

In Balthazar ‘Ballz’ Bornstein’s professional opinion, every member of the metalcore band, Winter’s Wrath, needs therapy. After years as an army psychologist, the security guard has the training, but working with soldiers was much different from managing men under the spotlight of the music world. Still, he’s making progress. Except for Connor Phelan.Connor acts like a carefree jock, but Balthazar has glimpsed his inner pain and growing isolation from his bandmates. The young man is far too appealing and his lust for life, his playfulness, and his mischievous smile bring out the Dom in Balthazar. The security guard struggles to keep his job and his desires separate, but he’s losing the fight. More so when competition shows up—Annette Paige, the wild, headstrong backup vocalist of another band.When a key member is injured, the two bands are forced to work together, but clashing egos, animosity, and passions jeopardize the entire European tour. The best way to keep the steady rhythm is to get the band members to behave professionally. It’s not looking good, but Balthazar will do his best to keep the boys in line. Maybe a curfew will work. There’s also been the suggestion of a leash, but the man he most wants to collar has already been caged by Annette. The Dom in him wonders if he could bring them both to heel.One word could bring them together. Or tear them apart. A word none of them can ever say… Mine. (Winter's Wrath #3)



Former Marine, Vanessa Templar, never considered being security for a metal band as an alternative career choice, but as a favor to a friend, she takes the job with XVI Hours. How much trouble could a bunch of musicians get in anyway?The answer? A lot.Between stalkers, inter-band strife, and Oakley Godstone, the band's brand new tour manager, Vanessa has her work cut out for her. But the biggest challenge is an unknown enemy—which means working with the strangely alluring computer geek, Oakley. They must unravel the dangerously tangled web that surrounds both XVI Hours and the headlining band, Winter’s Wrath.Without letting him become too much of a distraction.Returning drummer for Winter’s Wrath, Tate Maddox, seeks excitement in the band after healing from his injuries, but knows this tour will be his last. Secrets tear him apart but the sacrifices he made to protect those most important to him cannot be undone. He won’t put his loved ones at risk, especially not North Beauregard, the man who was supposed to break his heart.Instead, Tate crushed his.As lead vocalist of XVI Hours, North has a reputation as a playboy who considers commitment as desirable as the plague. He shouldn’t have any trouble replacing Tate, and yet he can’t move on. He can fight to survive but until now, has never loved anyone enough to do so.Why fight when the man he loves has already said goodbye?(Winter's Wrath Book 4)


It Has to be You

Jerome made a big mistake seven years ago. And he was now ready to make things right with the help of Sapphire Blue’s ever-reliable manager, Manager Prince. He went to Haengbok Isle because according to Prince the person he wanted to see was there.And he did see her. His yeobo. His Cher, inside the bathroom while she’s at the bathtub.Her anger greeted him. But as he said, he was ready to face and catch all her anger. He is ready to do anything to get her back.And it finally happened. Everything was okay between them.Until Cher's fiancé suddenly entered the scene.Was that one percent assurance that everything between them is true enough against the ninety-nine percent fact that from the beginning her love for him has been scripted?


If I Love You More

Lyn is just a best friend for Nathan. That's why when Nathan planned to change because of the woman he likes, he asked Lyn for help. The girl immediately agreed to his request. Everything is going smoothly according to his plan.Until he saw Lyn smiling at his cousin’s friend, Vincent.Suddenly he felt something changed. He gets jealous when she talks to others, he gets annoyed when she looks at others. They were just friends so why was he feeling this way?It was then he realized that friends do fall in love. And he fell for her friend, Lyn. Hard.When he was ready to confess to the girl, she then disappeared like a bubble.And seven years later, they met again.Will he still be under the friend zone in the girl's life?


Seven Years of Love

Marcus Cho loved Joanne once in his life. She became the center of his attention and she was all he needed that time. She was even more important than his dream. But she hurt him big time. He vowed to himself that he’ll never fall in love again and that he’ll never let anybody enter his heart once again. At the same time, he also promised that he would never return to the Philippines.But it seems like fate has another plan for him. He had to return to the Philippines with his two bandmates to avoid the spread of an issue in Korea. He broke his promise never to return to the Philippines. And as if fate was taunting him, they were staying in the same place where Joanne was living.When he saw her again, something inside of him shifted. He longed to have her inside his arms again. He silently wished for her to be his again. Once again he broke his promise again because for the second time he loved Joanne again.But he knew there was no chance for this feelings. For Joanne wasn’t free like him anymore.For the nth time, he was hurt again. But this time, he does not know if he can still forget…


