| MAYA |
It was bad. Pretty bad, but at least it wasn't as catastrophically bad as I thought it would end my involvement with JP.
John Peter was exactly upset by the decision, however fortunately he ended up accepting that it was better this way and respected the fact that this was the end point between us as "boyfriends", as much as I never named our relationship with these terms.
We're going to be fine with each other, as time goes by, things will go back to normal as they were before, after all we're still great longtime friends and now, co-workers in the same hospital.
I think about how my life has taken a three hundred and sixty degrees in the last few months and I feel satisfied by all these changes, especially the one I'm literally doing right now. As much as I'm at this task on my own, I'm able to handle everything masterfully. Isn't it that in the end I didn't need anyone anyway? I say to myself when I put the last box containing my personal belongings in the trunk of my mother's car that I borrowed to make the move to the apartment.
This is the last time I'm going to depend on anything coming from my parents. I'm going to deliver the vehicle as soon as Possible, so I'il be free of everything that still holds me in that house... my parents' house, because now I have my own corner. My new home. I smile with the feeling of freedom and independence as I drive through the streets of Belo Horizonte towards my new home.
Welcome to life, baby! -humming when I step out of the car as I go down the garage of the building and admire everything around me with some pride.
I'm in charge of my new life. No parents, no pressure, no connections to the family office... just myself, just Maya!
- I make your words, be very welcome. New resident? -a blond boy i hadn't yet noticed says coming down from a bike in the next wave, and approaches with his hand outstretched towards me.
Yes, and you are? -Polite reply by returning the fulfillment of the same and supporting an arm in the car door to give a quick check on the specimen in front of me.
He's tall, blond, he's got very nice blue eyes and he's probably about my age. The whole set is pretty much, but not attractive enough for me to plan to get involved in the future.
Lorenzo, at your service. I live here in this building, too. -he smiles again, but I realize it's just your thing and not that you seem to be flirting with me.
My name is Maya, Lorenzo. I'll introduce myself, too.
Do you need help with that? -he points to the cardboard boxes that are in the back seat and I follow his gaze at the same moment seriously thinking about refusing the proposal, but I remember those that are still in the trunk and backwards.
Sure, why not? If it's not going to get in your way in case you're busy right now. I'm going to take the help.
There's no way. -Lorenzo is ready and soon we are both entering the elevator with as many objects as our hands allow us to carry. What floor do you live on? -he asks when the metal doors close and we start to climb.
- How lucky of you then, i was just going there now. - he says and I see that number eight had already been triggered on the panel. That's where I live. -it explains itself next and I nod positively with the head.
Then we're going to be neighbors as seen. -I comment, the doors soon open and we leave on our floor.
Yes, we will be. Oh, how stupid I am! Lorenzo laughs as if he was remembering something very funny in his head. Of course we're going to be neighbors, it's the only apartment beyond mine on this floor. -he points to my door as if it were an obvious finding.
Rio also realized the same and how Lorenzo had taken a long time to realize this simple fact and still have fun with his own lapse without even seeming embarrassed to be in front of another unknown person.
If it were my parents in my place right now they would consider him a foolish or stupid boy, but since I'm not like them, I find the situation a bit amusing and join the laughter with my new neighbor. Lorenzo seems like a good person, helpful because he offered to help me without me at least having asked, and a very cheerful guy, which makes me like him even more because I love people with a positive vibe and good with life.
- A couple more elevator trips and I think we're done, Jap. -Lorenzo manifests himself when we leave the boxes on the floor of the center of the room and proceed to the elevator again.
I'm Korean, silly. I slap his belly and he laughs away to the opposite side of what I'm in.
And it's not all the same? - he laughs and I turn my eyes bored.
Apparently Lorenzo is also a big fool, I think to myself already in the garage.
No, it's not. They're different nationalities and cultures, genius. - I answer the obvious that I always have to repeat to people when they ask me the same question.
I know you weren't. Lorenzo comments with a little smile on the side and we leave another wave of boxes in my future living room.
-Now just this trip and you can get rid of this slave life. -earring hitting your shoulder and we went down once more to get the last shipment.
- Don't worry about it japa, I feel that soon you will return the favor. -he promises and flashes one of his blue eyes in a naughty way.
I swing my head in denial laughing at his infectious good humor. yes, apparently I'm in luck and I've already made a new friend in my new villa.