

TWO-SIDED ALPHA is a suspenseful, supernatural and thrilling Werewolf story that tells us about a cute, handsome, innocent-looking guy and also a domineering kinda person by the name Ryan Derrick. Ryan, who also is not human in nature has a brother by the name Scott and a company he runs too. The two bloodlines are not human in nature. Ryan is a half-human and half-demon werewolf. Scott, who also works in the same company as Ryan is also a supernatural being too. This story went down a cliff when Emily decided to find a job somewhere around the new city they came in, to support her Mom. One fateful day, she came across Ryan’s company and was set to be interviewed for a job and there she met the handsome and charming Ryan. Everything about Emily changed suddenly the moment she set her eyes on Ryan. Right there, the inner wolf of Ryan said, “Oh my, She’s my Mate” Ryan felt the sparks between them but quickly shooed it off when Scott came in. Scott being a supernatural being sensed it and he immediately fumed in anger because he also got to find out that Emily is his mate too. The two brothers will have to fight for what is rightfully theirs and only an ALPHA can win this fight. THIS IS WHEN IT ALL BEGAN… * * Who is the True-Alpha between Scott and Ryan? Who is Elena and why is she MATED to Two Supernatural beings? Is Emily meant to be with Ryan or Scott? What will happen when Emily founds out about herself and who her real Father is? FIND OUT MORE IN THE STORY…. “TWO-SIDED ALPHA”


The Inferno's Claim

[Warning: Mature Content] The world is aware of creatures that lurk in the dark—at least quite a number of them are. Following the most devastating battle the planet experienced in its history decades ago, rules were set up to keep the supernatural and humanity as a whole at peace. It is one that compels all mythological beings to conceal their presence - an act designed to prevent the masses from being overwhelmed by knowledge of the magical world. But, as we all know, secrets do not remain hidden forever. What happens when a girl who has always been fascinated by the idea of paranormal entities learns they aren't legends? The unexpected happens right when she is digesting this surprising reality. Her life takes a sharp turn, and everything she previously knew is turned upside down.


Beauty and the Dragon Descendant

MATURED CONTENT (18+) This book contains a lot of steamy contents and erotic scenes. It doesn't get boring; it only gets hotter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "I... I... I just can't stand touches from guys, they're usually very irritating and it leaves me restless" Alexia confessed and he smirked. "There's an exemption though," he said and she creased her brows. "You're not restless anytime I touch you," he said and her heartbeat increased instantly. "Your heart always seems to race. Like this" he said and trailed two fingers down her neck to her heart as he felt her pulse. Her chest rose and fell heavily as her mind went blank. The only thing she could see right now was Fernando, the only voice in her head now was his whispers. His fingers left her chest and went to her waist as he pulled her close and captured her lips in a hot kiss. ALEXIA BANKS is the most intelligent and most beautiful girl in Royal high and also the craziest when it comes to defending victims of bully in the school. Her life soon takes an unexpected turn when she catches the eyes of the members of the popular team known for their voice and their alluring charm in Royal High school, the F5. Will she be able to break free from their clutches or find herself tangled into a web of love, lies and deceit?


A Moment in Time

Same with the tales of the end times, which even around many other parts of the Multiverse end from many parts of the multiverse. It was all that happened in an instant of time, when everything changes, even with the hidden beings of the multiverse, he gains many allies and watches the planets. When everyone was traveling around the city where they went on a mission, between their games when they were traveling through the multiverse, Even now, Um-Mu cult grows, being a high-grade priest, he plays with the hidden beings of the multiverse, he gains many allies and watches the planets. Even if at that time, the priest is adding more followers to the cult, even if they were then, traveling through the multiverse, going back in time, in order to create conspiracies, preventing the future from happening. Even among the cult and masters of Um-Mu society, the great religion, grows, with its observer, being a high-grade priest, he plays with the hidden beings of the multiverse, gains many allies and observes the planets, anti -heroine, that hour, when they were traveling, and manipulating for the control of the multiverse, returning in the hour of time.


