Private property of Elena Whitte
If you find it, return it immediately.
If you read a single word, I'll haunt your dreams, kill you and bury you into nowhere.
You will not be saved. You will not be found.
Hope that was clear enough!
Dear diary...
No, wait! I'm not writing this shit!
This is the twenty-first century, people!
Okay! Got it!
Once upon a time...
This ain't a Disney story, girl!!
Ugh, this is hopeless!
Okay maybe...
I may look like a normal girl like everyone else, but that doesn't mean I'm like any normal girl, cause I have a secret. A secret that I thought was so important, the most important thing in my life until it all flipped out on the first day in my new high school.
The day started with mom getting too excited to choose my clothes for the first day of school. It was hectic!
Why you ask?
Well, the thing with mom was that she was a fashion designer, she was always and I mean always trying to convince me that I should be 'more fashionable', cool, right? Just one problem. I wasn't a girl who liked to be comfy in what she was wearing, I wasn't a girl who could live her whole life in skirts and shorts. I mean she used to design my clothes as a kid and I was not going to argue, I was cute as hell. How so ever, not my style anymore!
"Elena, let me help." She said over and over. Did I budge? No! "Here." She said giving me the phone.
Let me tell you about her big strategy. She called Tommy, my best friend.
"Hey, Twinkle! Before you hang up because we both know you would!" He said the second I took the phone. I giggled in response. "You don't have to wear what your mom asked you to."
"Point to me." I grinned at her.
"Actually, you don't have to wear anything at all. Just go nak-"
"Shut the hell up. I'm hanging up." I hung up. He did deserve this.
Of course, I ended up wearing what I want. Normally, I keep quiet and sing something in my head; to keep the poker face. However, I had this theory that whenever I began my day arguing with mom, it was bound to be a bad day. This was proved like more than a hundred times but I was trying to be as optimistic as I could ever be... not that I could help it!
As expected, my theory was once again proved, I went to school too late.
Now was probably a good time to say I told you so... but I just didn't want to prove my school life was going to be miserable just yet!
When I entered the teacher asked me to introduce myself. This was going to be the worst moment in my life. Wait a second, wasn't I trying to be optimistic. It couldn't be that bad right! There was my new school spirit, really thought I lost it.
I had to just introduce myself, not so hard. Why was I thinking too much?!
Ugh, I had to stop.
I had this planned! I came prepared with 'The ultimate guide to nerds' first day of school 101 - by Elena Whitte'
Step one, say your name.
So I started saying, "I'm Elena" See simple! The problem was as expected nobody was even looking at me.
Step two, don't give them a chance to make you the invisible bullied girl the whole year.
I had to catch their attention somehow... So I continued "I like to sing sometimes" but my voice wasn't so convincing. I wasn't confident at all, such an insecure dumb girl, why was I always like this? I was supposed to be bold... not like this, but was saying that a good choice of words?
Well at least that did catch their attention all right, but the thing with catching people's attention was that it could go both ways.
Step three, if you do meet stupid assholes, be the strong independent woman you are.
So I ended up letting them make fun of me, my clothes, and the way I spoke. I heard it all; I was at the verge of crying in humiliation. Well, all that was internally, externally they got another thing coming.
"Shut up, idiots." I glared at them. Ha! They did not see this coming, and neither did I! Their faces were priceless.
Could I take a picture? Probably not.
Just don't burst out laughing, don't, don't.
My eyes were tearing up now.
But then a girl stood up, everybody was looking at her, and the voices began to fade. She was, to put it fairly, gorgeous. She looked Asian maybe and had this electric bluish hair that could stand out anywhere.
Now that was what I could call bold.
"Stop this! Is it so funny to you, no wait don't answer that, because guess what... It's not even fun" She said, her tone dripping annoyance but with a hint of sarcasm and soon enough chaos erupted again, wait that kind of genuinely nice people existed in real life and not just in books! Oh well! Now now, the real question wasn't why are they doing this. The answer was because that's high school idiots. The unanswerable question is what's the teacher doing when you need her. Probably bored with the scene!
They were telling the blue-haired girl how cool girls like her shouldn't defend me. Geez thanks, everyone. This was all too cliché for my own taste so I went and sat at a desk at the corner of the class. Giving them the most bored eye-roll ever.
