
Corporate Girlfriend

“Why do you even care?” I fired back at him hotly, my glare burning holes into his gorgeous face. It had been all about the passion and toe curling orgasms that he had given me but now, as I stare into his eyes, all I could feel was a need to slap that face. Hard. Annoyed, I threw up my hands into the air. “We are not even in a relationship, for god's sake!” my jaw tightened. “So I can fuck or go out with any man I damn please!” Immediately the words left my mouth, I knew at once that I had chosen my words badly. Damien made no overt move, but his eyes went hard and dark. He began to walk towards me and I retreated in alarm, my pulse accelerating. He continued to stalk to my side untill he successfully backed me into a wall. He stopped in front of me and placed his hands on either sides of my head, caging me in. His head came down untill he was staring into my eyes. “That's where you've got it all wrong, bunny,” he murmured, his voice a low, velvety timbre sending jolts of arousal to my loins. “You are mine, you've always have been. Make no mistake about that.” **** Do I have a job that I love so much? Yes. Do I have a rude, grumpy boss that makes my blood boil and makes me plot ways to kill him and make it look like an accident? Abso-fucking-lutely! That was me untill one misaddressed email came to disrupt everything I have worked for. And then I had to do a favor for The Boss. My name is Cheryl Chastain and I am totally ???????.


Her Dirty Author

I might be young, but I know what I want in life: to be a published author. I always said I'd do whatever it takes, but when my agent sets me up to ghostwrite for a well known "romance" author, I'm hesitant. Not just because he's way older than me. Not just because he's the biggest jerk I've ever met. Not just because he's crazy good looking (and he is.) But because I've read his books... all of them. When he finds out he asks me for my favorite scene. It's a dangerous road to go down, these kind of dirty talks, because we're about to spend a LOT of time together working alone in his penthouse. At the rate things are heating up, though, we might not get any work done at all.

One-night stand

It Wasn't Meant To Be

Dr. Violet Carlot M.D is someone who would do just about anything for someone, be it the person who hurt her, married her, and cheated but she knew that everything was temporary and would too pass away. After being forced into a marriage with Reed Wilson, life is nothing but a turbulent adventure. Can they start from the ground up as friends knowing that Reed cheats right in front of her? Reed Wilson is the typical arrogant, cold, and distant billionaire. He doesn't understand Violet, they started from being "friends" despite being in marriage. However, he loves Melanie, his long-time girlfriend, he doesn't care about Violet but she has a strange way of opening doors even though they are closed. He cannot keep up with her kind nature and she cannot keep up with his reserved personality but he respects her. Love has a strange way of flowing in colored veins.


Taming His Dramatic Little Wife

Jonathan Gonzalez is a successful, driven man who has always put his career first. At 24 years old, he has no time for love and is content to focus on his work. Stefani Hernandez is a fiery, independent 18-year-old heiress who refuses to be tamed. When Jonathan and Stefani are suddenly engaged, they are anything but pleased. Stefani hates Jonathan and makes no effort to hide it, while Jonathan sees the arrangement as nothing more than a business deal. But as Jonathan gets to know the real Stefani, he finds himself falling for her despite her hot temper. As he goes above and beyond to protect and care for Stefani, Jonathan becomes determined to win her heart and tame his feisty bride-to-be. Will their love conquer their differences, or will their stubborn personalities tear them apart?



Mr.Stone is a great businessman. He is the CEO of Stone corporations in Mumbai. He earned this position with a lot of hard work. It is life for him. Actually, Mr.Stone is not his real name. He is not named like that after his company’s name. He is named like that after his personality. Ms.Pari is a loving and caring person who is kind to everyone. Being an only child, she is quite pampered by her parents. She always wants to be independent, so she starts to job hunt. It results in her moving to Mumbai, leaving her hometown. So, like we all know that melting stone is quite difficult. But is it?


