
When Avery is taken away from her father after horrific years of abuse she's put with the Dalys. With 6 new older brothers and a long lost friend that her 'brothers' warn her to stay away from, drama starts unfolding in the way least exepepcted.


They're Trouble

Elly isn't shy. She is smart, troublesome and loud, but a good way. She's basically a tomboy, loves playing sport and also a street fighter. She just moved to Colorado from Kansas with her mom after the death of her father, deciding to finish high school there. Meet Mike, he's what you call a bad boy, he is quiet most times because he likes observing. He is the captain of the football team and he likes being in control. He and his group of friends love causing trouble. They have nothing in common apart from the fact that they both like trouble and that was enough to bring them together.


Teenage Daddy

⇥TVh5jLHj⇤How weird would it be if you were an eighteen year old senior in high school with a four year old daughter ? Not weird enough? Okay, what if you were a popular? Okay, what if nobody knew about it and it was your big secret? What if you pretend she's your sister? Still not weird? Okay,what if someone found out and had a tape that claimed that you have a daughter? Now,that's weird!Prepare to read all of that weirdness In this weird book! "Ace Winter, I love you." She blurts, and then it becomes a smirk. "Even though you're a daddy. " she adds,my coffee mug falls to the ground shattering and creating one hundred new pieces....Started writing : November 21,2018Finished : January 25,2019 ©•••••••••••••Book Reviews ;@Littlegirl_kee_xx: Good story,I love it. It calms me down when I'm upset. Thanks for writing it,love ya. @seabluesbooks:I'm loving "Teenage daddy"!! Keep writing and ignore all the haters!! Love, Emma. @wellyouknowwhat:Teenage daddy was written really well and has a really good plot! You're a really good writer! @Zweithedog:I really like the book. I'll share it to other people that I follow. I really like it so far!


I’m a Girl Undercover in an All Boy’s School

Has your mother ever been so worried that her husband is cheating on her that she sends you to go undercover where he works? No? Well, mine did. Just to clear it all up my father works as a teacher for an ALL boys college. ------ Claire Martez had a pretty normal life, she had just recently graduated a few months ago and had great grades. Recommended for some scholarships. But she didn't exactly plan to go to an all boys college after High School. Nope, not at all. She Especially didn't expect to room with the Caiden Anderson. No, this isn't your basic love story. This is a story that involves secrets, fights and heartbreaks.


She Sold Me To The Devil

Keira Michaels grew up in foster care. She doesn't remember anything about her birth family or where she comes from. When she was set free at 18 never having been adopted with little cash and no place to go she meets a man. A man who gives her a chance at a new life, a good life. Now she's a , a complete bad ass. A secret agent working for an agency that cleans up the city of New York. Nothing gets to her not even murder until she meets her match. Eric Hennessy , she was assigned his case. She gets there with the mind set that she will kill him and leave but he manages to escape, distracting her with the one thing she's always wanted. A look into her past, he knows more then he says and before she can pull it out of him he's gone. He shares secrets with her about her family that fear her. Now she must choose to stay hidden and stay alive meaning she must leave the agency and the man she wants to be with or face her toughest target ever. Join her in this thrilling paranormal romance. Author of Don't Cry Baby


The Rich Boy

Daniel Manggala Wdyatmaja's life has been ruined because of his own actions. Making Shakira Arabella a stake, has cost him the girl. Not to mention, the return of the Emperor-younger sibling Daniel from Canada makes the two of them have to compete because the Emperor also likes Shakira. Shakira is in a dilemma, between forgiving Daniel for hurting him, or accepting a new person, the Emperor.


I’m An Agent Undercover In High School

Riley Scott's the one name that everyone knows in the agency. She's the best at her job along with her best friend, Joey. So when Riley is ordered by her step-father to go undercover in a high school is LA, she’s all but surprised. Catching a few drug dealers should be easy. But when things start taking longer than expected and love starts getting in the way, Riley’s almost perfect life starts spiraling. Will she make it back home or will love or even death get in the way?


Getting Caught Undercover

What if everything you thought was once okay wasn't anymore? Jesse Farone has been in jail for 9 years for helping hide the evidence of Miranda Salic's death. Getting out free from community service and all charges at age 28 he decides he has nothing left and becomes an illegal assassin. Smart, huh? Though the question is who would hire an assassin? The one and only Katy Richards of course. But with Riley and Joey on the mission again they can easily stop him, right? Clover thompson-Carter or most know her as the famous model, Lucky is a target once again. But this time she's not the only target. It seems Jesse Farone has an interest in the one and only Claire Martez. What will Caiden think about this?Now add in some old friends and Damien let's just see where they fit in. This won't be any normal mission it will just be a blast from the past when reuniting with old enemies. The question is, can you handle the lies, tears and blood? Looks like it's time to go undercover again, but this time will they get caught in life or death?