Mysteries Of Chaos

In the past, the question was how to prevent this from happening, to prevent lives from being destroyed, now he knows how. when great emotions make us the greatest conquerors, the same for him being a great player, being a great king of manipulation, in which he was the richest, among the best, at that time, when everything was as promising as possible, so that there was no change for himself, but he thought seriously, so he made his games, today was different, everything changed. Since that time, with great mysteries and conquests, recovering great moments of his life, he has seen how everything has changed, his life has taken a turn, he has followed life, he lives in a new world, now, each day is a new day, he he no longer regrets the deaths, now, he knows how to remedy it, he no longer blames himself for what happened, before he couldn't change it, now he can avoid it, but it all comes down to.


Billionare's secret mistress

"Huh?" I asked confusedly. Mr. doctor's answer? "C-come again? I'm what… now?” "Pregnant Lady Ca-" “Pregnant!?! I!? HOW!?” I shouted at him. He raised an eyebrow at me and stared at me like some sort of a weirdo. "By having an int*rc*urse of course Lady Candace." I looked at him, well, doctor, I'm not in the mood to joke here, what? How am I pregnant!? I'm not even from here! I'm literally not from here, I'm from planet earth! E-A-R-T-H EARTH! From the Philippines, Cebu City! I was drinking with some friends because there was a celebration... But, I got drunk and I don't know what happened. When I opened my eyes, my environment was different. I woke up on some sort of small house and when I came out the people were dressed fancily. Their set-up is ancient but fantasy themed? It's like a peg only in fantasy books. That's it! I really don't know what's going on- maybe I'm just pranking but it's not really. The way they talk is weird, my h-ngh-ng friends don't speak that fluently. So I'm convinced that I'm no longer a prank and I woke up in another world. Maybe that's possible, I'm listening to lessons and watching Isekai anime. (Our character here is quick to believe in magic so he quickly adapts what is happening. Then I also read reincarnation stories, be it manwha or manga. Maybe I was de-ds when I drank too much? I know that's not the only problem I have. My hair color also changed, I still have the same face and all but- I DON'T HAVE A FROST BLUE HAIR! My uncle's life was gone when he saw me coloring. Also what is with my eyes!? I don't wear contact lenses either!? I didn't even know what was happening and then I just found out that I'm pregnant?! I know the kid is from j-gj-gan but duh!? I'm a virgin! One hundred percent! Not a single man moved my flower! My beautiful flower is well protected by me! But new?! I suddenly found out that I'm pregnant!? Then I still don't know the child's father juskooo- forgive me father for I have really s-nned. Mamang will slap me left and right when he hears this! I haven't even graduated from college yet and I'm already doing kerengkeng. Huh. What if I suddenly got pregnant? What is magic? But magic exists here- because eehh! I really can't process what's happening to me. I'm still adjusting to this because I just reincarnated and then I found out that I'm pregnant without knowing who the father is. I mean- I don't have memories whatever. Not really! as in none! Nothing! Is this how you wake up in another world? I have read fantasy books, why aren't my scenes the same as theirs? They woke up because they remembered something from their past self chuchu. Why am I not there? Does this body have amnesia? This may not be my body even though we have the same face. What the h-ck is happening? Not only do I have no memories, I suddenly got pregnant. I bit my lip, seriously, if I am reincarnated in another world, I must also have memories so that I can catch up on events. But nothing really, I was not blessed. I scratched my head while looking at my stomach, whatever. I'm gonna take care of this child. I, Candace Dulce will be raising this baby! With or without someone! Well, I'm such a strong independent woman!



He was ruthless and a killer, she knew, everyone knew. Everyone had heard takes of his tyranny and feared for her life. Yet she couldn't bring herself to run away from him when he had requested her father send her to him. She was a princess and this was the price she would pay for her people. But when she arrives and things are a lot more different than she'd ever known how does she find a way to tell everyone that all they knew was a lie?


What your love felt like-The Dragon Saga

She was supposed to be just a pawn in the games of throne that I played. A nanny for my Damian and perhaps also a little entertainment in my bedchamber as well. Why then did I have to risk it all for her sake? Why then was I willing to take a second chance? She was just a human. I had not felt this way even for my queen, a mighty dragon. *** Draco was a ruthless Dragon King who only cared about power and position. He and Liana were no match. The only thing connecting them was Damian. Damian was Draco's son from his deceased wife, Kiara. And he happened to slip down to the mortal human world. There he was being raised by Liana who saw him as her own son. Things turn difficult when Lucian, Draco's brother start developing feelings towards Liana just like he had for Kiara, in his heart.