unexpectedly Yours

(Continuation) "Do we look cool, Mommy?" It turned around and smiled broadly. I nodded adjusting the suit he was wearing. "Of course, baby." I fixed her hair a bit. "Better." Ika nito. Max encircled his arms on my waist possessively. He held both of my shoulders to force me to look at him. "You look beautiful." I smiled. "Thank you. You look so handsome." I said he nodded. "Mommy! Dada! Let's go!" We stepped in on Max's limousine. Nathan was playing truck-truckan as we headed to the date venue. There were vehicles following us with Max's staff. We were quiet the whole trip and I couldn’t understand why I was nervous. After an hour sitting on the limo, we finally arrived at our destination. I don't know where we're going. The driver just said we were here. I adjusted my father's clothes. Max came down first and the child opened the door for us. My eyes went wide when I saw a very beautiful cruise ship. It was different from what I saw before when Max brought us here. It’s bigger and more beautiful! It was a beautiful view of the lights scattered around and roses as we stood towards the inside of the ship. It also has a red carpet in the hallway and has stooped oversized men and maids. "Wowwww! That's nice!" Exclamation of our child. Max picked up Nathan and let us follow him inside. I was amazed at the beauty when I could finally see what was inside. It's triple the beauty on the outside! Wealth is shouting from every corner. There is a large chandelier in the middle and a small one on the side. It was a modern and majestic terrestrial cruise ship everyone dreamed of. The floor was made of glass that will make you feel afraid to break whenever you step your feet. The hallways look like a dancefloor where disney princesses used to dance with their princes. Theirs a lot of expensive paintings hanged in every wall. This whole ship was breathtaking! I wonder how does it look upstairs. "Suprised!" Max kissed me in the forehead. "Wow!" Nathan's voice was filled with amusement. Max put Nathan down and the son went for a walk. I just stood next to him and couldn’t move. I was so amazed at how beautiful it was. Max put his arm around me and whispered it in my ear. "Looks like our son is enjoying." He nodded with a smile on his face. I also smiled and we went to the child. "Nathan come here." Nathan turned to us and smiled. Max picked him up again. "Let's have dinner here, dada?" Max nodded. "Actually our dinner was in the upper deck. Come on, let's go." I felt the sudden movement of the ship so I was very close to Max. "Careful, Wife." I nodded. We ride on the elevator and he pressed the up button. We waited for almost two minutes before we arrive at our destination. I was amazed to see the dinner he prepared for us. One is your long table with so much food. The wind blew my hair and clothes. It's cold! "Wow! Lots of food!" Nathan exclaimed. He made us sit on the chairs. Even if the table is too long, we are just next to each other. There were many bodyguards surrounding the area. I also saw musicians playing soft music. There are many unfamiliar foods to me, especially the leafy ones. I laughed at my thought. "Why are you laughing?" "Ah nothing." Nathan giggled. "Mommy, Dada I'm hungry. Let's eat." Max and I nodded. We prayed first before eating. The fun was obvious on my son’s face while chewing food. He missed nothing but those who were unfamiliar with him. Someone's POV "The dinner started." He smirked as he put the sniping rifle on his arms. He fixed it temporarily and he took his place. We waited for them to arrive so we will be able to do our job. We need to kill Maximor Villano, Vienna and their son. But i asked our boss if we can kill Vienna and not Max. Because he would be in hell if something happened in her. I would not let them harm my Max. That's the reason why i joined them anyway! To protect Max from them. "Ready?" I smiled at him and nodded. He counted one to three before he pulled the trigger. There's no sound escape from the rifle. It was so smooth. I grinned. Finally the hindrance will lost it way. "Shit!" He cursed. "Why?" I'm confused question. "Start the engine of the car now!" Shout it out. My eyes widened and started the engine immediately. "Fuck! I missed!" Its bottom while tweaking itself. I saw Max's staff chasing us one after another. I was stunned. Oh no, we're doomed!


