First night of staying at Bryle’s house is a challenge for me, because even though I tried to be as comfortable as I could, I still can’t because of the buzzing of mosquitos, the scary night sounds , and there’s also cockroaches that made me shout at the middle of the night. Oh Lord. It is harder than what I expected.
Bryle rushed into my room ,the moment he heard my frightened scream. He look around and check my room.
“ Hey, what happened ? are you okay?” He asked worriedly ,when he couldn’t see something unusual.
“ C-cockroaches. I saw two of them crawling at my feet.” My voice shake and I hugged my pillow tightly.
“ Oh, I am sorry “. He said sorry and I felt bad about it. He is trying his best to make me comfortable, but I repay him with more worries.
“ Bryle..”
“ Hmm,”
“ I am sorry, don’t worry I’ll try to be as comfortable as I can .” I said but thinking of how to get rid of those cockroaches, I shivered .
“ I am sorry. But I can’t afford to let you stay in a Luxurious place yet. I am just a newbie in my job and I am still studying. I can’t afford to bring you to a hotel or other places.” He looks so sad ,that I even see him sig.
“ Good night Bryle. Sleep well.” I said and he doubt if he should go, but I motioned my hands like a fan to make him read my sign language that he should be going out first.
“ well you be alright here?” He asked and I looked around my room..
“ I will. I’ll be fine in here. You can leave me alone already.” I said and smiled at him to reassures him that I’ll be fine. I don’t want to disturbed him anymore in this middle of the night, because--- I learn from Sasha earlier that He will have an exam tomorrow. When He felt that I’m alright, Bryle slowly went out of my room and bade goodbye and I gave him a flying kiss.
And I went back to sleep. I ignored all the unnecessary noises and scary thoughts and decided to close my eyes. I also tried to forget about cockroaches.
but early the next morning, I woke up like a zombie. My body is weak, my eye bags grow big and I feel dizzy and sleepy because--- I haven’t seep well last night. Actually I only slept for two hours. But I kept it from Bryle because I don’t want to bother him.