I hear the gun shot, thick and loud, slicing through the suffocating air while my arm was held captive by Tony Anotti, the heard of the Anotti gang and apparently the one my father owes a large sum of money. My body reacts before my mind can catch up, a visceral jolt of fear rippling through me as I try to duck under the nearest seat but Tony holds me in place, his eyes widening from the suddenness of the sound. For a moment, I’m back at the brunch – my brother’s weight pinning me down and his blood dripping on my face. Panic claws at my throat, threatening to consume me.
“Stay still woman” Tony swipes at me as I struggle in his arms, I see my sister and my mother holding each other in fear as the rest of the congregation scrabble out of the church from the sound of the gun.
“Run” I tell them “Go – now!”
They were hesitant to leave me behind but my sister pulls my mother out and a subtle relief ripples through me except it didn’t last, because just as they run out another gunshot rings out even louder than the first and I flinch as Tony lets out a guttural scream. He collapses to the floor, clutching his knee, blood slipping through his fingers as he writhed in pain on the floor. My heart races, and the world tilt but I don’t fall, I’m unable to move because everything feels so surreal like I was in a dream
And then I see him
He was walking towards the front, gun in his hand, the dark steel gleaming under the dim chapel lights and looking like he belonged in this scene of violence and power. His steps are deliberate and he had the eyes of a predator hunting his prey. Even with this chaos, the blood, the danger, my father’s and brother’s coffins disrespected by the Anotti’s, there’s an undeniable pull – something I possibly couldn’t ignore. His presence, the raw power he carries in every step, sends a surge of something darker, something dangerous through me.
He looks at me for a second but he pulls his gaze and focuses them on a whining Tony, pointing his gun at him “Tell me why I shouldn’t finish you off this moment”
Tony groans in pain but manages to look at Dante with ferocious intensity “This doesn’t concern you D’angelo, you no longer have claims to the De Luca family”
It was obvious Tony and the rest members of the Anotti gang was scared of Dante, I could see the fear dancing in their eyes, the way they took a step back each time he took a step forward. I hate that I notice the way his suit clings to his body, the cut of his jaw, the way his eyes burn with cold fury as they lock unto Tony
“You expect me to sit and watch you disrespect Anthonio, a man you killed you bloody cowards” Dante sounds out angrily.
“Anthonio refused to pay what he owed, you know the rules D’angelo”
“The rules doesn’t involve disrespecting the dead, you killed him and his only son so allow him to be buried in peace”
Tony spat on the floor at Dante’s feet “Fuck off D’angelo”
Just then, from the corner of my eye I see Tony’s right hand man Benito, I notice his hand twitching towards the holster at his side.
Stupid move, or so I thought even though I panicked a little bit.
But before Benito can reach his gun, Dante’s men materializes from the shadows, their own weapons drawn. The room is now thick with the scent of gunpowder and the tension of men ready to kill. The Anotti’s are outnumbered and outgunned and they know it.
“I’m going to give you less than a second to rethink your decision” Dante says with a silent but lethal tone and before I knew it Benito lifts Tony off the ground and they storm out of the chapel.
Dante looked at me now “Remember what I said about letting another man touch you”
“I didn’t – ” I tried to protest but his daunting voice cut me short.
“The clock is ticking Helena, my offer is not going to last long”
I realize I didn’t have a choice after my father and brother have been properly buried, the Anotti’s were going to be back and they were going back with something either in cash or in kind. It was unbelievable how quickly my life had turned around, one minute I was supposed to be catching a plane back to Paris, running away from the evil this town held and the next minute I was still stuck in it but worse, I was about to strike a deal with the devil.
I spot Dante standing under the tall oak tree, his jacket unbuttoned, his posture relaxed but predatory, like a wolf watching over his territory. He looks almost too calm, too at peace, as if he hadn’t just threatened men with a gun in the middle of my father’s funeral.
I shouldn’t go to him. I should leave. But I can’t. My feet move on their own, carrying me toward him, every step feeling like a decision I can’t undo. I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving my family behind, leaving them under the threats of those thugs. I was in charge now and I owed it to my sister to keep the family safe even if it meant putting my freedom on the line.
“Helena” he looks at me with glowing eyes, his voice is thick and I gulp at how scary yet inviting he sounds.
“Get rid of the Anotti’s and I’m yours”
Dante exhales a long, slow breath, the smoke twisting lazily from his lips. His gaze remains fixed on the horizon for a moment before he turns those piercing eyes on me. “Are you sure?” His voice is low, almost gentle, but there’s a challenge buried beneath it.
I nod, but there was a certain anger brewing within me but it wasn’t directed at Dante “Get rid of every single one of them, those bastards can’t live after what they did to my family”
He flicks the cigarette off and stalks closer to me, taking my chin delicately in his hands, for a moment I thought he was going to kiss but I fought the urge to close my eyes “Give and take Helena, I’ll pay your father’s debt, hell I’ll kill every male that bears the Anotti name and in return you get to be my wife – again”
The word rolls out of his mouth with ease and I swallow hard with trembling hands.
He studies me for a long moment, and I can feel the weight of his gaze traveling over me, assessing, calculating.
What he didn’t know was that I knew everything, I knew he was desperately in need of a wife because in Algreen Cove, as powerful as a man could be he wasn’t complete without a wife. A Don without his Dona Maria was like a kingdom without soldiers. Dante was perfect on his own but he needed a wife even if it was just for show.
“I can see it in your eyes that you have something else to say, speak Helena”
“I know you need a wife, the other Dons are not going to take you serious no matter how powerful you seem”
Dante smirked, and my heartbeat sped up. He had two line of actions, withdraw his offer or hear me out and I really hoped it was the latter.
“What gives you the impression that I can’t pick up a random girl on the street and make her my wife and cast you like a prey to the Anotti’s”
“Do that and you have a liability on your hands, you and I know the De Lucas and the D’angelos are always stronger together”
His eyebrows lifted in amusement and for a second I thought he was going to call my bluff and flick me off but he didn’t, instead he took a step back, folding his hands across his chest he regarded me with curiosity as I continued to speak.
“I’ll be your wife on paper and for show to prove to the other Dons that we’re a strong alliance but I have my own rules”
Dante’s lips curl into the faintest hint of a smile, his gaze turning sharp and dangerous.
“I underestimated you”