Hades Persephone

Don't come near me...-- she cried. Or what will you do? -- he raggedly said. I said don't come close to me...-- she again cried, tears are continuously coming through her eyes, but it was not seen by him, he was so much angry towards her. Rajshree, why you did this? Why? -- he cried and ran from there after picking her in his arms, she just cut her wrist in all this mess..., She didn't want to eat by him and that's why she took this step. Are you guys ready for the rollercoaster journey of Ardhansh and Rajshree? Will Ardhansh and Rajshree are meant to be together or live apart without each other?


TO Love Again

...Bruised by the past,unwilling to love again but then his love healed me... After going through three failed relationships that literally broke her,Dicey Hartley refuses to give another man a chance to come into her life and hurt her again so she locks herself and her heart in a shell..., "All I ever do is love but unfortunately I do not have a lot of people in my life who love me...." Samantha Blakes,a friend who is set on changing her mindset towards love arranges blind dates for her and she almost gives up..., "Daisy listen to me,love is real,it's out there waiting for you..." But then Mark Milan comes into the picture,his sole mission?To teach her the beautiful art of love and free her from the "prison"she had locked herself in. What Mark doesn't know is that her wounds go even deeper than she's letting on and she has an even bigger story to tell. "I know about your scars and bruises but if you will give me the chance I want to be the one to take away your hurt and your pain,I do not only promise to not be like the others but I will be better" The question is Will Dicey accept the love being offered to her?And will Mark succeed in his mission?And how will this story of a broken lady who believes she has no reason to believe in love and a determined gentleman who wants to give her every reason to believe in love end? no


The Billionaire's Wife

Aviena Carrinuevo, a famous celebrity. A star that always shines through the darkest night. The star that everyone likes but what happens when the star started to dim? When her career started to turn upside down because of one scandal, her sister slash manager made her marry the hot billionaire that has the power to control the industry she was in.



A corrupted billionaire. An all-bark-no-bite lover. A twisted serial killer on the loose. What could go wrong?


Love Me And Leave Me?

Yeah, Revenge is sweet, but mind you, To let it go is sweeter. What about a situation whereby avenging is impossible? * Mr May killed his Director due to a quick feeling of jealousy, an envy he lost will to hold off. The feeling of guilt ate him up after what he did, but there was nothing... Absolutely nothing he could do to bring the dead man back to life. Using that as an excuse, he decided to move on. After all, nobody knew he was the murderer. He then became the new Director and turned a new leaf and chapter, and was well known for assisting the needy and poor. Meanwhile, the murdered director's son was desperate to kill whosoever killed his dad, so much that he swore to himself on accomplishing that. Would he take revenge after finding out that the man who killed his Dad is the father of the girl he had fell in love with? Find out in this heart reeling story...


Cheers To My Beautiful

"I won't be able to decline no matter how ridiculous it is, a promise is a promise, and my vow is my honor. So, what is your first wish?" He took a deep breath and uttered the words, two simple words that changed everything. "Marry me." *** After losing everything to his stepbrother, all thanks to his girlfriend, Mordecai decides to end his life and misery, but on the verge of doing so, a mysterious girl saves him and gives him a reason to live. Mordecai holds on to her promise to find him in ten to twelve years' time and fulfil three wishes if he's more successful than her and makes better use of his life. 11 years later, Mordecai, the billionaire successor of his maternal grandfather, patiently and desperately wait for her to fulfil her promise, hoping she hasn't forgotten her promise. The beloved lady appeared as promise, shaking his regular life and changing the life of everyone around him, and drawing the attention of those who shouldn't be.


Mr. Huntington's Secret

Cejay Merryweather has resigned to be the marketing head of Huntington Inc. because of an incident that happened. Sebastian Huntington, a charismatic, egocentric, and ruthless businessman has offered her to be his personal assistant. Little did she know, upon agreeing to his offer, her life would be in danger once she starts deciphering her boss's secret. A secret no one should know but Cejay, with her curiosity got the best of her, will be the first one to find out.That is why curiosity kills the cat. Would you still dare to know Mr. Huntington's Secret?


