answer. It was the same one I took with Louis. Her text beneath the picture made my heart drop!
'Explain this. It's all over the news. How could you be so careless!!??'
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