| MAYA |
Why does it happen that every time people buy or rent a property the lamp lamps on the site have to be crap? You know those lamps very sluts that leave the lighting such a bad drug that they are, but that you only notice at night when you need the blessed, but did not realize this small, but important detail because visited the place of day with the clarity of the sun contributing?
Well, that's the situation I find myself in right now and it makes me a little angry.
I can't even walk around my living room without stumbling once or twice in cardboard boxes containing my belongings that are scattered along the way, due to the darkness the environment is in. I'll probably end up breaking something important inside one of them or even some toe by the end of the night if I don't solve this problem as soon as possible.
However, to make matters worse, I at least have a ladder or benches tall enough to change the radius of the lamps I preventively bought a few days ago to keep booking in case of need.
And isn't that right? But what's the point of having lamps if the primordial to change them I didn't have?
I really need a ladder urgently! I grumble by stroking the sore spot, towards the ribs after falling for the second time on the same damn box and with it being struck in the fall.
- Shit... -I get up angry. Where am I going to get a ladder in the middle of the eleven o'clock sunday night, for God's sake? -weary sigh for the pulled day I've had, and that's when I finally get a shaton to my conscience.
Lorenzo! Right... Would my only nice neighbor have a ladder to lend me?
-Screw the time, Lorenzo is young and is definitely awake at the moment, unless you're away enjoying some little party in some corner of this city that doesn't sleep. I say to myself hoping that the blonde is home and can help me with that.
I walk to the front apartment leaving the door of mine open since I have no intention of lingering and i ring the bell twice. I don't get any answers or hear noises coming from the other side, so I insist three to four more times in a row.
-Please be there... - I ask in a plea disheartening me every second, however my hopes are renewed when I finally hear footsteps approaching from the inside and I get excited.
Take it easy, Maya! You don't even know if he has a ladder, well! For now your problems are still unresolved. I'm scolding myself internally.
Did you forget the key?? -a hoarse and totally unexpected voice surprises me by opening the door face me and shuting down suddenly.
What a vision of paradise! I think as I analyze the man who's still in front of me with a crumpled face of sleep. How much health, the praise mentally when repairing its firm and defined size through the social shirt that fits perfectly in your body, and that has four buttons open displaying a very tempting path of golden hair that unfortunately disappears due to the rest of the fabric that covers it. I don't think I've ever hated a piece of cloth as much in my life as I do now.
And look at those arms... Come on, my heavenly father! They look like two logs that could easily trap me against one of those hallway walls and I wouldn't complain at all. Actually, I'd be very grateful that.
What about this man's height? I'm not a short woman, on the contrary, but I'd love to know how this whole grandex would look when covering the small difference in stature we have when you put yourself on me.
Just to resay the purely scientific curiosity that aroused in me right now, obviously...
But what really impacted me right away and that's drastically affecting some essential part of my brain, probably eroding some important neuron that makes me think rationally, was that pair of blue eyes. What the hell were those eyes? I wonder if anyone could possess a more vivid and deep shade of blue than that.
I firmly believe you don't.
And what the hell is going on in my stomach right now when these two sapphires fall on me staring at me with misunderstanding and confusion? It seems that something is turning in my bowels in a way that had never happened before. What the other year? I am frightened by the new new found sensation, but I force myself to put aside and solve the most urgent problems of the moment.
Not this time. - earring unfixed for not knowing what to say after so long in silence facing him as a psychopath. Look, I'm sorry to bother you, but I thought a guy named Lorenzo lived in this apartment. He told me he lived here, so I shrug my shoulders and the man in front of me blinks his beautiful eyes a few times as if he'd woken up finally paying attention to me.
Oh, he does. Actually, we do. -he says passing a hand on the hair making them even more messy in a very sexy way.
And you're...? - I ask straight, bluntly.
What a head of mine. - he smiles taking a little bit of my sanity with the act.
Is there any way this guy can get at least moderately ugly? If there's a way, please do it soon, man!
I'm still kind of asleep. - he plays humorously. I'm Fabio, Lorenzo's father. And you must be Maya, the new neighbor.
Apparently good humor must be a genetic trait in this family. Like a father... such a son.
I mumble shocked without being able to contain myself.
What's the out of here? Fabio questions curious ly examining me for an answer.
It's no big deal. It's just that... You don't seem old enough to be Lorenzo's father. At most I'd say he's an older brother. -I comment by crossing my arms over my chest and now I face him blatantly.