Since it was Kathy’s day off and obviously a rest day, she decided to go over to Mia’s and catch up with the weekday stories.
It was her way of easing boredom, not like she had anything to do. She wouldn’t sit at home in pyjamas, get drunk or have some funny conversations with her mum.
Her keys landed with a clatter as she threw them on the glass table beside her.
“Why the hell are you taking so long?” Kathy screamed.
Kathy relaxed on the couch and took her cell phone from her bag. She scrolled through her phone and decided to go through her socials.
Lord knew she had been in a depressing piece of shit. There was a few messages unreplied. “Ourgh,” she growled.
She turned on her camera and decided to take some selfies and they came out pretty good. “Click,” she said as she posted them. She let out a deep breathe and turned to Mia who just walked out from the shower.
“Someone remembers she’s pretty.”
“Maybe,” she laughed.
Mia stood still, drying wet strands of her hair. “Want to see some depressing movies?”
“Hell no. something exciting, maybe watch you ride your lord-knows-who or get hooked up.”
“Bullshit, you sound drunk.” Mia said rolling her eyes. “Want some food?”
Kathy turned at the mention of food and gave a squeal saying yes. She left the house without breakfast, just a banana.
Mia’s apartment wasn’t as big as Kathy and her mom’s. The kitchenette to the side had just enough room for one person at a time.
Mia grabbed two plates of pancakes and a bottle of wine.
“What the hell!” Kathy said staring at her screen.
“I posted a photo few minutes ago and it’s on 1k likes right now.”
“Oh wow, in few minutes. Watch the world admire what your ex lost.” She smirked but Kathy didn't respond to that one.
“Can we go to Starbucks after lunch?” Mia asked.
Kathy's brows arched in a confused way. “Why?”
“I’m craving Vanilla latte. It sucks to have a friend who works at a coffee shop, makes you come see her everyday and drink a cup every fucking day.” Mia said throwing her hands in the air. “So tell me, what other way makes one an addict?”
“Oh crack head. Alright, I may have to apologize too.”
Kathy was thinking she had a few days to clear her head before seeing Mrs. Leeds to know if she finally has no job.
"I'm so sure I lost my job already."
“Of course. If a Barista called me an asshole I'd drag her damn hair or kick his balls. Either way they’re losing their job.”
“I bet,” she sighed.
"Get ready baby," Mia said and threw a small bag to her.
She caught it when it almost fell and scoffed. "What's this?"
"Makeup. Just do something to those lashes of yours, they need help."
Kathy rolled her eyes but took Mia's advice. She raised the mascara and applied it gently.
"Ourgh," she mouthed as she tried getting a perfect touch. She wasn’t much of a makeup person.
Mia on the other hand packed her red hair into a pony tail and wore a skirt with a slit. She slid a black top over her head and turned her back for Kathy to help with her necklace.
“Ready?” Kathy asked and Mia gave a nod. Kathy took her keys from the table and they both walked to where her car was parked.
“What if I no longer have a job?” Kathy asked from the blues while driving.
“Hm, I could ask if there’s any vacancy for a stripper at D’longue.”
“I’m being overly serious right now. What if I may be fucking jobless?”
“Then you fucking look for another job Kathy. Specifically one where you can be a bitch sometimes.”
“Oh lord.”
Mia reached for the radio and increased the volume of the music playing in the car.
“I don’t mind getting killed but not with you, you’d be a thorn in my ass even in hell.” Kathy said rolling her eyes.
Kathy was expecting to see Mrs. Leeds but she wasn’t there, at least yet. She couldn’t even place why she was being nervous… or was it guilty? Well if she was being honest, she knew.
“Hey,” a female voice greeted from behind the counter.
“Hi Marilyn... uh.. it’s my day off,” Kathy stuttered while trying to explain her reason for showing up.
“Yeah Kathy, I know. Was just wondering why you came around during your off. Don’t you have other things to do?”
“Of course she does and one of them is coming to grab a cup of coffee. Can you get me two cups, Miss?” Mia defended. “Make it one Vanilla latte and one cappuccino.”
The blonde nodded and got to work. “Here,” she said handing it to Kathy.
“Thanks.” “Uhm, Marilyn…got any idea if Mrs. Leeds is coming over today?” Kathy asked in a whisper.
“I doubt. She’s got a diabetes test to run," Marilyn responded. "She may take a whole day off too but she's mad at you, that I can tell you."
Kathy gave a faint smile and nodded. “Thanks.”
"She's so annoying," Mia blurted. "Sometimes I wonder how you can even coexist with these people."
They took a table in the far corner and sat facing out.
Kathy dropped her bag on the table and gave a small nod. "A talkative, yes but not so horrible."
"The horrible one is the person who poured coffee on a man's pants."
"Girl it was a fucking mistake," Kathy said and scoffed. "I told you it was a mistake."
"You said the first one was but the second wasn't."
"I didn't say that to you," Kathy said.
"Maybe not but we know the truth."
"Fine. I think I have a confession to make. It may sound crazy too."
"Did you fuck Jack?"
"Oh shit," Kathy growled. "Its not that."
"Okay, spill."