The Billionaire's insatiable Desire

A story of a young lady named Irish Levine who has been through enough problems in her life to last her in a lifetime. She was desperately in need of job after she lost her Model Job. She applied for a job and was offered a nanny Job to the Billionaire's daughter. Ethan Harlow Was in need for a nanny for his 6 years old daughter Arin. Arin's Mother who as his ex-wife had dumped him for another man. Fortunately, Irish happened to be there when his daughter went into depression after being bullied in school, Irish was able to calm her down when no one can. The nanny and his daughter grow a very strong bond. What happened when they start having uncontrollable feelings for each other? Will his ex-wife allow them to be? Will they be able to look past their flaws and pasts?


Dragging By The CEO

"Hey? red cheeks? ahmm-" he said. "D-did Y-you just smile?" I said while still looking at him. He caught him off guard then in just a second he snapped then back again with the serious face. "A-ahm..." I cleared my throat trying to compose a sentence." Again were on earth are you taking me?" I ask in a more composed yet serious tone. "My house." he simply just said it. "W-what? Your what again?" I ask again hoping that I heard it wrong. "My house." he again said with a serious face then again grabbed my wrist pulling me closer to his car. He then opened his car."Now be a good girl and follow me! Hop in." He said with a sarcastic tone. "Why would I?" I said while raising my eyebrow and still standing refusing to hop in. "You leave me with no choice." he said with a poker face then he suddenly carried me to his car. "L-let go of me you-" I was about utter another word when he leaned forward so close to me that our lips were inches apart. "Be quite and be a good girl or else I will kiss you understand?" He said while still having an eye contact with me. I was left with no choice but to obey him. "Don't worry I won't bite you unless if you beg for it." He then gave me a cold stare.


Marrying A Devil CEO

I know this is stupid! Marry a man who is angry with you for heaven --- he is angry with your twin, and he thinks you are still your twin. Tsk! But I had to do this for Papa, Mama and Liza. When I saw my twin, I could just switch up with her. After all, Zehel is angry with her, she will suffer the anger of that man. We stretched me when I heard the wedding march inside the church. Hmmm. That seems to be the signal for me to shake my head when I regained consciousness and just ran away. But since I was not in court, I stepped into the church with the beautiful music of the bamboo organ. I need to realize being a Million Dollar Bride. What a waste of Papa's legacy. because I am an orphan, no one will bring me to the altar. Just myself. I didn’t even know the audience. They are big people, friends and business partners of Zehel in business. I do not care about them. I’m not the type of person who likes to socialize. Liza is the one who loves it, and as I keep saying ... I AM NOT LIZA.


Wesley's Heart

My name is Wesley Hawthorn. I’m a billionaire singularly focused on the success of my gaming business. Emotional stuff is dangerous. Sometimes you almost don’t survive. I’m happy with my bachelor life. Until my best friend gives me his daughter to raise… Until our live-in nanny starts to knock at doors I’m losing hope of keeping shut… Until they both make me – dare I say – feel and love again… Until someone dares to threaten it all.


My Beautiful Bride

Last night, I spent an erotic night with a stranger in a bar. I'm not a random woman. I did this because I was too sad yesterday. The boyfriend who had been in love with me for three years dumped me and flash-married a rich girl. Although I act as if nothing happened in front of my friends, I'm really sad. To ease my mood, I went to the bar alone and got drunk. Accidentally, ran into him. He is beyond attractive and incredibly sexy. As desire controlled my mind, I had one-night stand with him. When I decided to forget everything and move on, I found my one-night stand turn to be my new boss. A possessive guy.


