“I guess I’ll be able to make the performance after all” I said into my phone as I stared at my reflection at the mirror. It was my ballet instructor Margaux, firm as a rod but was the sweetest woman when she let down her tight bun and slipped into some comfortable converse instead of her ballet flats.
“I thought you wouldn’t be back until after a week, is the wedding done already?” I was already unconsciously stretching my taut muscles just at the sound of her voice, and I could imagine her rallying around me, nagging until I got my postures correct.
“Slight change of plans Margaux, I need to be back, I almost forgot why I left in the place” I said, I could imagine the slight nod of her head as she said “Alright then, see you when you get back, I’ll place you in the line up”
“Just one hour Helena, and it’s done, you’re far away from here, away from him and away from where the truth matters”
Just one hour.
I sang it like a mantra.
Mama and Papa weren’t too pleased with my decision to leave right away, but there was nothing they could do about it. My flight was booked, bags packed and in the trunk of the car because it was straight to the airport after brunch – same brunch I was dreading because I knew he was going to be there.
Just one hour Helena
We stepped into the exclusive restaurant nestled in the quiet part of Algreen Cove, the kind of restaurant only the elites knew about. The warm summer breeze floated through the open terrace, and I could perceive the gentle scent of fresh lavender mingling with the coolness of the air and embracing me slightly, it almost felt nostalgic but all of a sudden I preferred the dusty streets of Paris.
It was barely some moments after we had arrived and sat down that Vivianna’s fiancé arrived too with his men, brothers and cousins alike. I didn’t need to look up to know Dante was among, there was a subtle shift in the air, but I lifted my gaze and there he was.
His dark eyes locked unto mine as he stepped unto the terrace, and I could a slow deliberate unraveling of every defense I had suffered to build over the years. His black tailored suit clung to his powerful frame as if it was custom made for moments like this, moments where his mere presence could suck out all the air from the room.
“Helena” he called, in a low gripping tone in an attempt to greet me, my breath caught in my throat with my fingers involuntarily gripping the edge of the table cloth.
I offered a bare nod, saying a silent prayer that he should sit anywhere away from my line of vision, as if reading my mind he pulled the chair opposite me, his movement slow and purposeful and his eyes never leaving mine.
“You know, you can sit anywhere else, a lot of empty seats if you take a look around” I looked around the table, Vivianna and her fiancé Paulo occupied the head of the table, mama and papa sat dutifully to their right, and there was my brother Luca sitting just next to mama with the usual grimace on his face and I was sat next to Luca. Paulo’s people were scattered about at the other end with enough empty seats for Dante to take a space anywhere but yet again he chose to taunt me,
“I choose to sit here, do you have a problem with it?”
As a matter of fact I did, but I wasn’t going to throw words back and forth with my ex husband, I didn’t want the wrong words slipping from my mouth.
Just one hour.
“Paulo, do you know Helena is not attending our wedding, had to blackmail her to get her to attend this brunch” I heard Vivianna say, although she was talking specifically to Paulo her voice rang loud enough for the entire table to hear and I didn’t miss Dante’s darkened look fixated on me.
“For some reason, Helena enjoys dancing ballet than spending time with her own family” my mother added, and definitely not helping matters.
“Running again” Dante said to methere was a slight smirk playing on his lips.
I glanced away, my jaw tightening in the process, well the cat was out of the bag and there was no point denying it
“For good” was my response. “I don’t have to wait for you to exile me again”
“Are you sure about that Helena?” I didn’t like the way my name rolled on his tongue, but his question hung in the air like an accusation, like a challenge – no like a dare.
“How’s Gianna?” I wanted to shift the focus from me and that question was the only desperate thread I could hang unto.
Dante only smiled, taking his wine glass to his lips and he took a tentative sip and leaning back on his chair “How about you stay and I could tell you”
He was a playing a game and I wasn’t a willing participant
I rolled my eyes “Yea – right”
“I’m serious Helena, you and I, there’s still something there. Don’t lie that you can’t feel it?”
I rolled my eyes and from his tightened jaw, I could tell he didn’t like me being sassy “You didn’t seem to think that five years ago when you ran back to your ex”
Dante chuckled, sipping more wine from his glass
“And you’re only saying that because I’m no longer the fat girl you tossed to the corner, well I hate to break it to you but I’m still very much that fat girl.
He smiled and leaned forward with his eyes narrowing. “I’ll take my chances”
His tone was flinty but his eyes bore a twinge of seduction that pulled at the attraction I bore for him all those years ago which to my greatest surprise seemed to be resurfacing but I couldn’t afford to get distracted, so I took a swipe at my watch, I had barely 30 minutes left and maybe if I chewed my chicken faster, I might be able to leave earlier.
I didn’t say anything more to him and decided to concentrate on my food, listening to the conversations of the others instead as the brunch dragged on until finally I deemed it time to leave but that was when Vivianna decided to give a speech. I rolled my eyes with an impatient sigh frothing at the corner of my mouth and Dante whispered to me.
“Eager to get rid of me?”
I shot him an odd look “I couldn’t possibly wait”
Vivianna’s speech dragged on for the next five minutes and when she finally ended it with a sip of wine from her glass, I signaled her that it was time to leave.
I pushed my chair back, getting ready to stand up with Dante’s piercing gaze following my every movement, his brow furrowing slightly but I ignored it.
I barely made it out of my seat when the sharp crack of gunfire shattered through the air, the sound echoing off the building like a thunderstorm. Before I could process what was happening, a body slams me to the floor with brutal force, knocking my air from my lungs.
“Stay down!” my brother yelled, his voice cutting through the chaos. I try to turn, to see what was happening but I’m pinned beneath him. Just then, I feel it – something warm and we dripping unto my cheek.
I scream