Hard Justice

Scandalous headlines threaten to turn Jamie Kent from a pop star to a pariah on the regular, but this latest one is a little too close for comfort. The Asylum Fight Club seems like a good place to hide out...until he has to prove he belongs—deep in a lifestyle with a contract and rules he breaks within the first five minutes. Staying means complete surrender, but a lifetime scripting love songs didn’t prepare him to give his heart to the one man who claims everything he has to offer.The day he returns from prison.Reputation has its own kind of power in a place where pain and pleasure depend on who’s in control. Entangled in the lives of those he’d give anything to protect, Noah Leonov rarely takes chances, but the hardened fighter refuses to abandon the vulnerable new sub to vultures who could tear his life apart with a camera flash. With the cage where he spent two years fresh in his mind, Noah won’t trap the man he loves in his brutal world. Jamie deserves the glamour and fame, where he can have more than a broken man can provide.He belongs in the spotlight.Neither man ever had the choice to decide their own destiny. Imprisoned by the roles they’re forced to play, their key to freedom might be to do the unexpected.Refuse to let go. (The Asylum Fight Club Book 3)


In Your Time

Phoenix lives in the year 2026. She's a spunky high school girl who is the daughter of a famous astrophysicist. When she accidentally travels back in time to 2017, everything changes. Suddenly, she has to learn about the past on the fly while trying not to get caught. Somehow, her only ally becomes high school student, Braden Park, but she's seen his face before meeting him in person. He's an international superstar in 2026, but he can't stand Phoenix in 2017. Now Phoenix has to blend in, keep her true identity secret, try not to mess up the past, and figure out how to get back to her own time while still going through the obstacles of typical high school life.


Baby, it’s Cold inside The Asylum

Nothing could be worse than the one holiday season that shall never be spoken of again.Not power outages.Or all out brawls.Or...explosives?All right, who pissed off Santa?


No Good Terribly Bad Day at The Asylum

Danny DiMarco made one huge mistake that morning. One he really wishes he could take back before another disaster strikes.He shouldn’t have gotten out of bed.


Deserted Justice

The winning contender always has an edge.Even up against the ropes, Curtis Smith can tip the odds in his favor with his devil-may-care attitude. A long and happy life has always been a longshot, so he faces every comer with his own brand of beat-down. He can claim victory in almost any situation. Except figuring out how to win at love.You have to go all in.A loss in the ring can have its own challenges. And rewards. But as the submissive of two of The Asylum’s core owners, the label ‘club royal’ doesn’t leave many options for how Reed Dane can get his ‘crown’ to fit. Sweets and sparkles don’t exactly go with craving the darker side of kink.Sometimes fate stacks the odds.When disaster strands Reed in a sea of familiar faces, only one man’s care can keep him from losing the biggest fight of all—to survive. But without Curtis, how can he avoid a lasting knockout?If the house has reached its limit. (The Asylum Fight Club Book 8)


Uneven Justice

Life in the wings has its disadvantages...One-time third-wheel in the boy-band Glam Grenade, Danny DiMarco’s existed just shy of center stage for as long as he can remember—a supporting player to two best friends who depended on him to pull their weight. While they made bank, he’s left reeling when his father’s death tangles his future in the red tape of empty contracts and drained accounts.But the show must go on.Jackson ‘Jacks’ Turner wears many hats, most of them gathering dust. An ex-model and an in-denial fashion designer, what he doesn’t plan to accessorize with is a newbie sub who shows up on his front doorstep looking for an introduction to the world of D/s inside Anniston Falls’ exclusive gay, members-only club.Shea Warren is no stranger to covert ops. A Navy SEAL, he knows the ins and outs of hiding in plain sight. When Danny runs afoul of the club’s most powerful cliques on his first...and second...night as his roommate’s guest, the mission becomes clear. Protect the sweet, unassuming sub before he becomes a casualty of Jacks’ wear-em-once style.There’s no rehearsal for this next set.The Asylum might be more accepting of sequins and spandex than most, but Danny’s not coming to come out. In fact, with sponsors whose conservative ties pay his bills, it’s more than undesirable. It’s impossible. Except, sometimes Cupid has other plans.Just when Danny needs to hide most, he’s headed for the last place he ever wanted to be...In the spotlight. (The Asylum Fight Club Book 7)


The Gold Empire-Loving Billionaire Series

The Gold Empire Book is about the full story of the Gold Life members. Aaron, Sky, Alexander, Maximillion, Luke, Sebastian and lastly.. Kenneth. 8 Billionaires who hates and don't believe in love found love and let's see their journey together being tamed by beautiful women.