Just like the title, one is fire and another is fuel. Their teaming up is only going to burn. While the world is teaming up to keep them apart, fate has another plans. A story filled with action, thrill, mystery and love blooming amidst all the chaos.


An Incubus For The Kings

Paltmin was born a human and grew up as such. His life was mundane, and he was happy with his simple existence. However, all that seemed to come to a crash when he was taken to the palace to serve the kings of the kingdom. And that was when his problem began. Paltmin's body underwent a sudden change the first time he met the werewolf Alpha, and that was the start of his erotic adventures. Note: This book is a reverse harem, meaning the main character has multiple partners. ** Just hop on for the ride. I promise it will be an unforgettable, seductive journey.


The survivor

Don't let anyone escape, kill them all, young and old, elite or poor, no one must survive, the general command the army as they keep slaying the people of Chan Che Du. Cries of agony fill the atmosphere and with the the sound of swords as the people were slain. A little distance from the war zone, a woman was seen running with her five years old son and warriors chasing them as they ran. Getting to a corner the woman pull her son and drop a pill into her mouth. Swallow it my son, she said panicking Mom, why should I swallow this pill? Why are we running away from those men, the son asked. Son, what happened today is what you must remember forever and fight for our people's freedom, and remember don't fall in love or trust anyone, the woman said as she magically force the pill down the son throat. Now go, I've transferred all my power unto you she said. Mom what about you? What about Dad and my siblings? They are all dead, just remember what I told you, now goooooo she yelled as a whirlwind descend on the son and carried him away. Now my son is gone, I can now face the battle, the woman said as she moved out of her hidden and ran speedily towards the warrior. . With a speed of lightning she slew all the warriors.. She keep fighting until a lady appear behind her. Your highness save your strength, it's of no use, the lady said smirking. You BETRAYAL!!! How dare you show your filthy face to me, I'll surely send you to where you send my people to, with that she flew towards the lady but before she could reach her a sacred arrow that could only kill immortal was threw to her and it pierce through her chest as she fell down. SULIN, I cursed you today, the blood.of he people will surely hunt you and you'll live a miserable life throughout your life, she cursed as she turned to ashes. You've done a great job SU, a man in a royal attire said from behind. Your highness, I'm forever loyal to you, she said smiling as she bow to the man. Long may you live your MAJESTY she said and the warriors also bow saluting him. Now that my stupid brother with his family is wiped out, I can now ascend the throne he said victoriously Yes your majesty, no one can be compared to you your majesty. SULIN replied as they walked into the court chamber. I am CHENG DI and this is my story.


The Dragon Prince's Warrior

Misfortune has reached the Forbidden City. A curse takes hold of the life of An, the Emperor's wife and beloved Empress of the kingdom. Time is running out, but there is still hope. A sage of questionable origin declared that the only salvation lies in the feather of the legendary Fenghuang; the real challenge is to find it within a limited period. Yun, the youngest son of the Qing dynasty, decides to embark on this risky mission, armed with nothing more than an ancient riddle as a clue. With the unexpected, and perhaps not-so-welcome help of Wu Siu, a girl from a small and remote village, he hopes to rescue his mother before it's too late. However, there will be a secret hidden behind this whole predicament. An ancient war between mythical creatures will reignite after thousands of years. The Fenghuang and the Dragon are about to rise from the ashes. Will they manage to rekindle their love after their legendary tragedies?


The Human of the dragon prince

I had never envisaged that life could transform in the merest of moments. On that fateful day, I was bereft of all I held dear: my parents, my siblings, my friends, my home—everything was lost to me! My beauty became my curse, compelling me to flee and skulk like the most nefarious of felons. It was beyond my wildest musings that fate could be so merciless. My very existence had wrought destruction upon everything I cherished. Since that night, my attempts to evade capture have proved fruitless; they invariably locate me. Yet, one night, in the shrouded embrace of darkness, I was seized by prodigious claws and borne away to distant and foreign realms. With each pursuit, this entity delivers me from peril. His identity remains a mystery to me. Am I petrified? Indeed, profoundly so. Nevertheless, there is a part of me that anticipates his intervention with an eagerness that surprises even myself.

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