Our eyes locked and I found myself staring at the most beautiful pair of hazel eyes ever. His eyes seemed to sweep over me before he turned back to his friend and continued talking. --------------------------------------------------------Jamie Oliver is your unusual female lead. Love arts and grafting, Jamie had never failed to graft or draw anywhere she meets herself. Despite been a pretty and attractive girl herself, Jamie had never fallen in love before. On a sunny afternoon, she meets a beautiful teenage male on the train. His face got glued to her and she is unable to get his face off her head. She ends up grafting his face on a wall while she visits her grandmother. After spending the weekend with her grandmother, she gets to school to find the beautiful stranger in front of her class as a new transfer student.



"So what's your name?" He asksOh so now he wants to play the game of twenty questions. Interesting!"Do you think I should tell you?" I ask"Answering my question with a question huh?" He asks once again "Stating the obvious huh?" I do sameThen he chuckles"You're different" he states"Different good or different bad?" I ask "Different perfect" he says with a heart warming smile.Oh my, he has a beautiful smile but it's not captivating. I think I should see the doctor. What are the girls drooling about that I don't see? I think I need help.*** ***This is Dakota MacCan.A teenage girl, but not your normal teenage girl.She's a senior in Weinstein High School. Everyone will be happy to be a senior, but for some reason she's not.Not because she doesn't have friends, not because she doesn't have family. But because she was born that way.She was born DIFFERENT! Now, will the school's most gorgeous boy:1. Handsome2. Rich3. Gorgeous 4. Humble5. What all boys would like to be6. And what all girls would like to have7. But who has fallen in love with Dakota 8. Jason Kyle RobertsBe able to make her normal or exceptional?Read Different to find out!



This is not a fairy tale about a poor girl who changes her fate when she meets a prince. This is also not the story of the girl who changed her life by meeting the fairy godmother. But this is a story about Rabella Tazqia, a beautiful girl with a million secrets. And he, managed to attract the attention of Renaldo Adijaya. A handsome man with a million charms who is known as a crocodile. "I already give your cellphone a password, and only you and I know. After this, your heart must be given a password, and only I can know. Let me only be able to open it, others fail."


The Unexpected Love

"You hate me right?" I shook my head but he pulled me closer to his chest. "Feeling is mutual honey " his hot minty breath reached to my ears.He gripped my arms tightly and I winced from the pain. A tear fell from my eyes, I tried to push him but he was way stronger than me."Daniyal, it's hurting " I cried out."I know right " he smirked at me.He leaned into me and his lips were about to touch mine, I pushed him with full force. "What were you doing with me Daniyal " I yelled. His face was red, he held my wrist and pushed me to the walls. "You think I'll do this with you, really? " he let out a loud chuckle and shot a glare at me."You're just a piece of trash that my dad bought for me to play but I don't want to lower my standard so don't worry, I'm not gonna touch you" his words shattered my heart into pieces.I was his wife, his unwanted wife.


The Spotted Shoulder Book 2

Paxine has a problem.Her dad’s in grave danger, but she has to keep it a secret. She thought the Child Protection Act drama was behind her, but who was the mastermind? And why do they want her dad dead? Her grandma and she think the Governor might be involved. Sometimes to get close to a man, you go through his wife. Or daughter. Paxine and her grandma head for a cat show to check out the Governor’s wife and daughter, who are showing a prize cat. Tache must pretend to be a show cat, but his idea of being discreet is showing off. Will he behave?Paxine finds that she needs more than just Tache and her grandma to help her this time. Buildings are exploding. People are chasing her with guns. So she decides to do something highly illegal and no one minds. She needs friends and more Tails. Can she get all the Tails and her friends to help her at the same time? And capture the mastermind behind all this?


The Spotted Traveler Book 3

Paxine and Tache, her Tail, are having the best summer vacation; skiing, until her Grandma calls and sends her on a world wide chase. Dragonslayer, her grandma's stud cat was catnapped.Paxine is the only one who can talk to and find Dragonslayer. She heads out accompanied by Vernon, her Great Uncle Garon's assistant, and Champe Gustaflynn, her dad's college friend.The chase is on, but the catnappers seem to always be one step ahead.Paxine makes new friends along the way and meets a few old friends. She and her friends are on a journey of making adult decisions and finding out just when you think your troubles are over, they've just begun.Dragonslayer isn't the only one kidnapped.


In My Blood

In a moment of anger , you could say and do things you've never thought you would , so when eighteen year old Suzen leaves her house though she knows she might become homeless , trouble starts pushing itself toward her . Heartbreak, betrayal , fights , and an unfamiliar illness . and who's this gorgeous stranger whom she gets to meet ? With her life jumping up and down in front of her eyes , will she be able to stand on her legs and find her way through ? Will her life turn the way she wishes it would? And will she ever be able to find her lost father ?


