El año final (SDLV #3)

El último año de instituto para algunos significa muchas cosas. El término de un periodo, que no tengan que seguir viendo a los profesores, que por fin pueden ser considerados adultos, entre otros. Para Emilie, Jake y sus amigos significa el final de toda felicidad. El final de la vida tranquila y rutinaria que han llevado toda la vida. El final de la temporada en que pueden verse todos los días y disfrutar de las cosas simples que se aparecen en su camino. El final de la vida fácil o al menos eso pensaban. Parece que la vida jamás es fácil, solo aparenta serlo. El año pasado terminó esa ilusión y ellos no se dieron cuenta. La parte difícil comienza en su año final. Nuevos amores, confusiones, nuevas amistades y decisiones fundamentales para el futuro. Su último año les espera muchas sorpresas. Tienen un año para completar este ciclo. Pensar lo que quieren ser o simplemente disfrutar. *-Es nuestro último año -Eso suena bonito y no hay nada de lindo en este año de mierda - ¿Cómo quieres que lo llamemos, entonces? -Llámalo El año final. Total, es aquí donde todo termina. * Continuación de Sorpresas de la vida y Noventa días.


Bright Fire

Half of her life, Clara had been an obedient niece to her Aunt Carlota. She adopted her and gave her everything she needed. Clara treated her as her second mother, but it was not the same for her aunt. For Carlota, Clara was only a robot meant to follow her orders, including marrying the man she had chosen.Clara only wanted her aunt's affection. And if she follows her every command, maybe she would learn to love her someday. Clara's obedience will be put to the test when she met the rugged and handsome Fuego del Mar after saving her life.Clara could not deny her attraction toward him. She never once broke her Aunt's rules until she met him. But choosing Fuego meant disappointing Aunt Carlota. Will she be able to take the consequences? Is Fuego even worth it?


School Me

A year ago Sabastian Delroy left Liston Hills and a heartbroken Dainy Hallow with it but now he's back. Only things are not quite as he left it. Seems like Ms Hallow isn't up for the taking but fear not, a Delroy always gets his girl. Follow the lives of Liston Hills Elite in this twelve part series as they learn that money might make the world go round but it doesn't guarantee you happiness. But hey, if you're lucky, it just might buy you a whole bag of hurt. Meet the jock: I am fucking Reagan Orniel. What I want, I get, and I own it. I am captain of the football team because I want to be. I am heir to the Orniel fortune because I'm born to be. I am a full platinum package. Woman love me. Kids look up to me. Even grown ass men inspire to be me. But this time I got something I didn't want. I owned something I didn't fucking want to own, Dainy Hallows virginity. Meet the Cheerleader: I am Dainy Hallow after all. The girls in school either fear me or want to be me. Unlike the rest of them including my brother, I don't need the fancy surname. I hold all the important titles, head cheerleader, A-grade student, and your worst nightmare if you ever dare to cross me. A fair warning- don't cross me. Now meet Delroy, Sabastian Delroy: The bastard must be feeling all smug and shit, he finally got her where HE wanted her. Had a taste of that which others have taunted him with for years. Only he knows now that the stories were lies. Made up tales, to throw in his face. A silent fuck you Orniel. Reagan has always been a friend, a good friend. But I share something far more than friendship with Dainy, we had a connection when we dated. She felt it. I felt it. We couldn't understand it, because we hated each other so much. It was dangerous what we brought out between the two of us. I backed off because she was young, I was young, but I'm back now, and it's time Dainy Hallow started paying attention.


Sapphire, Clumsy Sleeping Beauty

Sapphire has been living her life working hard to survive. She never thought that one day she would wake up and everything will change in an instant. From living in the slumps, she gets to live in a mansion. It turns out that her mother's estranged family happens to be one of the richest in the country. And living up to that name won't be easy. Sapphire has a reputation to build and a grandfather to please. And fairytale life wouldn't be complete without a Prince Charming. And for Sapphire, that's none other than Hapi. However, fairytales also have evil sisters and wicked witches. Will Sapphire find her happy ever after?