I thought not being invisible is the best thing I could do, but we could be wrong sometimes, right! Being the centre of attention isn't so good either. The girl who defended me, Skyler, as I heard from the people talking to her, was now coming towards me, should I smile? Should I look away? What to do? So I stayed staring at her while thinking of a plan. She came in front of my desk and said: "Hi, I'm Skyler, You can call me Sky, Can I sit here?" Forward much!
And for a moment I thought she wanted to sit in my place but then I noticed she was pointing next to me so I nodded. Way to go Elena. You officially suck at being social!
I should be awarded for this, and the Oscar goes to...
The teacher tried silencing everyone so she could start her lesson. But you could tell her carefree character wasn't so convincing for anyone to focus and she didn't care. She started anyway not bothering who's doing what.
After a whole hour with our teacher, I actually got bored. Maybe Trigonometry wasn't my thing. If I'm being honest with myself, I frankly hate anything Maths related.
Now that class was over, I had absolutely no idea where to go, but then Skyler told me she needed to use the toilet real quick then she'll introduce me to some of her friends. Maybe today wasn't going to be a bad day after all.
That was my backup plan, make a nice friend who has nice friends.
I hope!
I went out of the class and saw two boys talking, I wasn't eavesdropping or anything, I was simply innocently waiting for Skyler. But I may or may not have heard what they were saying. Apparently, this boy called Louis has a crush on the prominent mysterious singer, Cinnamon, and there's the queen-bee in school, Alice crushing on him, who actually thinks that because she's blond and the head cheerleader, they're made for each other.
I knew this school was way too cliché for me!
So, his friend, Dave was trying to convince him to date her and stop fantasizing about Cinnamon. He said and I quote 'She's hot and has the hots for you, what's not to like?' So Dave must be the realist.
Wow! It was day one and yet I was turning into the gossip girl.
On the other hand, Louis was still saying he's gonna discover who Cinnamon is and make her fall in love with him and he's going to discover her real-self tonight. Well, good luck with that, I chuckled lightly, won't want to look like a maniac. They're so cheesy, but that one, Louis, he looks so familiar. I've seen him before; I just remember that dirty blond hair falling on that face with those piercing emerald eyes... Where did I see him before? Probably a nightmare!
Skyler came back looking for me, she took me to the school's garden and said one of her friends is going to meet us there. I wasn't feeling good about that at all, maybe I was just feeling paranoid. She asked me if I'm going to Cinnamon's concert which was In fact tonight.
I simply replied that I don't even like Cinnamon, but Skyler freaked out as if I had grown an extra head. Sheesh I became friends with a drama queen, that's a first. She insisted that I should go as she has an extra ticket so I told her I wanted to go home tonight and sleep the day off! Then the friend she mentioned came.
Who's that sexy thing I see over there!
"Jason Elena, Elena Jason." She paused "Okay, that line is weird why do people even use it?" We waved at each other, and oh boy, his smile was so cute!
"Good question. But the answer shall stay unknown forever!" I chuckled along. My attention was on that se- nope, let's keep it civil.
"Are you coming to the concert too," Jason asked me. His voice was oh-so-deep.
"Yes" "No," Skyler and I said simultaneously, glanced at each other and laughed our asses like maniacs. I knew she was going to make life more fun!
"Is she harassing you to go?" He asked knowingly.
"Touché, you hit the nail on the head!" I winked. It was so easy to talk to him, even though he was one of the popular guys.
So here was what I learnt.
In addition to his good looks, he had the personality of Prince charming.
He was hella funny.
Jason and Skyler know each other since she tried to steal his colours in kindergarten.
He was crazy about Cinnamon too.
The only thing that's unknown for me was...
"So are you two dating?" I asked. Yup, that was what I was curious about. Because I was a girl and I had eyes.
Skyler's reaction proved her being a drama queen. She went on talking with the loudest highest-pitched voice ever, "Me and Jason! Oh my God Nooo." And then she asked the most awkward question on the universe "Is somebody having a crush on him" I knew she meant me but what was I supposed to say?
Yes... No... Maybe I didn't know what to say! Why was that...
There was just another thing nagging in my head...
Don't get too close to anyone... that was what I was supposed to be doing!
Well you know the mysterious singer called Cinnamon, Yes, no one knew who she was except me......
Because that was my secret.
I'm Cinnamon!