Five families, intricate destinies. An infernal spiral ensues. Driving them even more. Everything is connected when you ...
Five families, five different ways of perceiving the world, and so many ways of imagining true love. We make a whole movie of how to meet a soul mate, what love is, how we should live it day by day. Others do not even believe in this too banal concept that we call love. Too overrated for their tastes they say. They don't have enough room for such a thing. It's too abstract.
As Rihanna mentioned in her music "we found love" we can find love in the most desperate places. Whether it's true or not, only the future can tell. Amours atypiques shows us that we can find a soul mate when we least expect it, and that when it comes to love, there is no way to go.
This novel is based on stories from our daily lives. Facts experienced or heard that I had the pleasure of sharing with you. The main characters are exquisite and can take you on a journey through their stories, some more tumultuous than others. And also it is full of lessons told with humor. Lessons that will teach us either not to let go and to assert ourselves, or how to make the right choices for our lives. And the most important lesson, love is everywhere you look.
Young people today have little patience. They are only looking for convenience. As a result, it is enough to be faced with a very small obstacle in their relations for them to turn on each other. What they don't know, it seems to me, is that love is gentle, patient, wonderful... The greatest gift one can give or receive from another.
Love does not seek to destroy. On the contrary, it can heal a wounded and bruised heart. But despair, disgust, the fact of having waited too long are all love killers that can drive humans to so much baseness. The man to satisfy his pride and/or his ego is ready for anything. Even if it means missing out on your chance to be happy.
Fortunately, in the face of love there is no barrier that holds. You can always build a wall around yourself. However love will always find a way to pierce your heart of stone. When love comes, pride, pride and ego have no place.
Who said there was only one way to love? Who says we should all meet a soul mate the same way? Know that you do not buy love at the market with a user manual. True love is everywhere, in good measure. Just keep your eyes wide open. Dare to live it.
-The day when you will love me, I hope that I will love you again.
-Remember this: me Jamal B. BROWN you will love me so much that you will no longer know how to breathe without my presence in your life.
- Pretentious to boot. Chuips!
-Don't come and say that I didn't warn you the day it will happen. And it will happen.
-I saw you, I quickly noticed that you were stupid. However, I never thought it could be that bad. (Guffering) The good joke. What next?
-It's a promise I make to you, don't forget it.
-Yeah! Clear the floor for now, I'm suffocating. Go west.
-Remember my name my pretty Jamal B. BROWN.
-Yeah yeah! Go ahead, push yourself.