Walk of Shame

Grace Micheals is a new transfer form the University of Lagos to Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. She is your average goody-two-shoes girl, down to earth, humble and raised in the confines of a Christian home. An only child and her dream to hide herself in her world of writing; she hated to move constantly and hoped moving to Port Harcourt to continue her schooling was the last.*Anthony" the handsome " as he is fondly called, is a playboy. The Dean's Son and every girl's dream. He never really cared about a girl's feelings, and never believed in caring for a girl. Not until Grace walked into class leaving him breathless and intrigued.*Queen Vee " Victoria". Her obsession for Anthony makes her do vile things. She wanted his love and attention and she breaks the hearts of those who gains his or longs for him alongside her... and Grace Micheals was no option, especially when she saw him staring at her with interest..Victoria likes to play with fire. She rules, dominates and always gets what she wants!


Something Between Us

Planning revenge on your best friend's ex for treating her like a tissue is good and all.But the popular good boy accidentally being the victim of it is not.


The Lowly Highness

Mary Grace’s life is full of misfortunes. And it only got worse after she caught her boyfriend cheating on her. Mary Grace thought she had enough and decided to end her life by jumping off the bridge, but a stranger stopped her. Mary Grace later knew his name, Kenjie. And according to him, he was a shaman that can ditch bad lucks from people like her. Mary Grace doubted. With his dashing looks and relaxed style, he might be mistaken as a prince charming rather than a shaman. Or, maybe he’s a shaman prince?


Crumbled Promises

Everyone knows how it works: a girl gets in trouble and a guy swoops in to save her- that's how the story goes, right? Not quite. After her brother and her lover left for college, her parents fell into a dark pit of depression and anger that she fell victim to. After almost being beaten to death, she picked herself up and found herself a savior within the local gang leader. He taught her how to defend herself, how to fight and most importantly, to save herself.Now she's a very fierce woman with a price on her head. Now she's a strong fighter known as Cobra. Now she's the single most feared gang member, and she's heading off to college.How will she deal with the reactions of her brother and her ex-lover, who are best friends and were both fiercely protective of her when she was still sweet and innocent? How will they cope, knowing she has a price on her head?Meet Dakota, she's a girl prepared to save herself.


The badboy's hometown princess

"H-Harry! You... you can’t do this." I shuddered looking into his emerald eyes. Ignoring me, he kept trailing his left hand fingers on my arm while his right thumb was stroking my lips. "Why can’t I ??" He huskily whispered into my ear. His face was so close to mine and I could feel his breath fanning on my cheek. He slowly moved down his thumb down to my chin and then to my collarbone. When he was about to move his hand down further, I pushed him shouting "Get off me." He gave his arrogant smirk and kept stepping forward. When I was about to run from there, he held me by my waist and pulled me to him. I put my hands on his chest saying "H-Harry! No..." "Shhhh." I gulped looking at his face which looked so evil. He leaned to my height whispering "You are bewitching me, Stella."



×How far can a secret kept for five years threaten your life?×That night she was going out for a walk with her boyfriend. He was there with her in flesh, but his demons were with her in spirit. And that's what caused her death.×And now she's back, but not for his demons... She's back for him. And she'll get even.×He has to fight her fears, her desires and conquer her heart once again. But it'll be proven impossible because her heart is with her dead self.×She made an oath that she'll get her revenge one way or another. And he, more than anybody else, knows she ALWAYS keeps her promises.


Some Don't Heal

Sequel to Until She LeftKárri and Llewellyn Stamford came from well established parents and were at the top of the crop in their social circle. Kárri's last year of high school was very bizarre, so when she finally left for college, she hoped to make a fresh start. But what if trouble bumps right into her and makes her discover something life-changing.Llewellyn already had a lot on his mind as a senior trying to get into the college of his dream. In pursuing that, he lost a couple of close friends. What happens when he realises that an old flame he didn't want to put out still glows? All his life he's prioritised school over people. What will he do this time with his last year of high school?This book switches between both kids, as they move their life the best way they can while trying to reach their goals.