My Husband's Mistress

"You are so rude! Are you really flirting in the office? Are you going to fool me again?" I screamed. "You." I faced my sister again. "I'm your sister, i aren't ? Why did you do that to my husband? How did you do this, SISTER?" I stress the word 'sister'. "My sister! You should be my sympathizer in these times. But what did you do? But where are you? You hurt me. And you're still hurting me, you animal." And I tweaked her again, I even pushed her. She didn't fight back. Nate tried to stop me but once he tried to stop me, I punched him hard and slapped him. "Don't try to stop me Nate, because if I did nothing at first but run and cry now I won't do something that will make me look miserable!" I exclaimed angrily. And my sister was tweaked again. "Please Elle it's okay." sHe was crying. I slapped her so hard that she leaned over. It cries. "That's enough? Are you kidding me?" I said sarcastically, I even faked a laugh. "I would be the one to tell you that. I would be the one to tell you THAT'S RIGHT BECAUSE I CAN'T. IT'S RIGHT BECAUSE I'M SICK. IT'S RIGHT BECAUSE I'M BROKEN. HOW LONG ARE YOU GOING TO FOOL ME? ACCEPT YOU. YOU ARE ANIMALS!" I still scream. And i was slapped her again and then pushed, causing her bag to fall and its contents scattered. "Kelly." Nate shouted and helped Kelly to her feet. Attention turned to a small rectangular object on the floor. My knees went soft while looking at it. I approached it and looked closely, it had two lines, which means 'positive'. My lips are trembling, but I managed to ask anyway. "D-Don't tell me........ ......Y-You're...... .....p-pregnant.......? .....w-with my h-h-husb-band?" Please tell me his not the father. Please somebody tell me. But my sister cried even louder. So he is? sHe isn't, right? He's not the father right? "E-Elle, I'm sorry. Sorry." She was crying. While uttering the word sorry. "Sorry? Do you think your sorry can take the pain away? Do you think your sorry can bring back my unscathed heart? Do you think your sorry can bring back the old times? Do you think so? SISTER. All the pain will go away Are you SORRY? Sister, it hurts. It hurts so much." And I seat on the floor. "It hurts, sister. And my dream of Nate telling me that he loves me was fulfilled by you. And now? My dream of having a complete family was destroyed by you. You two destroyed it. Is it also possible to have Is the child still yours? Sister, what about me? Is there anything left of me? Well, almost everything is yours, daddy, having a complete family, the man you love, and now the man I love? How about me? What's left of me? My father didn't accept me, my husband hit me, and now, even you are gone." I was crying out loud. And so he is. Nate remained silent. It's like he, himself doesn't know what to do. "Ahhh... The pain..." sister shouted while holding her stomach. I saw blood flowing on his thigh. "Kelly? Oh f*ck." Nate promised nervously. While I just looked in disbelief. I can't not move. I was still sitting on the floor, staring at them. Nate immediately called for help, and soon an ambulance arrived. Nate was about to follow them but I stopped him. "Nate, please stay." Even now Nate so I have a reason to stay by your side. But he just looked at me and I saw the tiredness in his eyes. "I need to follow her to the hospital. She's carrying my child Elle." He said his eyes were pleading. Am I too, Nathan. I'm bearing your child. I want to say it out loud but I don't want to make my child a way to stop him. If he really wants to stay. He will stay. He was about to leave, so I let out a word that I know whatever his decision is, it's either I'll leave or I'll stay. The decision is still with him. "Nate. If you're going to step outside of this room. Then just forget that you're married." He stopped for a while I even saw how he sighed deeply. "Please don't make it hard for me Elle. I'll be back here later. Promise." And the next thing he did was break my already broken heart. I smiled bitterly. He walked away. Leaving me here sitting on the cold floor alone. Along with no one. Fountains of tears were pouring.


Atypical love

Five families, intricate destinies. An infernal spiral ensues. Driving them even more. Everything is connected when you think about it. A brother would do anything to avenge his sister's honor. Even if it means committing the unthinkable, thus sacrificing his happiness with the woman he loves. A sister is capable of suffering in silence just to cover up her brother's misdeeds. And the family in all this? Isn't she supposed to have priority? Family-Honor-Love. In that order. Or not. Between lies, loves, revenge, regrets, our protagonists will come out of this adventure unscathed.

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