Boarding School

Two different girls find each other sharing the same room in a boarding school in a foreign country for their senior year. This is the story of an American girl Hilda Morgan and an Australian girl Freya Richardson at Burford High in England.


The Not So Girly Girl

Adajante Winter or AJ Winter as she likes to be called is not the typical shy, lonely, and hopeless girl she shows herself to be. With a near-genius IQ and perfect grades, she uses that to hide the fact that she is Triple Dare, a hated graffiti artists vigilante who appeared two years ago in Midtown.Ashton Carter, sexy, nonchalant, and with a weird obsession with Triple Dare, is doing everything to find out who is this mystery girl is after a chance encounter one night. Because he alone knows that Triple Dare is female.............................................................." Hey, you!" I call out as I see Triple D vandalize the skate park in the dead of night.He ignores me and continues to do his art. Under the faint street light, I could barely see what he was doing but I knew that it was illegal."Hey," I walk up to him and pull him back trying my best not to inhale the paint fumes.He suddenly pulls away and starts to run with his materials gathered in his arms. He does not reach far down the street before I begin to run after him. I chase him a good way into the street before I'm able to catch up and stop him."You can't do that it's illegal" I demand a little out of breath."And you can't do this. It's considered sexual harassment," he says and pulls away disappearing in the night leaving me shocked.Wait... did I just hear a girl's voice? Triple Dare... is a girl?.............................................................Another chance meeting and a couple of deaths later Ashton and AJ somehow find themselves living together. Worse yet, Midtown's biggest gang is interested in AJ and is even willing to kill to sway her into joining them.With a secret that could get her in jail and a Triple Dare obsessed boy interested in her every move one question remains: Who will win in the end, the gang, or AJ?


Take my heart

As I put on my shoes on my sandy toes the moonlight sparkled on me and I knew he was looking at me. I could feel it. I looked at him and gasped at our closeness. His face neared mine and I knew it was wrong. But it was the wrong, I so wanted to be right. " 60 seconds left." He whispered without tearing his eyes away. I gazed into his orbs as they revealed something I wasn't ready for. " What will you wish for?" I asked. Closing my eyes I heard people count till ten and then the meteor shower rained down on us. In that glittery night I heard him whisper:" You." ...Sometimes life doesn't always give us what we want. Sylvia Addison, a girl with dreams too big to fit into her small life. Suffering from atherosclerosis she feels like there is something missing in her life. Dexter Ainsworth, the sole heir of Sate' feels like life has something more to it. And he finds that in Sylvia. Together they embark into a journey through Italy, Switzerland, San Francisco and then in love.



Every teenage girl looked forward to clocking sixteen. Not that there was anything special about the day you clocked sixteen but the fact that you were sixteen already. To some girls, its the time to have a boyfriend, the age to get disvirgined, the age to set loose. To other girls, its the age to start living independently, the age to start living your own life. Some many perks came with clocking sixteen. As for me, Olumayede Rachel, I wasn't left out in this expectation. Born with a silver spoon and extra loving parents, my familial life is perfect. Everything seems to be fine except that academically, I am a failure, in terms of friends, I don't have any except the clique I'm always trying to fit in. In terms of the relationships, the guy I like doesn't even know I exist. In summary, my teenage life was a mess. I tried desperately every day to fit in but the harder I tried, the more I felt I didn't belong there. 2 weeks to my sixteenth birthday, my dad gave me an assigment. To me, it was rather a funny assigment, he told me to discover myself and he would get me an iPhone. If I had an iPhone I would finally be able to fit in with my friends. I was excited and eager to finish the assigment until I realized that the so called assigment wasn't really an assigment, it was about me, it was me discovering myself. Like every girl who clocked sixteen experienced a dramatic change in their life, I wasn't left out as I also experienced a dramatic change too. THIS IS A JOURNEY OF SELF DISCOVERY. MORE OF LEARNING TO LOVE YOURSELF. ALWAYS REMEMBER TO LOVE YOURSELF.


Before The Storm

"No one has ever injured their eyesight from looking at the bright side" I tell him. "Well then, I'm sorry to inform you that there's a rampant need for glasses today" he replies.******* Lorraine Stuart, your not so normal typical young woman. With having to deal with the disappearance of her twin brother to trying to cope with her hot-tempered father whilst striving to find herself amidst it all. Things have definitely been difficult for her.But what happens when she is thrown into a fake engagement with Alexander Wayne, a hazel-eyed cocky man whom she detests.Not to worry, the feelings mutual. At least that's what they thought.As feelings are emitted, secrets unraveled, mysteries solved, will she be able to hold herself firm?Will those two begin to fall in love, or Would it just be an engagement pact? And most of all, would they be able to protect themselves just before the storm?********

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