When The Bad Boy Get What He Wants

"Don't run away Carson . . . you haven't answered me yet." I stood with my back to him. I wasn't going to give everything away just like that. I cannot do that to Kat. "I am not running away . . . I am late for class. Now if you would excuse me." I said harshly. "Isn't pe class this way?" He asked while pointing towards the corridor to his left. The idiot was correct. My class was at the back of him but there was no way I was walking past him. "I think I will take the long road . . ." he chuckled loudly at my statement. "I am not going to hurt you Carson . . . I am just waiting for you guys to confess that you both had a finger in the pie."Stacie thought she had the badboy hooked when she has a one night stand with him but then he broke her heart and left her in pieces. . . When senior year turns up Masson Devlin notices Stacie again after three years. This time he is determined to get more of her than just a one night stand.But what happens when someone starts to harass Stacie... Will she rely on Masson to help her or will she get out of this one on her own? Find out when mysteries things happen and people don't seem to be who they say they are.


The Arranged Bride

The 30-year-old billionaire bachelor Nicholas Carter isn't really fond of the word 'love', owing to his past. What happens when he is arranged in marriage to the 27-year-old sweet and independent Sophia Jones who refuses to bow down in front of him and accept everything he throws her way unlike an usual arranged bride? Oh! Did I mention Nicholas Carter's 5-year-old son?


17 and After!

Everyone makes tiny mistakes in their life but that doesn’t mean they are bad. Sometimes good people make bad choices. It’s doesn’t mean they are bad it means they are human. So, here is the story of a teenager, Mia Hills 17 year old, introvert and her story will let us know what is right and what is not?! Through her life experiences, she gives life lessons.


Teach Me

"I hate you! Damn it, I love you..." "I know you do..." Everything will change in a life of a 22 years old blondy Jessica Miller when she moves to college in Seatlle, Washington to become a surgeon. Meeting a 31 years old Mike Dupont, a handsome and the most sexiest American guy with a French side, man with perfectly short brown hair and with most beautiful blue eyes you'll ever see, won't go as planned. He isn't just 9 years older then her, he is a forbidden fruit in any point of view. What will happened when the one who supposed to be forgotten for good, suddenly came into her life? Will she fall in love with a guy from her dreams, or will her heart be shaken one more time by her old love?


Dating The Killer

"I kill people, that's what I do." He snapped as his lips barely touched mine and his eyes noticed my trembled lips. "I know that." I whispered, taking ahold of his hands. "Don't worry, we are both in this together." Levy Martin was on so many probations that he lost count, his girlfriend, Lia Maxwell was barely in detentions. She was a good girl, her boyfriend was the killer. Add in a little bit of drama and a lot of thrillers of dating the killer, and you have yourself a pretty damned story.


Make Me Yours (Unravel Me, #2)

Emotionally crippled Liz isn’t looking for a relationship when she meets delish boy-next-door, Cohen. He’s a few years younger, a volunteer firefighter, oh…and a virgin, making him totally off limits. But never one to back away from a challenge, she’s drawn to him even while she continues to satisfy her physical needs elsewhere. Even as she spends her evenings in another man’s arms, she somehow finds herself curled up in Cohen’s bed each night. It’s been a long time since she had a true honest-to-goodness make out session, but Cohen’s showing her just how much fun not having sex can be. When Cohen’s injured, her real feelings for him rise to the surface, and she has to decide if she’s willing to take a risk on love after enduring so much heartbreak in her past. MAKE ME YOURS is the sexy conclusion to UNRAVEL ME. Ashlyn and “Logan” from UNRAVEL ME also make a few, um *appearances* …ahem.



Summer Hayes has everything one could ask for - an understanding family, the bestest best friend ever and good grades. Boyfriend? She hated that word. But when she meets Elijah Grey, she should have nothing to do with him since he is the type of guy she completely despises. Then approaches the history trip of the college which ends up bringing them together for a day, making her realize that she doesn't want to stay away. And so does he. However, when all odds start turning against them, the choices Elijah is left with, leads to a heartbreaking story, one that is planned out well by their fates. But, will he be able to choose what's right with a realistic mind, even though that will snatch everything away from him...again?