Can't Let You Go

High school, a place filled with anything and everything. Well, it’s just high school. Not for Kai Joong. During Kai’s last year in the dreaded thing called high school, an entertainment company from South Korea called SA contacted him pleading with him to try out for their global auditions for the coming year’s trainees. Problem is he has a life in his hometown of Atlanta. He can’t drop everything on the chance of becoming a kpop star can he? Or can he? Well, it’s going to take a lot for him to be able to keep his love life with a certain someone and his professional life away from each other. Will that become a problem as many people breathe down his neck to do "the right thing"?


Between Two Hearts

Two hearts brought together by fate.Two hearts that fell deeply in love.Two hearts now tied together.Two hearts that will forever beat as oneThe game between two hearts is now officially open.


Could this be me?

Some say, being in love is destined to happen. Others say, it's a choice. But I say what people say doesn't matter and what is meant to happen happens. I believe in fate in love and not in coincidence.You want to know the reality of life in romance, then here is the place to view the life of different worlds. Celebrity struggle, life circumstances, heart break, Future tail and truth.


You Are the Reason: Nashville Country Dreams Part 3

Will a ghost from their past ruin their future?Bree and Trent have been through so much since they realized they are meant to be together. As Bree recovers from her injuries and attempts to get her band back to their touring plan, Trent's ex-fiancee reappears on the scene. Even though Monica claims her intentions are good, Trent suspects she's back to cause trouble.When Monica invites Bree's band to play at a local music show, it becomes clear what it is Trent's ex is really looking for. Will Bree see her true colors in time to keep disaster from striking all over again?You Are the Reason is the final installment in the Nashville Country Dreams trilogy. You'll want to read Meant to Marry Me and Lead Me Home before reading You Are the Reason.


El año final (SDLV #3)

El último año de instituto para algunos significa muchas cosas. El término de un periodo, que no tengan que seguir viendo a los profesores, que por fin pueden ser considerados adultos, entre otros. Para Emilie, Jake y sus amigos significa el final de toda felicidad. El final de la vida tranquila y rutinaria que han llevado toda la vida. El final de la temporada en que pueden verse todos los días y disfrutar de las cosas simples que se aparecen en su camino. El final de la vida fácil o al menos eso pensaban. Parece que la vida jamás es fácil, solo aparenta serlo. El año pasado terminó esa ilusión y ellos no se dieron cuenta. La parte difícil comienza en su año final. Nuevos amores, confusiones, nuevas amistades y decisiones fundamentales para el futuro. Su último año les espera muchas sorpresas. Tienen un año para completar este ciclo. Pensar lo que quieren ser o simplemente disfrutar. *-Es nuestro último año -Eso suena bonito y no hay nada de lindo en este año de mierda - ¿Cómo quieres que lo llamemos, entonces? -Llámalo El año final. Total, es aquí donde todo termina. * Continuación de Sorpresas de la vida y Noventa días.


The Billionaire's Beloved

Tony Green, an A-list celebrity got into a serious car accident. The culprit? Ash Myers, an infamous singer, who was drunk driving. Due to this fateful event, Tony got into a coma and woke up with a condition called Savant Syndrome--a rare disease that he became a genius in music and math but at the same time, became an idiot in some activities of daily living. A favorable arrangement was offered to Ash. Will accepting it lead to her one true love or will it end in tragedy due to some twists and turns of life?


Crazy girl

Meet Monalisa Freed, the craziest of all crazy girls in the world. She's a no nonsense girl yet with a very big heart. She dislikes Asians though.Meet Lee Jan Di, strange huh? He's a popular and wealthy popstar well loved by millions of people. What happens when their paths cross and Lisa makes life hard for Lee? Crazy meets Arrogant, Lee tries to forget Lisa but keeps bumping into her. Then he starts to discover amazing things about Lisa. Will he keep ignoring her or will he keep her close?


Mi guardaespaldas

Sammy es una chica de 16 años que su vida cambiara cuando su madre le contratara un guardaespaldas, no contaba que su pasado regresa, ella juro vengarse de esa persona, pero se fue enamorando de su guardaespaldas.2011256000735 está registrada. F. Edith

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