“ hi sister Sam, what’s wrong with you?” Sasha find me in the Sala drinking my tea that I brought with me. I am sitting in the chair with my mind wandering away.
“ Nothing . I just got headache.” I say while trying to massage my head.
“ Do you want to drink some medicine? I can buy for you.” Sasha said and I felt happy hearing her offering me some help.
“ No I’m fine. But can you help me to cook lunch? Your brother will be here soon.” I said.
“ oh , I almost forget. Okay.” She said and we both went to the kitchen.
We both cook lunch for Bryle and Sasha guide me along the process of making good lunch.
“ Wow. Did he really likes squids?” I asked, because I told Sasha that I’m allergic to Squid.
“ Yes. But not all the time. He still prepare veggies and chicken stew.” Sasha smiled. And when we’re done. I told her that I’ll be lying down for awhile. And when she nodded . I went into my room and sleep. It’s my second day here, and yet mother didn’t made an effort to call, I tried to call her last night but she’s unavailable, she is really serious about disowning me. How sad.
Bryle went home at exactly twelve noon. He brought food for us. It’s just a simple Goya , leche flan and a loaf bread , something he can afford. He put all his stuff in the kitchen and washed his hands,
And we all eat our lunch and share his food that he brought.
“ Sam?”
“ Hmm?”
“ And you okay in here? How about last night ? did you sleep well?” he asked. He looked at me and he frown when he saw that my eyes seems tired and dark.
“ you looked stress, why?, haven’t you sleep comfortably last night? Oh man, you didn’t rest either today?” He asked in desbelief.
“I’m fine, it’s just that my migraine is attacking me again.” I lied ,because I don’t want him to feel worried about me.
“ By the way, how was your exam? Is it easy?” I asked.
“ Maybe a little. But I did finished it all. “ he smiled at me and that eased me.
“ Brother, “
“ Hmm?”
“ we already run out of rice. Maybe we won’t be able to cook rice tonight.” Sasha said and I could see the sudden changed in Bryle’s face. He looks sad and trouble.
“ Bryle.”
“ I’ll find way you don’t have to worry.” He said.
“ No. I can manage to find rice for us.” I said and he looked at me. But then softly, he rejected my offer.
“ Oh come on! You don’t have to reject me. I am already living here so I have to help buy some household stuff.” I said ,explaining to him every single details why I want to help until he was convinced.