The Billionaire's Second Chance(COMPLETED)

Sometimes, revenge isn't best served cold. After Damon is heartbroken by the Arianne Queen, he gets his revenge on her by ruining her life. Only thing is, he finds out the hard way, that things aren't always as they seem. The tables are turned on him, and his life is over. That is; until he wakes up... Six months before it all began. He's been given a second chance to make things right again, but the thing is, Arianne isn't as troubled as we all think. She's far, far worse. Especially with another person living inside her. Her and Damon work together to find out the secrets that torture her, but what if... what if she's a killer? Can they ever love each other again? And how does Damon deal with knowing that he isn't the only person who went back in time?


Without You I Have Nothing

This book is about some rich friends who love there company of being together and are always on same frame of mind. Actually they are looking out for good single to mingle with which actually they got on one of there numerous outing to the bar. ‘’Bob suddenly burst out laughing, jumping into his friend's train of thought. He turned to Peter and nudged him in the ribs. "Go on, man. You're gasping for breath and almost foaming at the mouth. Stay away from Jennifer. He places another lemon soda on Peter's elbow. “You look so tough it will frighten the poor girl. At any moment you will rip off your shirt and start pounding your chest like a gorilla. Throw it away. You are wasting your time. He called the bartender and ordered another round. “Believe me,” he said, “an old square like you doesn't stand a chance. When a "smoothie" like me can't even date, how lucky are you? This girl has a heart of stone. He stopped and looked around the room. "God, if only she could read my mind." . Bob is smart and young which made always to hide his identity to avoid getting burst. Aside him all others of his rich friends are boastful. Among this friends is one called peter which is tall and energetic on a faithful day they went on there regular clubbing peter had an encounter with a gangstar which lead to Screaming and laughing, two slim, beautiful young women who clearly recognized Peter pulled him out of his seat and asked him to dance with them. When Peter tried to resist, one of the young women rushed off the dance floor to let the group arrange the music and then returned. As the opening bars of Dance of the Little Swans silenced the crowd, the three of them stood in a statue-like line, waist to waist, heads held high and eyes fixed on the same ethereal spot somewhere overhead. Two thin and thin women almost to Peter's shoulders stood with this tall, strong Irish bear of a man. Then, Jennifer gasped as Peter's arms wrapped around the waists of the two ballets, and he lifted them off the ground, while their six legs remained at the same speed and their heads moved as one. One of the ballet dancers broke away from the trio to perform an isolated pirouette, then turned back to Peter, who toss her high, before grabbing her with one hand above her head as it lazily rotates as the sound hits the music plays on repeat. Jennifer could hardly believe what she had seen in such a place. She would never believe that Peter was a ballet dancer. A gruff voice filled the dance floor, destroying the magic of the moment. "Look at that damn weird guy!" He does not know how to use women? As the crowd retreated from the stage, screams of women and thundering footsteps broke the silence in the bar. Yet despite the commotion and movement, Jennifer was sure she heard Peter's calm words to the security guards ringing around the room. She gasped and witnessed a brief outstretched hand as Peter tossed the tall man into the air and backed away as he fell to the ground with a horrible sob. Two other burly men, apparently his friends, exploded to the ground, and Jennifer was horrified to see the knives glittering in the light as they surrounded Peter. She heard more screams but couldn't believe her ears when she heard Peter's laughter as he advised them. Security removed their bodies and Jennifer was still shaking as she felt the softest hand on her elbow helping her to her feet and a calm voice speaking to her. Almost in a trance, she found herself in the arms of this strange and powerful man, suspended above the ground to the music as he gently led her through the crowd. The noise in the bar continued as if it had been uninterrupted, even though Jennifer had a thousand questions to ask Peter. .this work actually has a lot of amazing scene and I hope you enjoy it as you read through.

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